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Everything posted by LavenderCoffee

  1. LavenderCoffee

    From Whose Eyes As They Glance Flowed Love

    Whew, this one snuck up on me. I did not think it would be my jam, but it might be my favorite of the bunch. It wears so well! I keep getting whiffs of it throughout the day and smiling to myself. I would say you ought to enjoy rose to ride this ride, and certainly these notes wear differently for everyone, but I'm getting an effect that skews more to creamy than to powdery. It's soft, vibrant, and well-balanced - not too sweet. Old fashioned in a classy, timeless way, rather than stuffy or outdated.
  2. LavenderCoffee

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    I just acquired Bottle 557 (DLVII?) from Etsy. As others have mentioned, these were numbered with silver pen on a black label and it seems to have faded a lot over the years. I'm calling this one Sailor Dorian, as it is full of, but not dominated by, aquatic goodness. In the bottle this reads as a salty sea breeze, but freshly applied on my skin there is no salt. It waves in the direction of Irish Spring soap but never goes all the way there - I think this is due to how it has blended and aged alongside the Dorian notes. I've never smelled Dorian straight up, but there is a warm, sweetened vanilla tempering the light marine experience. It's definitely not one of the foreboding deep sea scents, and any strong resemblance to Irish Spring is gone after 10 minutes or so. Now I feel like I am smelling the captivating scent of Dorian sans sailor cap, and the sea is in the background. Ahoy!
  3. LavenderCoffee

    A Conscious Slumber

    Another morpher from the Sleeper collection, this one leads with lavender and rosemary and softens to a quiet dry bouquet. I didn't get as much cypress from this one as from the others.
  4. LavenderCoffee

    Forever With Unopened Eye

    This is a lovely morph from cypress up front, into the lab's signature grave soil, and then finally ending with soft lavender incense.
  5. LavenderCoffee

    I Am As Lyght As Byrde In Bowe

    Mostly sage, tonka, and champaca for me over the background chorus of notes, which did not turn out to be a very loud group. A fleeting flight for this hawk.
  6. LavenderCoffee

    Hazelnut, Red Amber, and Toasted Sandalwood

    Not sure if it's just one of the notes or the combination of them, but my skin chemistry seems to be adding a dirt note. I think that has happened previously with certain sandalwoods. It's a warm, lovely blend, but I will have to locket it if I want to wear it.
  7. LavenderCoffee

    Green Cardamom, Oakmoss, and Patchouli

    Agree that the moss/patch combo calls back to Stung by the Cock Tree. That one is pricklier (pardon) and spicier than this one, but both have admirable throw and weartime. A wonderful gender neutral option that skews towards traditionally masculine.
  8. LavenderCoffee

    Creating the World

    Scorched cedar, bergamot and vanilla husk are coming through most clearly for me in this one - agree that there is a lemony quality to it. Not getting much from the fruits or leather, and the oud in this is subtle, not stanky. Overall impression is that of a subtle natural cologne type scent.
  9. LavenderCoffee


    I used to be able to wear peach, and now it doesn't agree with my skin chemistry anymore. I was hoping it would not be as prominent in this blend, so I tried a decant, but alas, I am all funky peach amber moss. Would love to pick up anything burnt or smoky, but I'm not getting those bits.
  10. LavenderCoffee

    Come Unto These Yellow Sands

    Now that this is rested, I am getting more of the floral notes. At first it was just a lot of lavender and salt, now the lavender blends into the violet and lilac over the rose. I'm not sure where the sugar is, however. This is not a sweet scent, but it is strangely both high-pitched and bruised at the same time.
  11. LavenderCoffee

    Frog Moon 2022

    Green green green green green! Frog Moon is a beautiful burst of lush greenery. I am only picking out the green tea, pine moss and wasabi specifically, but there doesn't seem to be any one dominant note to my nose. It smells so alive you can almost hear a bullfrog in the background.
  12. LavenderCoffee

    Frogberry Moon

    This is a fun summery scent. It leads with berries and a drop of floral, but there is a bright, fresh spike of green and citrus punctuated through it. Agree with the callback to the mall scents (mallback?) although I might have placed it in the body shop and not bath and body.
  13. LavenderCoffee

    The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat

    This smells ancient in a wonderful way, very evocative of the artwork! The myrrh hits first and then the rest of the notes whoosh to life, as though you are stepping into the lovingly prepared resting place of the Egyptian cat. Softly sweetened and spiced resins - that terebinth! - all cozily entombed. It's quite comforting, and stays close to the skin.
  14. LavenderCoffee

