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Posts posted by milo

  1. Wow, this is pretty darned good! I get the vanilla, and it very well blended with everything else. I wouldn't even call this foody, but a cousin of foody if that makes sense. This is similar to Inez to me, but bolder and does not fade as Inez sometimes does on me. Will be hoarding the imp for sure!

  2. Woody, Incensey, medicinal. This has too much of a "bite" (maybe the wood?) for me right now, (lab fresh) but I can see the potential of it with a few months or a year. Reminds me a of Sherezade a bit, but with more spice.

  3. Midway Resurrected. I really like the smell of foody scents, but I don't particularly like wearing them. This definitely smells like a fair, so it does provoke fond memories and imagery. I get the sweet caramel and candy floss, fair donuts, all the stuff that's not good for you. I'm trying to drop 10 pounds right now, and it is actually helping with sugar cravings. So I normally wouldn't wear this, but it seems very comforting tonight, and if it replaces eating junk, it is definitely a winner!!

  4. Warm, cozy gingerbread spiced with nutmeg, clove and cinnamon.

    Well, it is cool enough today to wear this :D , but on the good side, I get to wear gingerbread poppet :P This is the most gorgeous, spicy ginger scent. My fave part, however is about an hour after application. It is this beautiful, indescribable scent, don't know what it is, but it is so sexy, warm. Kind of a snake oil effect, but not quite. Love this, and glad that I have a bottle.

  5. To me, this is a spicier, more cinnamon/cassia version of Gingerbread Poppet, which is a good thing, like a bolder, sexier cousin. It is not as foody, however, with more of a "kick", and kind of reminds me of Saw Scaled Viper, as well. I really get the ginger here, and I'm betting this only gets better with age.

  6. This is the only grindhouse lady that I like so far. I'm not much into clove, but I'm into everything else here, and it all balances so nicely that I can't really detect the individual notes. I definitely get the carnation and clove. Someone else said that this smells like Tramp, and tis true, but not for long, (thank goodness), maybe a cross between Chai and Tramp when dry. Love it, and will be getting a back-up.

  7. This is such a fresh, watery scent without being too aquatic. I guess it must be the bamboo. The snake oil is there, but everything else makes it smell different somehow. I really like this, very nice for hot weather. Makes me think of a jungle at night, cool, but very lush. A definite keeper!

  8. Well, I'm pleased to say that I've found my perfect violet scent! I find other violet's, such as Violet Ray, Bathos, and Bruised Violet Compound a little sharp and/or sour on me. The sweetness and vanilla balances this out nicely for me. I have a Violet Ice scrub from IOE that matches this perfectly, and I think I'll just have to get a back-up of this!

  9. I got the twins mainly for Faith. Hope is a surprise like, however, and I'm pleased to say that this is a rose scent that works for me. It does take about half an hour or so though before the sharpness wears off, and the most creamy sweet vanilla rose comes out.

  10. I can't say enought good things about the snakes. King Cobra is very slinky, sexy and reminicious of an aged snake oil to me. There is more of an edge, however which may be the copal and frankinscence? Quite similar to Temple Viper to me, but somewhate darker. This would be phenomenal on a guy, and I can't even imagine what it will be like aged. I'm considering another pit, I've yet to meet a snake I didn't like.

  11. I really quite like this. Like other reviewers, I think this is "hot sun" kind of fragrance. I absolutely adore heliotrope, I plant a lot on my deck and the fragrance really likes to come out on a hot summer evening. The amber and cedar seem to take an edge off the sweetness of the heliotrope, and the almond nicely rounds it off. The drydown to me is the beautiful, soft scent of the heliotrope.

  12. Well, this wasn't as nearly bad as expected. In fact, I really don't mind it too much though I definitely wouldn't wear it again, though as I only like to wear oils I love. I've sought after certain oils, gotten them, and really didn't like them at all, whereas this is probably a "C". Right away, I smell roses, and it dries down to a popular perfume that my daughter wears. Maybe Fantasy?? Anyways, I got her to smell it, and she does love it, so off it goes to her, or maybe I'll wait for Xmas and put it in her stocking. :P

  13. You can sure smell the apples wet, and on the skin for a brief while, but it quickly disappears. I smell an aquatic ozone, not unpleasant, but not me either. This reminds me of CK1, in a way, kind of unisex. I think this would be great on a guy. I was really looking forward to this, based on the reviews, but alas, it is not me.

  14. I thought I'd like this one, as I'm a big citrus fan, but alas, it is not to be. In the bottle, the lemon is there, as well as the incense and I'm not sure if I really like that combination. On their own, I love lemon, and incense goes great with some florals, as in MoM, but here it is not working for me. After 15 minutes or so, the florals come out to play and totally take over, even worse as it is the heady floral scent that I really dislike. Off to swaps.

  15. This is quite interesting. I've never smelled anything quite like GV before. The lotus blossom scared me, but I don't detect it at all. What I do detect is a beautiful, creamy amber vanilla balanced by something sharp, which I'm guessing is probably the teak. I really like this, and will probably enjoy the imp for special occasions.

  16. In the bottle, I didn't think I'd like this on. Smelled very fruity, like a blueberry crumble cake. Once on, it did not stay foody at all, I still smell blueberries but, not very sweet. An hour later, it has morphed into the most beautiful, creamy scent very reminiscent of an amped up Dana O'Shea with a slight musky kick. I also get a touch of vanilla and blueberries, but it all blends together very nicely so that it is hard to know exactly what it smells like. A very convincing win. :P

  17. Bottle DCCX, (is this 700?) I like this concept, because it forces you to try and pick out notes, but I'm stiil not very good at it! This is a musky, fruity and the mood I get is careless abandonment. You may not want to wear this to a party unless you were looking for *ahem* trouble! To me, this is a dark, fruity Smut, and will only get better with age. I was expecting to not like a CT, as I'm picky enough as it is, but I am glad to be proved wrong.
