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Everything posted by LavenderCoffee

  1. LavenderCoffee

    Batty Snake Oil

    I received my batty snek on 6th November, and I remember she was maaaad as hell about being confined in a box and transported across state lines. The leather came across more synthetic black than brown and made me nervous. However! Since then she's recovered from the shock quite nicely. I definitely get brown leather, and there's a slight animalic edge as it dries that really sets it apart from the sleeker Snake Skin - maybe a bit of a different musk in the mix. Takes a bit, maybe 20 mins, for the sweet vanilla to pop out, but the combined effect is intoxicating. This wears well for me now, but as with many SO blends, I think it will continue to improve.
  2. LavenderCoffee

    The Harvest Haunt

    Dang RoseThornAndOak really nails it with the dark carnival pumpkin vibe. I'm getting the same thing: vaguely sweet, a bit of popcorn, but also dark and sticky. Like hanging out with a pumpkin carny hitting a vape. Kinda dangerous.
  3. LavenderCoffee


    This is way nicer and subtler on me than I thought it would be. It's mostly brimstone and dark amber sitting on a nice leather chair, and not particularly spicy or leathery. Not even excessively smoky. Just kinda smoldering. Whew.
  4. LavenderCoffee

    Pumpkin Gas Can

    Is petrol meant to smell different than gasoline? freshly applied it does not smell like filling up the tank, imo - something more like paint thinner maybe. thar be fumes but not the fumes I seek! I do however get a nice scorchy sweet pumpkin as the fumes die down. smells great when it's dry.
  5. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Laves, Shortbread & Crystallized Ginger

    my skin just devours this. a sparkle of ginger on application disappearing into a memory of leaves and cookies. it's absolutely gorgeous but I'd have to slather it.
  6. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Pomegranate & Agarwood

    when I first tested this one it went a bit soapy, and now a week later it's mostly the same. I don't wear pomegranate well, however, so ymmv.
  7. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Chocolate & Toasted Hazelnut

    very chocolatey at first, but then the toasted hazelnut and the leaves pop out and it really gels together into its own scent. it arrives in a lovely warm autumnal spot, more like a favorite sweater than a candy bar.
  8. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Black Cherry & Incense Tar

    Goes on with a nice big hit of black cherry, but as it dries it does read more like cherry incense and less like fruity cherry. the incense note is really nice and I'm not getting a ton of dead leaves. pretty, quiet blend.
  9. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Marshmallow & Frankincense

    this is a fizzy frankincense, making me think of champagne. can't pick out the marshmallow until 10 minutes in, but it's a warm complement and not a foodie takeover. like a sparkling golden leaf floating past an open kitchen window. very nice.
  10. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Prune & Patchouli

    tested this yesterday from a decant that got to rest a couple days, and if I had been testing blind I would never have guessed it had any fruit in it at all! gonna check this out again after a week or so and see if I can find any prune. in the meantime however, the mild cologne-y element of the DL accord made the patchouli feel bit more refined, and the two notes balanced out really nicely - not too much of either. edited to add: on retest, there is some nice dark purple lurking in the background that adds dimension to the cologne-y feel of this blend. not one I would wear but I really appreciate the balance of it.
  11. LavenderCoffee

    Gingerbread, Vetiver, and Black Tea

    when I wear this, the tea is front and center in the wet phase. I found this surprising based on gingerbread and vetiver both being pretty bold scent notes. the vetiver does add a lovely smoky quality to the tea, and the gingerbread definitely adds more spice than sweetness, although there is a subtle sweetness in the background, and it's not an overwhelming amount of spice. this cozy dark tea is an unexpected fav.
  12. LavenderCoffee

    Sleepy Bat

    Oh this is so utterly perfect, I don't know what else to say. It's gorgeous, suede-soft, lavender-chamomile misted leatherrr. I am convinced I can smell the sunshine in this, and there's a slight sweetness to it!
  13. LavenderCoffee

    Bay Rum, Molasses, & Patchouli

    oh yeah. the tl;dr is SEXY COOKIE. ie., what if a cookie was a person, and what if they were also sexy as hell. imo the vibe is very similar to the yule blend Gingerbread and Leather (black leather, gingerbread, clove, and tobacco) - these two cookies might hang with the same crowd. I wasn't sure about the bay rum component, because sometimes it can be a bit overpowering, but here it's just right. and the molasses is not overly sweet either. I am gonna wear the hell out of this and my word, I would also love to smell it on the right someone.
  14. LavenderCoffee

    Hay Absolute, Cacao, & Cardamom

    gotta echo Vexelite, this is a sibling to the Vanilla Husk/Nutmeg/Hay trio. in that one I did not get much of the nutmeg, but here I get a pleasant dusting of the cardamom, along with a dusting of cacao (less prominent than the vanilla was in the predecessor). I definitely get a sturdy base of the hay note. a very cozy scent with great wear time.
  15. LavenderCoffee