    Black Goat Enjoying A Pink Flower

    The vetiver and carnation seem to anchor the blend in an earthy place. The goat is very chill and so are all these notes! There is a subtle creaminess from goat's milk, a subtle sweetness from honeycomb, and the peony is clearly identifiable but doesn't dominate. The vetiver and carnation are not stealing the show either, but both definitely hang out through the drydown. The overall effect I get is an enjoyable everyday musk type of scent with a lovely hint of floral. I wore it yesterday and caught whiffs of it all day long, but it doesn't have a big throw.
  15. LavenderCoffee

    Blacklight Reactive Wizard Poster

    In the bottle, the Wizard hints at more of a floral hemp scent, but on my skin it's a very soft hemp and incense.
  16. LavenderCoffee

    Blacklight Reactive Grim Reaper Poster

    Here's the dank one of the set, imo. Glossy black patchouli plus cannabis is a slam dunk. The dark musk and champaca petals give it a bit of softness, and the cedar and eucalyptus give it just a hint of a sharp edge. I'm not finding the leather or the charcoal on my skin, but I'm definitely hanging onto this one, so we'll see where it goes.
  17. LavenderCoffee

    Blacklight Reactive Clown Poster

    This is my favorite of the 420 posters, and I was confused comparing it to the Alice poster because I get something much closer to Knave of Hearts from this. The strawberry/sugar/rose is a delight, and the weed is a demure and pleasant complement. It doesn't have much longevity on my skin, but I haven't tested it in a locket yet.
  18. LavenderCoffee

    Blacklight Reactive Alice Poster

    This one had me at currant tarts, but I'm not getting any of the pastry aspect of the tart. The predominant notes for me are the roses, the tartness of the grapefruit, and the opium, with a backdrop of currants and a touch of spice. I'm surprised at how nice and not especially dank it is - very easy to wear. I definitely want to hide it in a drawer and come back to it in Winter to see what develops.
  19. LavenderCoffee

    Blacklight Reactive Wolf Poster

    Wolf poster on me is more wearable and subtle than I thought it would be, based on the description. I would consider it unisex/masc leaning, something you might smell when going in for a hug from someone with good hygeine and a good dealer. There is something weirdly clean about it, but I wouldn't call it soapy.
  20. LavenderCoffee

    Traveling with BPAL

    I flew to LA in June and no one even asked me to take my liquids baggie out of my carryon, so hopefully it's nbd? Plus perfume sample vials are more recognizable/less conspicuous than the 5ml bottles.
  21. LavenderCoffee

    Gingerbread and Rose Incense

    A bit of Christmas in July finding out I like this scent so much! It goes on with soft sweet gingerbread and a bit of rose. Smells like red rose to me, but only about 1/4 the intensity of Peacock Queen. It's also like burning an incense stick or cone, in that the incense aspect of the scent builds over time. Gingerbread gives way to spiced rose, which gives way to gently spiced rose incense. The latter phase of this scent feels delightfully goth to me. Happy to have this in my gingerbread bottle stash.
  22. LavenderCoffee

    Seven Word Story: Sloth

    Hello I love the banana sloth! In the bottle and freshly applied, this is a gorgeous ripe banana. Wearing this on my wrist, the banana disappears rather quickly, then there is a stunnnning cacao/tobacco/vetiver phase, and finally the vetiver is the last note standing. Wearing this under my clothes, the intensity of the banana fades without disappearing completely, allowing all the notes to smush together in that stunning phase I mentioned before. (This is a tremendous armpit smell!) I haven't tried this in my locket yet, but I'm sure I'll get around to that ...eventually.
  23. LavenderCoffee

    White Rose

    White Rose has a gorgeous light clean floral scent. It leaves my skin smelling freshly soaped, but not excessively soapy or powdery. Perfect for calming and comforting.
  24. LavenderCoffee

    Honey Rose v45

    Four years on and we still need every reminder of kindness and compassion we can get! I was excited for so many of these components, especially rosehips/jasmine/honey/beeswax, but I'm getting a coconut oil blanket thrown over everything scent-wise. This does not have much throw for me, though, so it will be easy to dab a bit on my sternum or wear in a locket as a booster against despair.
  25. LavenderCoffee

    Cherry Sugar Cookie

    Ohhh boy I dig this one. Just obtained from the lab's Etsy store. This does smell more like pie/pastry than cookie to me, but I love a pastry scent note. Freshly applied, there is a bit of spice competing with the cherry, but it fades from prominence quickly. The cherry sticks around for a couple hours, and I still get whiffs of pastry for a few hours after that.