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Posts posted by OxfordComma

  1. Neroli champagne! I'm not super keen on neroli, but this is actually really nice. Very much fresh fizzy/sparkly vibes. I wish some of the other notes came out more but this is a lovely springy-summery scent. It is fairly strong with good throw and lasting power on me. If only it were more rose + champagne, it would be perfect ♡

  2. Clean, luxe. Creamy ambergris with palo santo and juniper splashed on top. Sadly the throw is really low on me, even slathering I only occasionally get a whiff while going about my day. Longevity isn't bad, but I like a decent throw. 

  3. In the bottle, I get a really nice pithy grapefruit with a purple tinge to it. On skin this just starts getting sweeter and sweeter and sweeter. So, firstly, I'm an idiot. I read the notes and my brain was like "mimosa🥂" not "mimosa🌸" so color me very surprisedpikachumeme when it starts pulling this soft floral honey note and not fizzy champagne lollllll. SIGH. So. Recalibrated expectations in hand, this scent is somehow both a verdantly green and dark purple. The leafy notes, combined with the truly purple tart fruit vibe and the honey-mimosa make me think of elderberry syrup? Or something along those lines. On me it's a very sweet fruity-floral, the blue musk is hiding offstage. I'm on the fence on this one, but I'm not sure how much of that is because it's not what I was (completely wrongly) expecting from it.

  4. Man my skin did a number on this one. I'm not big on foodie scents, but I love lavender and I've been craving a bergamot scent so I tossed this in my cart. In the bottle I get a lavender buttercream vibe, but on me it's BUTTERCOOKIElavenderBUTTER. 🥲 Kinda makes me think when you try out a new cookie recipe but they turn out just flat little sad pancakes that are way too buttery but hey at least they didn't stick to the pan? With a little lavender and maybe a hint of creamy bergamot? But mostly butter, sweet buttery butter cookies. I'll hold on to it and give it another whirl or two for science. Menopause is terrorizing my perfume habit, so this might be a victim of that.

  5. Ooh! I'm gonna agree with pretty much everything stated above! The maple sap is sappy, not too sugary-sweet-syrupy. The cherry is dark and shiny, like a Dark Sweet. I would've guessed oak in here for the wood note, it reminds me vaguely of Alviss. As it dries, there's a sense of being in a room with loads of other people. You're at a party and there's trays of fancy sweets, and the scent of all the mingled colognes and perfumes are wafting in a subdued, non headache inducing way. A fancy shindig at the bawdy house. Decadent and lustrous is very apt. Throw is pretty solid, applying just to the crooks of my elbows, I can easily smell it just going about my day. Longevity is at least 6 hours on me.  

  6. I love all these notes so I was kinda surprised by how much I did not enjoy this. I've rarely described a scent as "cleaning product" but this.... smells exactly like a Seventh Generation all-natural all-purpose cleaner. Big essential oil citrus vibes. I would've guessed lime, if I'd blind sniffed this. A really pithy bitter lime, like the lime/lemon equivalent of bitter orange. Almost petitgrain, but not green? Can't speak to longevity cause I was not gonna keep it on longer than I needed to be sure it wasn't gonna do some bpal magic and drydown amaxingly. Mid throw though. 


    ETA: I forgot to say, the drydown is more cedary and smells like a citrus scented Wondercide. lol Might help keep bugs away, haven't tested that theory. 

  7. Huh. I had a completely different experience than the other reviews! I actually ordered this based on the reviews too so...*sad trombone*. In the bottle I get... faint lemony frankincense. Like....reeeeeaaaalllly light frank with a mist of woody lemon. On skin it's.... really light frankincense. And within 10 minutes it's gone entitely. No amber to be found. If this was like...10 times stronger, I'd love it. But as is, its kind of a none with left lemon situation. 


    Update: Tried it again because I'm stubborn. In bottle it smells like frankincense and lemon verbena. On skin it's about the same but still very quiet and the throw even while wet is about 2 inches. It may have lasted longer on my previous test than I thought, since I applied to my neck (as is my wont), but just couldn't smell it from that distance. It's nice but that nonexistent throw is not my jam. :(

  8. Oooh yea. Lemongrass for sure. Smells just like fresh lemongrass. A little sugared lemon edge, like Sticky Bat cranked to 11. Namaste Sticky Bat? This is awesome. I'm a lemon junkie and this might be one of my favorite lemons! 

