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Everything posted by Delirium1009

  1. Delirium1009

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    In bottle/imp: Very perfume-y and creamy. Immediately on skin: This is a creamy scent, but there’s other things going on as well. The teak is strong and rather perfume-y and sharp as opposed to smelling of wood. Lotus blossom is usually a very fruity bubble gum scent on me, and I can’t identify it at all here. The amber is present though, creating a golden feel. After a little while: This is a very perfume-y creamy blend with a nice warmth. It reminds me strongly of Haloes, but Haloes is sweeter and muskier than this one. This still seems to have some sharpness to it, but that only happens when I sniff close to the skin; from further away it’s a much smoother scent. There’s a very soft sweet warmth to this, but it’s deep and comes after the teak hits my nose. Overall Impressions: This is nice from further away because the scent that wafts from this is soft and warm and slightly perfume-y. Close to my skin though this is rather sharp from the teak. I like it, but it’s very similar to Haloes and I LOVE Haloes, so I’m not sure if I need a bottle of this one as well.
  2. Delirium1009

    The Flower Song

    In bottle/imp: Sweet, syrupy pomegranate wine. Immediately on skin: This is a very sweet pomegranate scent… but it’s not just pomegranate, it’s a wine/pomegranate mix, of course. There’s a very nice creamy undertone that gives the pomegranate wine a nice base. After a little while: Fruity, sweet pomegranate and wine. And by sweet, I mean candy-sweet. Like if they made pomegranate and wine candy, it would smell like this. Overall Impressions: This is a nice but very sweet pomegranate wine blend. There’s a little hint of the other notes at first, but when it settled on my skin it was just super sweet pomegranate and wine candy. I tend to amp sweet when it comes to fruit and wine together, so it might have more complexity on someone else.
  3. Delirium1009

    Ebisu Making Love As Two Octopuses Look On

    In bottle/imp: This smells like biting into a fresh nectarine while being sprayed with men’s cologne. Immediately on skin: This smells of fresh, juicy, tart nectarines and the unisex scent of oakmoss, which I usually associate with men’s cologne. This is probably the truest nectarine scent I’ve smelled… it’s tart and slightly sweet and just so juicy. The scent itself is clean and fresh with that lovely fruity bite. After a little while: This scent has settled and smoothed out a lot. The tart crispness has disappeared, and has been replaced by a light, fresh unisex fruity scent. It still smells of nectarine and oakmoss, but I’m guessing it’s the skin musk has really come out now and is what is turning this into a blend that sits closer to the skin. But it’s not really a musky blend. Overall Impressions: I really like the fresh, crisp fruitiness of this blend. At first I was delighted by how much it smelled like real nectarine, but as it settled it still stayed rather fruity. The way it hugs the skin when it’s been worn for a little while is very pretty. This is going to be a great warmer weather fragrance for me.
  4. Delirium1009

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    In bottle/imp: Sharp and clean, like salt water, and powdery ambergris. Immediately on skin: This is a very sharp scent. It’s very salty and definitely unisex right now. It’s a bit salty and very clean with an astringent feel and a cold grey amber undertone. I don’t really smell the mint, but I feel it… if that makes any sense. The grey amber is cold and slightly powdery. After a little while: The ambergris seems to have taken center stage … now this is a powdery, dry, cool musky scent with just a small bit of saltiness and a drizzling of honey. The honey is not strong, and doesn’t really do more than add a powdered sweetness to this (which is how the lab’s honey smells to me in most blends). This is a musky blend though now… it started rather sharp, but it’s gotten a lot smoother. Overall Impressions: I don’t particularly like grey amber, so I’m not a big fan of this blend. It definitely fits the picture though. It’s subtly sweet with a powdery, smooth, cold musk feel and a bit of an ocean breeze. The mint doesn’t really stand out in this one.
  5. Delirium1009

