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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ladyjc

  1. ladyjc

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    Oh my!!! I love this scent! It starts out very tropical/beachy/suntan lotiony...which I love anyway and will totally wear as perfume....but then.... it turns into coconut macaroons......yummmmmmmm!!!! Very, very delicious...for anyone who likes the sweet/foody blends (like I do!)...you *must* try this...its awesome. One bottle is definitely NOT going to be enough for me!!!!! :lovestruck: What's funny is that I'm getting 2 different scents from this (one from each wrist)...on one wrist I'm getting mostly the coconut macaroon vibe (drool)...the other wrist smells more of the white chocolate and marshmallow...very sweet and white....doesn't matter...I love it all!!!!! :love!: ETA: my husband wanted me to note that he could smell me when he walked in the door (hello throw!) and he got a lot of coconut from this! Thank goodness he likes it!!
  2. ladyjc

    Brown Jenkin

    I just....don't even know where to begin with this one. First off, I'm kicking myself for being into BPAL for more than a year and just now getting around to trying Brown Jenkins. I wish this one would have been in my first imp pack. I adore a good sandalwood...and this one has to be the best I've ever had the pleasure to smell. It's just...perfect. I love sweet smells especially, and this one is Sweet, sandalwoody, just a little coconutty. I love this...it seriously just shot to...dare I say...my #1 BPAL spot? I rec'd my bottle (unsniffed) of this on Friday (4 days ago) and I have worn nothing but Brown Jenkins since it arrived. Seriously...that has never happened to me before. And what's funny is that yesterday I got a bit more incense than I did on Sat. and Sun. I can't wait to see how this ages....and I think I need many, many more bottles of this. Seriously, just...
  3. ladyjc


    I thought this had potential at first. I love sweet, cherry scents...which is what was wafting up to me from my wrist while the oil was drying. Very loud cherry cordial. Unfortunately, when I put my nose right up to it, I got a very dry dusty scent mingling with the cherry and clove. Very tart too. After drydown, I realized what was slapping me in the nose....it's a red fruit that doesn't agree with me. It's the same red fruit that's in Sugar Skull, Bloody Mary, and some others I can't recall right now. I wish I could pin down which fruit this is.... Into the swap bag goes this imp.
  4. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get patchouli from Snake Oil at all.... That being said...I doubt you'd get patch from: Western Diamondback Temple Viper King Cobra (those are my 3 faves at the moment). I'm sure others will have input though
  5. ladyjc

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Just wanted to note, this year's Harvest Moon smells like apple pie filling with lots of cinnamon. I love it!!
  6. ladyjc

    Harvest Moon 2008

    OK, *yum*!! This scent is what I wanted Samhain to smell like. When first applied, I got lots and lots of the perfect apple cider scent laced with spicy cinnamon EVER! Seriously, it smelled like when you're making the filling for apple pie...only with LOTS more cinnamon than normal. (love this part) Later, it just melds into the most evocative fall/autumn apple scent. Still with lots of spice and apple cider. I just love this....it really would make a most awesome room scent as well. This is autumn in a bottle to me. *drool* Long lasting too...I've had it on for over 4 hours and it stills smells great.
  7. How 'bout: Jester: huckleberry & red currant Aglaea: ambery, peachy musk Tamora: more peach Perilous Parlor: vanilla & pear March Hare: apricot & clove Carnal: fig! Bordello: plum! Cheshire Moon: guava, grapefruit, banyan fruit, etc. edited to take out Kumiho, now that I see you have it
  8. ladyjc


    :D :D This.... this is what I wanted Snake Charmer to smell like. So smooth and yum inducing. Marianne is very, very nice. I love red musk and patchouli and here they are definitely sweetened up by the currants, mimosa and lotus. I was worried about the orchid but I'm not getting a lot of "floral" out of this...so the orchid is either very nicely blended in or she just decided to behave herself for me. yay! Finally, a Grindhouse girl that works on me! I hope my (upcoming) bottle smells as good as this imp. And I really think aging will only make Marianne better! Can't wait!
  9. ladyjc