    Rose Otto, Vetiver, & Blackcurrant

    I really like this combo, even though it's not quite what I expected - it's very subtle and delicate. I can see the pine association. The blackcurrant/rose aspect is somewhat fleeting but gorgeous, it lasts longer when worn under your shirt. on me, the drydown is mostly a soft vetiver, with a trace of rose if you hunt for it. overall a very low fuss low throw neutral scent.
  16. LavenderCoffee

    Recommendations for Liquor and Wine Scents

    I'm not usually a fan of wine scents and I'm neither here nor there on rum, but I absolutely love Centzon Totochtin which has both! and Miskatonic University is a classic BPAL, if you enjoy a spiked coffee note.
  17. LavenderCoffee

    Scent-a-day Challenges

    October 2023 (in progress) September 2023 January 2023 December 2022 October 2022 September 2022
  18. LavenderCoffee

    Congealed Blood & Oozing Viscera

    SNIFF IF YOU DARE! Freshly applied it is sharply medicinal, kinda metallic. Like antiseptic in a rusty medicine cabinet. A stinky band-aid. And somehow maybe that is just the congealed blood part - the viscera is lurking. Words like sebaceous and unctuous come to mind. Has a bit of something burnt to it almost? It becomes a wonderfully icky gross-out scent that you kinda want to keep huffing, and might be a perfect way to level up your gory costume and make it a multisensory experience.
  19. LavenderCoffee

    Grave Moss & Bone Splinters

    I said to myself, "self, you don't usually enjoy white sandalwood, and you are touch and go with moss, what are you doing here exactly?" but I wanted to smell the other two spooky duets for sure and I could not leave this one behind, so there we have it. and now I have it, and I've put some on, and it's really quite nice. plus I don't know for a fact that this is white sandalwood, but I know that is often a note used to represent nice dry bones. honestly it's much softer and snugglier than I was expecting, even though there is also a touch of the masc-leaning/cologne effect that was expected from the moss. I think my next project has to be to layer this one with Abelard, and Belladonna Berries with Heloise. and then switch those combos. and then layer the combos?! ...and descend into delightful layering madness.
  20. LavenderCoffee

    The Witches Have a Fire Again

    The smoldering and the pine pitch aspects hit first, and you think you're in for a bumpy ride, but they quickly settle down and allow the other notes to come out. I do get a bit of spice and oak, bit it's not spicy. It's oddly magical, this scent, like a fire in reverse: first the smoky, sharp intensity, then the familiar comfort of chopped wood, and then the sweetness of the sap. Not much throw - it's actually quite subtle - but still has a lot of personality. I keep coming back to sniff this one and touch it up, it's the prettiest pine pitch scent. Wasn't expecting it to be so lovely!
  21. LavenderCoffee

    Belladonna Berries & Mandrake Root

    OK, yes, in the bottle it does smell like poison but then you put it on and WOW that berry really pops! It's juicy and vivid, perfect purple lusciousness. As it dries, the berry becomes less prominent and balances out with the mandrake surprisingly well: there's a dark berry backdrop and the earthiness of the root. It's got a fresh simplicity to it, not much throw past the wet phase, and while there's nary a drop of sweetness to be found, I don't find it overly sour or sharp. I wanna try this in a locket.
  22. LavenderCoffee

    Elizabeth’s Imps

    I have a couple other BPALs with molasses, but this one has molasses front and center. Sticky, dark, rich, like burnt sugar but gooey, less buttery than caramel but still kinda caramelized. ...and then there's the amber, which is also sweet, but in a different way. At the end of a full day of wear I thought I smelled a bit like incense somehow, but better - it's not smoky, just... idk. Maybe something to do with the cinnamon bark. My skin didn't feel spicy wearing this and the cinnamon definitely adds some warmth to the scent, but at least on me it does not take over. This one stayed pretty true to my first impression: warm gooey molasses amber with a chunk of cinnamon bark drowning in it. Not quite a gourmand but still so yummy!
  23. LavenderCoffee

    He'd Been an Angel Once

    Wow, hey c'mon. There is no oudh! Yes, the initial poof of vetiver and brimstone might be a bit overpowering, but I came here to say this settles in quite nicely somewhere near What You Want and Being Happy Are Two Quite Different Things - but sans fruits and more on the masc side.
  24. LavenderCoffee

    Butterscotch and Blackbeetles

    this is it. dirty butterscotch is weirdly amazingly great.
  25. LavenderCoffee


    A Switch Witch Wish List ✨ BPAL Wishlist ✨ Etsy Wishlist (Etsy is maybe not the top wishlist to consider, but if you are bold enough to go for the fascinator, I would love to get it with the veil) A Switch Witch Questionnaire! Answers to in thread questions!