    Butterflies and Plovers

    In bottle/imp: Segments of sliced oranges lying in gritty dirt. Immediately on skin: As soon as this was on my skin, the citrus disappeared almost completely. There’s just a light breath of it that gives the blend a very fresh feel. In the front of this now is the violet, and the patchouli is lingering lightly in the background. After a little while: This seems to have blended quite a bit on my skin. I get a patchouli blend now with hints of sweet citrus and violet and then a little smokiness and warmth in the background. There’s also a hint of the almost smoky ylang ylang, which in this blend smells almost like very smoky jasmine to me, but it’s very light. Overall Impressions: I usually can’t stand patchouli, but the other notes temper it nicely. It’s a fresh, sweeter patchouli blend, with all of the other notes blending in lightly.
  6. Delirium1009

    A Farewell to False Love

    In bottle/imp: The feel of sharp lavender with a light breath of violet and white flowers. Immediately on skin: This primarily seems to be light lavender and violet, but there’s also something sweeter there and creamy. This isn’t screaming-loud lavender though; it’s very soft and blends nicely with the violet. After a little while: This has become a very sweet violet dominated scent, but I seem to do that with most violet blends. There’s still the smallest hint of lavender, as well as something slightly creamy, which I believe is the balsam of Peru and just a hint of narcissus/daffodil. There’s something slightly tangy in this, which I can’t really identify, but it’s the only thing really tempering the violet. Overall Impressions: This is a very violet dominated blend on me, and while I love violet, I need something else with it and this blend just isn’t different enough. There are hints of the other notes, but the sweet violet mostly dominates it. There’s a hint of something slightly tangy and almost herbal, but it’s light and I don’t know which note it is that smells like that.
  7. Delirium1009


    What set was that from? I can't find it anywhere, and search turns up nothing. It's one of the retail only salon scents. You should be able to get it from any of the authorized bpal retailers or you can look on the swaps forum here.
  8. Delirium1009

    The Spell of Amorous Love

    This is a very refreshing scent. It starts out a bit perfume-y and heavy on the sake with hints of plum and currant, but as I wear it it softens beautifully. After just a little while I'm left with a subtly sweet green tea, plum and cherry blossom scent with a hint of currants. It's very wearable, girly, and refreshing without being overly clean smelling or sweet. If you're a fan of the lab's green tea scents and enjoy subtle fruity floral blends, I'd definitely recommend this one.
  9. Delirium1009

    To Helen

    In bottle/imp: A tangy and almost creamy mix of ozone and beeswax… it’s very hard to describe. Immediately on skin: This is a very well blended scent… and hard to describe, but I’ll do my best! On my skin it smells like ozone plus something creamy but powdery and slightly warm that I think may be the white amber and beeswax. While I don’t know what opaline notes smell like, there’s definitely a cold musk feel to this, kind of like the mineral note in Black Opal. Which makes sense since they’re “opaline.” I also get a hint of moonflower, which is a note I almost feel in my nose more than smell. After a little while: On my skin right now, this almost smells like a mix of Black Opal and the Oval Portrait, but not quite as cool as either of them. It has a warm feel to it from the beeswax and amber, but there’s a cool muskiness from the opaline notes, ozone, and moonflower. There’s a cold, rocky quality to this, but also a creamy floral feel. The ozone is there, but it isn’t as high of a note as in other blends because of it blending with other notes here. Overall Impressions: This is a very interesting, complex, and deep blend. The notes all come out and blend together almost seamlessly, creating a scent that is cool and deep, but also warm, musky, and floral. The ozone gives this a crisp feel, while the opaline notes and moonflower add a blue feel to the blend. The white amber and beeswax make an almost warm and creamy base for the other notes.
  10. Delirium1009

