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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by n3m3sis42

  1. Thank you Nancy for the awesome crockpot carnitas recipe. So yummy!

  2. Thanks for adding me! :D

  3. That awkward moment when you spend days writing something and you're waiting for comments. Remind me why I do this again?

  4. The Internets made me want a peanut butter sammich!

  5. This is a historic moment. Max ate a veggie. It has cheese on top but hey.

  6. This is going to be an insane week, isn't it?

  7. This is kind of random, but if you're an Auburn University alum and can look up another alum for me, could you please PM me? It's about a red velvet cake recipe, so it's srs bzns.

  8. This is my favorite weather! Why can't it stay like this instead of getting all hot and gross?

  9. Time spent on actual go-live: 30 minutes. Time spent goofing off on my iPad afterward because I couldn't fall asleep: 2 hours. Time Max woke me up this morning: 5:50 am. I'm pretty sure he and Mike are both asleep now. I got less than 3.5 hours of sleep and am now up for the day. Zzzzzzz

  10. Today is October 7th. Why am I already receiving email advertisements that say "Countdown to Cyber Monday"?#justforthatiamnotbuyinganything

  11. Today, I made mini-meatloaves! Who says I can't cook?

  12. Um, is it normal that my toddler suddenly doesn't eat?!

  13. We took Max to a non-parent friend's house this afternoon and he had fun and didn't destroy anything. Well, he did play in the cat's water bowl but he was super happy the whole time until it was almost his bedtime and he got a little meltdown-y. It was so much fun! Thanks for having us over, Miles. :)

  14. What the hell is wrong with the writers of Private Practice? Totally crying.

  15. What's wrong with this picture? Baby sleeps through the night 3 days in a row. However, MOMMY only sleeps through the night one of those days because Daddy is on call. Argh. :-p

  16. When do molars stop hurting? Is it when all four points break through or does the middle have to be out as well? Max has two molars that are partially through. One is a top and one is a bottom, so I'm guessing we will be seeing their mates pretty soon, too. Ahhhh, teeth.

  17. While everyone else is complaining about the government, I'm going to talk about something even more important--soup!My son and I are both obsessed with soup. It is finally not a million degrees in Atlanta. Who wants to share some awesome (and hopefully easy) soup recipes with me?

  18. Wild Wing Cafe apparently thinks that a dozen means eleven wings. Oops.

  19. With regard to my last post (because I do not want to start anything), I'm not saying anything about people who use other methods than I do (such as CIO). I'm only talking about the ones who told me that my son would never learn to sleep on his own, would never stop nursing, etc, because of the methods *I* chose.

  20. Work is insane. My kid pooped on the floor. I think the bleach fumes from cleaning it up are giving me brain damage. This doesn't bode well for tomorrow's work day, does it?

  21. Yay for working at home and living down the street from an awesome, CHEAP car detail place. Thank you Mr. Detail Man for getting the Cheerios out of my car on my lunch break!
