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Posts posted by milo

  1. Pleasant creamy orange, and a touch of spices. This is too nice to be referenced by DT (I refuse to call him President or even Mr.) It smells like a Christmas type of orange to me, maybe stuffed with cloves. I'll enjoy the rest of the imp, but do not need any more.

  2. I have a small brown cat, that pretty much looks like the above cat, so this was a must try! Cedar at first, which reminds me of my hippie parents who had a cedar sauna. After a bit, the cardamon and what smells like vanilla and musk. I adore this, even though it kind of reminds me of Tombstone and Bast. I may spring for a bottle if layering Tombstone and Bast doesn't create this.

  3. I lovely tester in a forum purchase, so nice! This definitely smells like a circus. Nuts, caramel corn and cookies. There's something odd and perfumy in the background that doesn't really belong. This isn't my type of scent, but it's nice to try.

  4. Very sweet candy strawberry. Too sweet to be real, it's kind of what 10% real juice, only in perfume. That being said, it doesn't go funky on me like other lab strawberry blends I've tried. I like this, and will re-test to see if I need more. To me, I think it needs to be layered with something musky to make it more interesting.

  5. I remember trying this when I first got into bpal, and used up the imp very quickly. Not sure why I didn't go straight to bottle on this one....This one is pretty similar from what I remember. Warm evergreens and musk, sweet and spicy and smells like a walk in the woods eating a snickerdoodle. I would love my house to smell like this too, it really is more of an atmosphere blend to me, but I'm sure I'll use up the imp, and keep an eye out for a bottle.

  6. I really like the occasional 'dark' scent, and own a few. I had to try this, as I was getting kind of bored with the ones that I currently own. This one kind of reminds me a bit of Panther Moon, with some dark resins and something musky. Becomes powdery, which I like in a dark blend, it's like soft, evil baby powder. Glad I have a couple of decants to use when I'm in the mood for something dark. A little goes a long way here.

  7. I love amber, and I'm into resins right now, so this is a must try. :) Hard to describe this one. It's not sweet, per se, but I can detect the honey in the background along with what I'm guessing is the saffron. It is warm and unisex. I don't mind this, but I think it would do better for me as a room scent.

  8. The smoke scared me away from a full bottle, as I generally love (or at least like) the Laces. Right off, the beautiful incense lace feel about it, along with apple. I usually not an apple fan, but here it is quite nice, and adds a freshness to the blend. Apple fades, and we're left with a smoky incense, lace blend. I really like this, and may seek out more. This one is strong, and a little goes a long way, just a dab will do you.

  9. I've been waiting awhile to try this, and it was straight to bottle purchase. ZP is a "cool" vanilla, rather than a warm one. To me, it's kind of a cross between Pediophobia and fresh Mouses Long and Sad Tale. It's quite faint on me, but I also have a cold, so that may be a factor. Gentle, floral vanilla, and I can't wait to see how it ages.

  10. Very soft amber, with spices. It does have very low throw, and definitely close to the skin. I do hope that it becomes stronger with age. I love me some amber, and this blend is very promising. I will keep her.

  11. This is a luminous amber as described. It is slightly spicy and suits the character superbly. This is amazing now, and I can't wait until it has some age behind him. I too, was going to skip this fella, due to oude generally being a stomping bitch on me, but so glad I didn't based on reviews.

  12. I do like woody blends, I find them relaxing. This was a frimp from the Lab, thanks! Definitely rose here, and sandalwood. Sandalwood can be iffy on me, but here it is working. I really like this, and will probably use it from time to time. It is very classy, something I'm not as a rule, but I can work it on occasion:)


    eta: I'll have to find my decant of Eve OLLA, but from what I remember, this is very much like her.

  13. Pretty fresh and green berry blend. I was into berries several years ago, and am starting to enjoy strawberry scented perfumes, as long as they're not too young smelling. For some reason, some strawberry notes go waxy on me, like chapstick, and this one is veering into that territory. I'll see how the rest of the day goes, but I think i may be passing this one along.

  14. I have a super aged imp of the original, and I can say without a doubt that they are not the same. In the bottle, vanilla and not much else. Maybe a whisper of floral. On, gorgeous vanilla, leaning towards foody territory on me, and not much else. The original definitely has a dusty, floral vanilla quality. Old fashioned, but not old, like a crisp wedding dress with crinoline, airy and beautiful. I wonder if there was a batch variation, or maybe my bottles need to settle a bit. Not saying I don't like it, but it's not like the original. No dusty floral in the newer version. On me at least. Just a tad disappointed.

  15. This is probably the most mainstream oil that the Lab has put out, and I mean that in a good way. Lovely florals, musk, and citrus. Smells high end and like it should be on a fancy counter with mirrors and other pretty perfume bottles. Reminds me somewhat of Privilege, but I don't have any more to compare. Lovely, but not me.

  16. At first, Juicy Fruit gum and a touch of smoke. After a bit, faint clove and smoke and a weird 'plantiness'. I cannot get the juicy fruit out of my brain, and this is a fast fade, so not for me. The best clove scent the lab has put out, imho is Velvet Bandito, a delicious tobacco and clove that lasts. My chemistry may be doing odd things to this blend, though. I'm sure it's lovely on others.

  17. Something in this blend reminds me of Snake Oil, Mme Moriarty, Snake Charmer. I'll bet they share a common note in the incense portion. Yes, it is incensy, along with not a lot of floral, but a sweetness, which I'm guessing is the mum, and/or carnation. I quite like this, and will probably use up the imp, not sure if it's a love though, but I would definitely take more if it landed on my lap..

  18. This is sweet honey oude, as described. The honey sweetens up the resins, of the oude, which I find hard to wear on me sometimes. That being said, I do find that it's not my style, and a bit too much leaning on the masculine side. I do think that this would smell amazing on a guy, though.

  19. I really like these notes, and it does not disappoint. At first, cedar, then the iris comes out, though it smells more like violets to me, which is fine. after bit, the orange blossom. Gone within minutes, though, so it ultimately not for me.