    The Ragged Wood

    In bottle/imp: Juniper berry with a soft undercurrent of flowers. Immediately on skin: The juniper berry in this is strongest… I don’t think it’s the pine because it’s not as heavy or thick as pine usually is on me. There’s a softness underneath, a light breath of warm floral notes. I can’t really separate them from the pine because they’re blended in with it, but I sense some lily of the valley and a little smoky jasmine. There’s a hint of bergamot that makes the scent a little less feminine than I was expecting as well. After a little while: The juniper and pine note have faded and blended into the scent leaving a cool bergamot and pine blend with hints of flowers. The lily of the valley comes out in a very nice, clean manner, and there is just a hint of jasmine. As for the benzoin and vanilla, I can’t sense them at all. Overall Impressions: I was expecting something much different from this scent… something heavier on the florals and lighter on the juniper and pine. On me, this is a juniper dominated floral blend which morphs later to a cool cologne type scent that’s a mix of juniper, bergamot, and clean floral notes. It’s very refreshing and sticks close to the skin.
  11. Delirium1009


    Chanukkiyah has an interesting sweet bakery type scent, and maybe layering with Chimera would spice it up a bit.
  12. Delirium1009

    Old Moon

    This is a chilly pine blend on me... I was hoping for the berries to peek through, but on my skin it was just pine. There was something to it that added depth but it was cold and didn't add any sweetness to the blend.
  13. Delirium1009


    Scent wise, on me Lionheart is a very warm blend of amber and a touch of heliotrope. There's a soapiness or a creaminess to it that is comforting, but it's so much more than that. I find myself wanting to face the scary things in my life recently that are holding me back. I haven't used this for anything as serious yet, but when it came to braving some roller coasters I've never ridden before on a recent vacation, Lionheart really made me feel secure, brave, and gave me the nudge I needed. It didn't work every time (I guess if I'm tired and I don't really want to do something, not even Lionheart will do the trick!) but it really did make me feel braver and more confident in some slightly scary situations. Now, let's see if I can get over my fear of driving... ETA: Today was my first try at learning how to drive. I used Lionheart because I needed a LOT of courage even to get behind the wheel, which I've never done before. First, before I left I put a dot of both Lionheart and Determination on a white candle and tried to meditate and calm myself a little. Then I applied a mix of the two for my first lesson. The scent was not something I'd wear as a perfume, but it certainly made me feel more confident and ready to try. I'm not ready to go on the street yet, but Lionheart has definitely made me feel much more secure and confident about trying to learn.
  14. Delirium1009

    Love's Philosophy

    In the bottle, this is slightly playdoh-ish and spicy vanilla. On my skin at first, I get a nice warm vanilla with a hint of saffron, which on me at first smells a lot like cola. So for the first few minutes I smell like super Vanilla Coke This scent settles down on my skin rather quickly, and it develops into a very sweet, creamy vanilla scent with a warm spiciness. It's very soft and almost a fluffy scent; the warm feel I get from it is so comforting. It almost feels to me like Tombstone without the cedar, which is the one note I didn't love in that blend. It's a very sweet scent on me, but most of the lab's vanilla blends do that. Overall, I really love this one!
  15. Delirium1009

    When you need something comforting or cheering

    Nothing cheers me up like Selkie. It's such a fresh, lively scent. If I'm in a bad mood, I put that on and it just brightens my day. Dorian is what I go to when I need something comforting and cozy.
  16. Delirium1009


    On me, Nocturne is primarily lavender and rose with a hint of lemon or lemongrass. It's a nice soothing blend and puts me to sleep pretty quickly. I've used this two nights and the first night I just applied it to my wrists (both sides), chest, and neck. I slept very well and didn't dream much. The next night I applied as stated in the description (heart, soles of feet, pulse points, third eye, and temples) and got to sleep just as quickly. I slept very well through the night, but I had more vivid dreams than the night before. They weren't bad dreams, but they were detailed and I had a few. Unfortunately I couldn't really remember them after waking.
  17. Delirium1009


    I find that this oil really works for me. When I apply it, I get a rush of energy but not in a charged up way. I suddenly have focus and it improves my mood and increases my energy level. As for how it smells, it's very fizzy citrus at first. It seems like a mixture of lemon and orange (or maybe a touch of lime) with a lot of effervescence going on. After a little while on my skin, a nice warm amber note comes out. The citrus sticks around a bit, but the fizziness fades. This scent doesn't last more than maybe 3 hours on me, but I have no problem reapplying since it works so well. Edited later to add: I have stomach issues with stimulants like caffeine, and I really love that Energy wakes me up without giving me any stomach repercussions.
  18. Delirium1009

