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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ennikar

  1. Very sharp when fresh. The vetiver I get is more grassy, as it dries I get more of a smoke dimension but I think the green is still dominant. The black pepper is detectable, but strongest early and I'd probably consider it a complementary note. Overall, the impression is smokey, kicky, and grass-like. I do like it - it reminds me of the sort of scent you'd get in a ~natural~ deodorant or bath product. Feels like some sort of low-level forest fae, the sort that offers you a deal you absolutely shouldn't take.

  2. I don't have a lot of specifics about this one, though there's a few things I can pick out. There's a lovely soft gardenia opening, and the clove is detectable, before drying down in to a vaguely spicy-earthy-sweet floral haze. The thing is, though, that despite not getting a super strong impression, I really like it. It's comfortable. I put it on and feel like I could wear it every day. My partner commented that the drydown read to them as a 'disturbingly realistic pumpkin pie', and someone with a slightly more trained nose 'gets something green', both of which make sense with the notes and my own impressions - but, again, my strongest impression is just 'comfy'.

  3. Resting changed this one a lot - when the bottle was fresh, it was powerful patchouli and a bit of bourbon vanilla. Now, after sitting on the shelf for a few months, it's a lot less 'nasty' and more 'pleasant', and has been moved from the 'statement' shelf (Talvikuu, Woman as Dragon) to the 'femme' shelf (Rose Red, A-Rovin', Rabbit Moon). The patch still comes on strong when wet, but after a few minutes, relaxes in to the background, leaving sweet fig and vanilla in the foreground. I don't really get rose from the loukhoum, but in retrospect there's a touch of almond. Overall, it's sweet, vaguely fruity, and grounded - my partner commented that it seemed 'right' on me, despite being different from the atmospheric/woody/green scents I tend to wear (October, Fenris Wolf, Believe), which I'm taking as an endorsement.

  4. What a delicious dry-spicy-woody scent. Tried it at the same time as Fenris Wolf, and they've got a lot in common, though G has a lot more spice/bay rum (not really a boozy sort, at any stage, but spicy-focused) while FW dries in to a sweet-musky thing. The staying power is good and the throw standard for BPALs - very nice for your partner and maybe noticeable to anyone else paying attention, but not screaming. Resisted the urge to douse with it.

  5. Much more floral than I was expecting based on reviews, especially in the drydown - there was a hint of tannins and woods at the beginning, but the drydown is all melancholy florals. Perfectly nice ones, maybe a touch melancholy and supported by the other notes, but I got mostly dry rose and lilac.

  6. Lavender-centered, but not astringent or at all aggressive. The ambergris and amber appear to be mostly there for balance. What impressed me about this one was how it stayed true all the way through the drydown - the lavender was always center stage. Medium-to-low throw and decent longevity; what could be described as an "intimate" scent.
