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Posts posted by Leopard403

  1. Yep, it’s a dead ringer for the Marshmallow Snow bath oil they did a while back, with poofy sweetness layered onto slushy pine-pitch snow. It wants to label itself “minty,” but that is not quite right.

  2. Usually, blends with peach notes tend to be PEACH BLENDS *jazz hands* on me, but this is beautifully subtle. Perhaps a bit too subtle, as I really have to slather it on to get it to stay. I’d say the whole scent is “opalescent,” a little ethereal but not in an inaccessible way. I really think the simplicity of the wheat note gives it the sturdy back of working peasants but overall it’s bougie. It’s lovely.

  3. I agree with other reviewers: If I didn’t know that DL was in here, I don’t think my nose or brain would pick it up. There’s an ever-so-slight cologne-type note base note, and I think that is the leaves, but it is a good grounding point and not shrieking dryness as it often is on me. The other notes here are DIVINE. It’s like melty pistachio gelato (but not in a way that would make some idiot say “what smells like food?”) and I am HERE FOR IT. 

    I also discovered that it blooms beautifully on warm, damp skin fresh from a shower/bath. Holy mama this is pretty.

  4. So many other “book” scents can have sharp notes that are too woody or leather-like. None of that here! It’s very much that biblichor smell you get when you bury your face in the spine of an old book, really soft and organic, with the teeniest drop of sweet lavender. There’s a notable warmth to it, as well—like this paperback is so beloved it is always tucked into your pocket—which I think may be the “hoodie” note. 

  5. I almost didn’t try this because of that clove, but I’m glad I got over myself because this is lovely. I love rose, and I’m fairly confident that I’ve at least tested (if not hoarded) every lab rose scent over the years, and I am always so fascinated that each scent is so different! I can tell that there are multiple types of roses here, and they are all nicely grounded by a hint (a HINT!) of green and spice. It’s very well blended, and it sits close to the skin so it doesn’t scream ROSE! at passersby. It lasts too, even through a hot shower.

  6. So I just found (found! like a shiny nickel!) a bottle of TKO atmo in my guest room. Didn’t know I had it, can’t remember buying it, don’t order atmosphere sprays as a general rule. I’m convinced it’s supernatural.


    And really, holy crap, supernatural is the right word to describe the scent. I tried TKO perfume oil many years back and found it too sharp. While I am aware that my nose, my brain, and my tastes have changed over time, I’m convinced that because the medium here is different and it’s clearly aged a bit, this is just a better version of the scent. I arrived to BPAL convinced I didn’t like lavender and that scents containing that note all ended up the same. Clearly, I’ve learned something. With this bottle of TKO, sure, there’s that herbal punch, slightly astringent, but it’s not medicinal. There is something that helps it stay sweeter than that... almost like—dare I say it?—there is poofy marshmallow in there! Say whaaaaaaaat?


    It’s a strong scent, with a lot of throw—one spritz to my blanket filled up the room!—but this means I only need a little and so it will last. Also, it lingers: When I came home from work the next day, I could still smell it in the room.


    Who knew I had it? And who knew I would love it so??

  7. I didn’t know tulips had a scent until grad school, when I worked at a Wicks N Sticks in my spare time. Our biggest seller was Yankee Candles, and there was a tulip blend that was shockingly fragrant for such a simple little flower. Unfortunately that stuck with me, and while I love the smell I have to be wary of it because it often eats everything else. And yeah, it kinda does that here too. Hmph.

  8. It’s funny what the mind clings to. This blend goes on beautifully...and the there are several minutes of something unpleasant.* Things mellow out again into something very nice but I really suffered there for a bit. Bummer.

    *The something unpleasant:


    It was a cat-pee-and-wet-kitty-litter combo there for a bit. Not. Good.


  9. Oh dang. I like this. At first it’s all green grass on my skin, but then there is coconut that isn’t suntan lotion-y in the least but is probably made overt by that vanilla and amber base. I get maybe one quick whiff of sweet fig if I reeeeeally hunt for it, and at least to my nose any delicate orange blossom is eaten up by the rest. The name is perfect and precisely evocative. Might need to get more of this one.

  10. Looking at so many floral notes, I was shocked at how juicy this blend turned out to be when it hit my skin. Sadly, that gardenia and white amber quickly take over and this turns into soap. Finely milled expensive French soap, but still. I’ll keep wearing it until my decant is gone, but I don’t need a bottle.


    Update: OMG this is a morpher. I had to come back and edit because after a while the juicy note (the strawberry, I guess) comes back. Whaaaaaat?


    And now, several hours later, what is lingering smells like SJP Lovely, (which I once tramped all over NYC to find only to realize it wasn’t considered high market enough to be in any of the super-fancy stores and I ended up purchasing it in the Orlando airport. Also, a warning: Lovely and Elon Karanishiki do not appear to have ANYTHING in common note-wise, so don’t try to make sense of that, mmmkay?). So it has enough nostalgia to it that I might buy more after all.



  11. Holy crap, more people need to be talking about this. I was wary of the bergamot because it can be so overwhelming on my skin, and when I first applied this scent that’s all I got. But then a few minutes later I got the most gorgeous, juicy, fruity whiff of that unexpected blackberry. UMPFFFFF. SO GOOD. There’s something a bit creamy and wistful that helps center the berry, but oh yeah, those berries are the star. Great wear length on me, as well. Bottleworthy!

  12. Around here, people seem to feel very strongly about fig, and that’s the reason I bought this. Just to see...

    And now I get it. Give me ALL FIG ALL THE TIME. *swoon* There’s a whiff of cherry here when the scent is wet, but it’s gone quickly and I’m left with Deep Fig Perfection (new band name, I called it!).