  9. In the bottle and on wet, the beeswax is the star. As it dries the cherry blossom chypre + powder start a duet and move up to the fore. This is classic, elegant, and soft, but not muted. Throw is pretty solid for such a delicate scent. It smells like what Phryne Fisher might smell like after a bath, imported finery and luxe finishes. It smells cool but also like warm skin, which might be the white amber/chypre/rice powder combo. I think this will really shine in warm weather, giving a freshly showered vibe even on the grossest humid summer days.  If you like vintage makeup scents, this is definitely up your alley.

  10. Smells like warm cardamom rolls and freshly roasted chestnuts. No bready notes, but more the sugar and spice filling of the rolls. Spicy, warm, almost woody as cardamom sometimes pulls, backed by a 'round' nuttiness. Sweet spices without being the typical cinnamon bun or pumpkin spice scent.  I think the vanilla cashmere is just supporting everything and keeping it cozy. 

  11. I am a sucker for champagne notes, but not usually pumpkin spiceness. But I figured what the heck. Why not. At first sniff I said meh. I texted my friend that it was meh. And then 30 minutes later I said jk because somehow this just... works. It's fizzy, it's spicy, but it's not too either of those things. It's cozy but not heavy, which is great because "fall" in Florida is like 3 days long.  This is hot, humid, horrific fall-friendly. I don't get much sweetness from it, more just fizzy and spice without any pumpkin-ness. I, fortunately, do not get the cinnamon broom vibe, which is great because my husband hates those with a burning passion and I'd never be able to wear this around him lmao. It lasts remarkably well, and with good throw.  

  12. This really is just so, so pretty. Ethereal lavender-toned tobacco flower over a woody ambergris base. It smells fancy and expensive but in a 'yea I'm rich but I'm not a dick' kind of way. Effortless, chic, other words that mean things. Oud is a note I'm wary of but I will be on the look out for more white oud blends after this. That luxe woodiness is killing me it's so good. It's like the beautiful love child or Zorya P. and Air & Ether. In short, I love it. Very probably my favorite Yule this year. And if you think you might love it, it's most definitely worth a try. ♡

  13. Being a swamp person, my skin decided to crank the mushroom to 11 on me. This goes on as MUSHROOM with a splash of champagne and a whiff off green musk, and then becomes Mushroom Musk fairly quickly, where it stays for a few hours and then the Party Toad hops along to his next shindig, leaving only a faint musk hint behind. Throw starts out medium, dries to low and fades to skin. I wanted to love him because that label ♡, but alas, I do not love the musty mushroom (mustroom?). I was hoping for more champagne, but such is life.  One day I'll find my perfect toad perfume! 

  14. Sweet, fizzy champagne poured over twists of lemon peel and tart apple slices. The rose is a fruity kind that does somehow smell golden. This is so delicious and cheerful. Absolutely beautiful and I have no regrets on it. Agreed with the other reviews, this is gonna be a banger in summer. Solid throw too. I can smell it (applied one tiny drop on my wrist) easily while I'm working. 

  15. Maybe I'm becoming immune to red musk after testing Wooden Alchemical Lab but this is much less red musk on me. I definitely get it in the bottle, but on it quickly becomes a dry, earthy-patchy Gingerbread.  I get a little of the SO vibe in the background but this is hella gingerbread on me.  I think my skin amps those types of notes, because every gingerbread-adjacent scent I've ever tried always turns into Totally Not Evil Bakery Witch Living In a Gingerbread Cottage on me.  (No children were harmed in the making of this review.)

  16. Fresh bottle! This smells just like opening a package with loads of Imps in it. Red musk is definitely in there, kinda peeking in and out. It might stand out more to be because I'm not a huge fan of it lol but the overall effect is well, what I'd expect walking past BPAL would smell like. Musky, dry, hints of sweet musks. Nothing I could ID as snake oil or patch, but I think they're all kinda contributing to the ~BPAL Aura™~ Throw seems mid (excepting the red musk ofc 😅) but it's currently competing with To a Wreath which seems to be throwing stronk.


    ETA: Two weeks later this has settled into a surprise like for me. My experience now vibes with d_d's. It starts out very red/black sweetish musks (Streets of Detroit?) with a fizzy cola edge, then melds into the dry, almost musty realistic cardboard scent. After a bit it goes on a weird journey of sweet musks, mysterious clean notes,  and woody hints before settling into a distinctly Snake Oil sugared patch zone. It's very much out of my normal wheelhouse, at least until the end, but I find myself thinking about and reaching for it more then expected. Throw seems to have increased as well, but that might be the difference in weather. 