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I just bought a bottle exactly like that from another forumite and was told it's from 2005. ETA: Each year's Halloween blends have different labels, but all the blends from the same year look similar (or at least they did this year). I believe in 2006 there was a mostly black label with a witch on it, and this year there's a colorful background with a swirly black design and colored text (the background and text color is different for each scent). ETA 2: The grouped scents, like the Pumpkin Patch and Haunted House blends had their own sets of labels though. Those were different. I hope this isn't as confusing as it's seeming now that I'm reading it back!
  19. I found Victoria to be a very pretty and nicely balanced rose and lily scent with a nice touch of vanilla musk. If she likes those notes, she might enjoy it. I don't think it would be too mature of a scent for an 11 year old.
  20. Delirium1009


    When I first put Dorian on, it is a slightly musky tea scent with a hint of citrus and men's lavender cologne (from the fougere I'm guessing). As I wear it, the vanilla comes out beautifully and sweetens up the scent. Upon drydown, this scent is best described as vanilla earl grey tea with a hint of men's lavender cologne and a sexy, warm muskiness. This scent lasts for hours on me (I have some on I put on 5 hours ago that is still as fragrant as when I first applied it this morning), and is a very comforting scent. It's my favorite bpal scent for sure! It's a lovely, unique work of art
  21. Delirium1009

    TKO Massage Oil

    I love the lab's TKO perfume oil and since I moisturize nightly as well, I thought this would be a great way to combine the two. My husband massaged my shoulders, neck and upper arms with this a couple of nights ago. It smells exactly like the perfume oil: the lavender is a little sharp at first, but it calms down quickly to a lightly sweet and comfy marshmallow lavender scent. The massage oil rubs in easily and sinks in beautifully. After just a few minutes of massaging, my skin was moisturized but not greasy at all. I fell asleep quickly, just like when I use TKO perfume oil. A definite winner in my book!
  22. Delirium1009

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Spiked Punch was a scent put out during the recent Trick Or Treat Inquisition this past Halloween in the Trading Post. It smells like fizzy fruit punch to my nose... it's boozy at first, but that note disappears almost immediately on my skin. It might be hard to find, but you might luck out on Ebay or in Swaps. ETA: more info on the inquisition.
  23. Delirium1009

    Villainess and BPAL

    I haven't tried Pearl Diver, but I like Gloop with Marshmallow Poof and Sugar Buzz with Sugar Skull.
  24. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Tropical floral. Immediately on skin: This is a very complex floral… and it’s quite a bit fruity and very sweet. I looked up the first component, mai’a, to see what it smells like, and it’s a banana plant, but I don’t find a banana note in this at all. It’s very cool and tropical. After a few minutes: This is a very floral blend, but it’s quite refreshing. I can pick out the hibiscus and moon flower, and a slight warm spiciness from the ginger. The lab’s orchid always turns sweet on me, and this blend is no exception; but it’s subdued and gorgeous. Overall Impressions: Even though this blend is very floral, I find it to be rather cool and refreshing. It’s a very breezy scent, and the sweeter flowers like the orchids are balanced out by the cooler (what I call “bluer”) flowers like the hibiscus and moon flower. There’s a slight fruitiness, but it’s very subtle and nice. Overall, this is a great tropical smelling floral blend and it’s very bright, cool, and cheerful.
  25. Delirium1009

    Capricorn 2007

    In bottle/imp: Strong, sharp pine. Immediately on skin: This smells like the quintessential pine scent. It’s sharp and piney without any other notes. After a few minutes: This is pretty much all pine on me, like sticking your head in between the boughs of a pine tree and inhaling a scent of the needles, sap, and bark. It’s a chilly scent, and unisex in feel on me. Overall Impressions: If you enjoy pine scents, or are lusting after SN Pine, find yourself a bottle of this one. It’s strong and sharp and definitely unisex.