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Reminder about swaplifts, resolved swaplifts, and feedback

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If you think you've been swaplifted, and it's been one month or more, you should do two things:


1) Let the swap moderators (cupide430, grrrlennyl, Scylla, Silvertree, twistygirl) know. They have a list tracking reports of swaplifting. Letting the swap moderators know that you have been swaplifted is the only way that they will be added to the master list of reported swaplifts. Even if you leave feedback saying you have been swaplifted, unless you PM the swap moderators, it will not count against them.


As a result of people not doing this, there's at least one individual that has reached the three outstanding swap limit that hasn't had their ability to swap taken away because none of the people that left feedback stating they'd been swaplifted have reported it.


Please carbon copy the individual in the PM so they know that you have reported their outstanding swap.



2) Leave that person feedback. Be sure to include details in the comments section, such as "We finalized a swap on 10/19 for two catalog bottles. I sent my end on 10/21, and delivery confirmation says it got there on 10/26. I have PM'd them several times to make sure they've sent their side and gotten my bottles, but I haven't heard from them AND according to the message tracker, they haven't even read the message even though they've been to the forum several times since I sent my last message!". Leaving feedback will not only remind the individual again to send their items, but will let the community know that the individual has a long-outstanding swap.



If your reported swaplift gets resolved, you need to let the swap moderators know so we can update that individual's record and if you left feedback, you need to edit it to update it.

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Also, while you can leave feedback about swaps were arranged elsewhere, please be aware that we do not count swaplifts that were arranged at Lush, MUA, eBay, LJ, etc against anyone here, even when it is between forumites.


Only swaps (or sales/etc) arranged on the forum count towards banning from swaps for excessive swaplifts.

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this is just a reminder that you must contact a swap mod (me, scylla, twistygirl, or clephan) directly via PM and not use the report center if you think you've been swaplifted before leaving swap feedback to that effect.


in addition, you must wait 6 weeks for something to be considered a swaplift.



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Bumping because I just audited the feedback to compare the poor feedback/swaplift complaints against our official log, and noticed that several individuals have left feedback indicating that they'd been swaplifted by haven't contacted any of our swap moderators. This means that there are at least three individuals who should not have access to the swap forums, but currently do, and have been active in the last month.


The ONLY way to get swaplifters banned from the swaps forum is to make a report to the moderators by PMing them. When we get three swaplift reports, they are GONE until they have made good, and if they get an additional three reports, they are permanently gone. Leaving negative feedback does not get someone added to our log of swaplift reports.


When making a swaplift report to the swap moderators, you'll need to include the following information in your PM:

  • who,
  • what kind of transaction (swap/sale/purchase),
  • what was swapped/sold/purchases (both halves, if it was a swap),
  • when it was arranged,
  • when your portion was completed,
  • whether it was international/domestic,
  • documentation (PMs, posts), if you've got it - but not strictly necessary


We are starting to go through our old swaplift reports and add them to everyone's user notes as reminders, so that if you have an outstanding swap, you will be aware that it's been reported, so this won't sneak up on you -- not everyone that reports swaplifters to us leaves feedback.

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We have noticed that there are quite a few swaplift reports in the swap feedback system that aren't reported to our swap moderators. We have requested several times that if you leave swap feedback that indicates that you have been swaplifted that you also contact the swap moderators to let them know, so they can log the swaplift and, if necessary, inform me so I can ban the user from our swap forum. Our swap moderators are not in charge of the feedback system, just in administrating the forum, so they often are not aware that this is an issue.


Effective immediately, we will be issuing reminders (and, if necessary, warnings) to individuals who report swaplifts in feedback and NOT to the swap moderators.


Additionally, we have decided to notify users that they have had a swaplift report against them via the warning/reminder system. We are going through our old swaplift reports to add reminders, though it may be a slow process (I know that I've only done about a quarter of the individuals I'm supposed to cover). If you get a swaplift report, and it has been resolved or you don't know what they're talking about, please let one of the swap moderators know so we can verify and update the status of your report. Also, if you get a swaplift report and attempt to contact the person who has reported you and they do not respond, let the swap moderators know -- we will try to contact them off the forum for you.

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