    The Illustrated Woman

    Are you serious? Am I the only person out there that gets just straight up SKIN.MUSK.OF.DOOM from the woman with all the tatoos?? I'm pretty heartbroken right now. I guess this confirms what I should have learned from Hexennacht. I canNOT do skin musk...especially if it's the first listed note In the bottle: perfumey skin musk Wet: perfumey skin musk dry: perfumey skin musk *washes arm with Dawn ultra* *cries*
  10. What about Death Cap? I haven't tried it, but I definitely want to. It gets really good reviews from the dirt-lovin camp.
  11. ladyjc

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I'm thinking you would like Tiki Queen. It's very sophisticated, sweet gardenia. It smells very tropical to me and very grown up. If you like gardenia at all (I'm not a floral person but I really like Tiki Queen)...get a bottle of Tiki Queen! hth!
  12. ladyjc

    Springtime scents

    Hanami smells just like Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific (in a good way!)...very nice for spring I think. Also, I couldn't do Dirty, but Green Phoenix is a fantastic clean scent!
  13. ladyjc


    I love when an oil sneaks up on you... Tried Intrigue for the first time yesterday and it immediately went on my "next order" list. In fact, I'm almost tempted not to wait for the next update to order a bottle. I just can't put into words the way this scent makes me feel. I just know that I love it It stays pretty much the same throughout the wet stage to dry down. Even hours later, it smells exactly like it does straight out of the imp....and it's gorgeous. Sweet fig balanced beautifully with dry, woody cedar. If you like sweet scents and you like cedar, I cannot recommend this enough. Some have compared it to Tombstone and I definitely agree with that comparison...but this works a tad better for me than Tombstone. I can't wait to try layering Intrigue with other scents that I want to sweeten up! Yum... tis love
  14. ladyjc

    Hony Mone

    I was beginning to think I was the only one this didn't work for, until I saw tartchef's post. This is a really pretty scent...and for jasmine lovers it would be awesome! Unfortunately for me the jasmine is just too "in my face" and headache inducing. Woes!
  15. ladyjc

    Gainful Employment

    Been meaning to review this oil for a while now... LOVE Gainful Employment! Not because of it's scent, but because it worked for me and my family! Story: DH has been in and out of work for about 5 years. It's been very difficult for him to find something that pays enough and that he enjoys. Somehow, we've been surviving (with me as a sahm). In December of 2006, we decided that I needed to go back to work as a teacher (something I was loathe to do). In Jan. I started my teaching position. In Feb. DH started a job that paid the bills but made him miserable. Over the summer, DH started sending out resumes and seriously looking for a new job. I really, really wanted him to find something that paid enough for me to stay home again. In July, I discovered BPAL and was immediately hooked and intrigued. I ordered Gainful Employment and Charisma (among other things). Every night for 2-3 weeks (during all the sets of interviews) I would annoint an orange candle with GE, just focusing on the best possible scenario for DH and the jobs. I'm brand new at oils/candles/rituals so I kind of just did my own thing. I annointed DH's chakras with Charisma for each interview. long story a little shorter: He got a job that now pays enough for me to stay home (Nov. 7th was my last day of teaching!)...and we'll actually be able to save some each month too! Best part? He loves his job! Thanks TAL! You literally saved my sanity and my life!!! Finding BPAL and TAL has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.
  16. ladyjc

    El Dia de los Reyes

    In the bottle: Chocolate Cake Batter On: Straight up chocolatey goodness! I'm not getting anything but CHOCOLATE! I'm really hoping that with a little aging I'll be able to pick out some of the other notes in this. As for right now, this has been pretty much just chocolate all day. Another thing: this stuff LASTS! I put it on at 7am today and it's just now starting to fade at 5:30pm!
  17. ladyjc


    My first review! I'm in LOVE with Bordello! I must buy a big bottle...and soon! This is just....lovely. I love sweet smells, so I was ecstatic when I caught a whiff of the imp. Once on, it really develops into a fuller bodied scent though. I keep smelling myself....and it's yummy! ETA: I can't wait to wear this in public!!