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Posts posted by fairybites

  1. This really confused me. First the first few minutes, this smelled just like espresso! I've tried Smut before so I know it wasn't from that. Eventually, it dissipated and I was left with Smut plus some extra sugar. I didn't get candy corn from this at all.


    Weird, but still good if you are a fan of Smut and coffee! If I didn't already have a few coffee blends, I'd be tempted to upgrade to a bottle. But since the coffee note didn't last terribly long and it wasn't all that different from Smut once dry, I'll just keep my regular Smut bottle for now. It also fades pretty quickly, within just a few hours in my case.

  2. Disappointing. I got none of the other notes besides tobacco and frankincense. I was hoping once it dried down, I might get some of the caramel or sandalwood at least. But nope. I'm sure this is a great fit for someone out there, especially if you adore tobacco, but for me this wasn't what I was expecting. Glad to have tried it though, but definitely no bottle upgrade for me.

  3. This just smells like a generic cologne to me with some herbs, nice but not terribly exciting. I was really looking forward to some of the foodie notes such as caramel and raisins, but none of that has shown up for me in the hours that I have tested it out today. 


    Regardless, it is a nice clean scent but not something I would gravitate towards. Definitely try and pick this up if you love cologne and herbal scents, I'm sure this would be a better fit for you than for me! 

  4. Starts off as very sweet cookies and dust. The leather darkens it as it dries, but it's not overpowering the other notes. Lavender comes out after leather fades some, but it is very faint. So on me, it's mostly cookie dust and leather. Not sure what type of cookies this is, my first guess was chocolate chip since I had previously tried Baby's First Chainsaw. But I think it's closer to sugar cookies than anything.


    Not sure yet if this will see a bottle upgrade. I was hoping for more lavender since that and the cookie notes were the main reasons I sought out a decant. But this is still lovely and I'm glad the leather wasn't too harsh in this like it can be in some oils I've tried. So if you are interested in this but the leather note is scaring you off, I say go for this regardless! On me, the leather just added some depth and didn't overshadow anything except maybe the lavender.

  5. Snake Oil was barely present at all for me in this blend, but I still enjoyed it. It was mostly a powdery, waxy cherry note with the tiniest bit of spice. 


    I would pass on this if you are wanting the wax vampire teeth note to not be as strong as Snake Oil. I have a similar BPAL to this so I doubt this decant will be upgraded to a bottle. But if you really like cherry, this could still be good if you don't mind the powder and wax notes that are also present.

  6. Thankful I have a partial imp of this to test, but I know already that I have to start a bottle hunt. I love carnival themed scents the most and this definitely does not disappoint.


    On me, it's faint apples and funnel cake with a hint of popcorn. Some vanilla comes through when dry. This is just beautiful and a perfect blend of carnival foods.


    I expected it, but the wear and throw are pretty disappointing. I've heard this fares a lot better in lockets.

  7. This is the best chocolate perfume I've tried from BPAL yet! The milk chocolate doesn't overpower Smut at all and they work wonderfully together. Even once it dries down and the chocolate mellows out a bit, this is still a really great blend. Throw is pretty good on this too and so is the wear length.


    As much as I like this, I'm not going to upgrade this decant to a bottle. Chocolate is probably my least favorite gourmand note, weird enough since I love to eat it. Since I have Smut already, I'd rather just wear that on its own than add chocolate to it. Glad I've tried this though, and I wouldn't overlook this if you adore Smut and chocolate! 

  8. Review for the 2011 version.


    I already have a decant of the Pumpkin Latte Hair Gloss and really enjoyed it, so once I found out there was a perfume oil as well, I was eager to try it out. It's a very sweet coffee scent, but weirdly enough I'm not getting any pumpkin. Basically every other note is present in this, especially the espresso, cinnamon and vanilla bean. Throw is kind of low on this, but the wear time is pretty good at least! I may try out a newer year version to see if the pumpkin is more prominent in it.


    If you have the hair gloss, this makes a great compliment for it. However, they smell pretty different to me. The hair gloss has more pumpkin and the overall scent is stronger, while the perfume oil has no pumpkin to me and is faint.

  9. The dead leaves note is the strongest, but when it settles the donuts come out more. It's still not sweet enough for my personal taste, but I really like the dead leaves note in this!


    My only issue is that the donut note is not as strong as I had hoped. I was hoping it would be the same strength as the dead leaves. But this is still nice, however I would pass this up if you are wanting a super donut atmospheric spray.

  10. Milk chocolate is the strongest note, it almost overpowers the honey cream. The honey part is hard to pick out for me, so it's mostly chocolate and cream. When it's dry, it turns a little powdery, probably from the honey I'm guessing? It also turns a little bit waxy on me as well, but it's not enough for me to dislike it. 


    It's pretty good, but I want to try more BPAL chocolate blends before I decide to get a bottle of this. Especially since there's barely any honey in here for me. Throw and wear time are pretty good though, which is a bonus!

  11. When wet, the cookie note is the strongest. But with drying that note fades quickly and I'm left with caramel and baked apples. Also have to agree with others that it can lean waxy at times, but I don't think it's that bad.


    The throw, however, is abysmal, and I wouldn't get a bottle for that reason. I enjoy this, but I was expecting some better performance and for the cookie note to not fade within mere minutes. Apple lovers though, this could be a great fit to your collection!

  12. I like this, but I would suggest not going into this expecting sugary sweet donuts. The maple and pumpkin notes are way stronger than the donut. It's still really good, and because the donut note isn't as strong I could see this working well for people who are wanting to try gourmand hair glosses without smelling like a donut shop. The cinnamon almost reminds me of dead leaves for some reason, maybe there's something else in here that makes it smell similar.


    I'm not picking up on any floral notes that other reviews are mentioning, I guess any of those notes faded away with aging. This would be a perfect compliment to any pumpkin oils and is a great fit for autumn.

  13. My decant is from 2008.


    I love this! Sugary iris and orange blossom heaven. The cream and carnation don't jump out to me much. Really the only downsides are low throw and the fact that two notes out of four appear the most on my skin. 


    It's definitely not a foodie scent if the sugared cream note is scaring anyone off, I'd say this would work better for floral lovers. 


    This has me wanting to try more blends that include iris. I wonder if the newest Zarita has the same notes or if it is completely different. Would like a bottle of this one day!

  14. This is interesting. The rice milk was drowned out by the cocoa and teakwood, and Snake Oil itself didn't last very long on me, maybe an hour? If this didn't have Snake Oil, I might have liked it better. But since I knew it had that in it, I was expecting more of it to show up on me, and I definitely wasn't expecting it to fade as fast as it did.


    I'd still try this out if you really love Snake Oil. I'm unsure of the age of my partial decant, but this could fare better if it's newer or something. Definitely great for chocolate lovers, this is the first BPAL I have tried with chocolate in it and it is wonderful!

  15. Pretty sure my imp is fresh, so this review is for the unaged version.


    All I can say is wow, Snake Oil lives up to it's reputation! This is beautiful. Ar first the spices overwhelm all the other notes, but with some drying the vanilla becomes more prominent. It also has a slightly powdery note on me. This is one of those oils where it's hard to take your wrist away from your nose, it just smells so lovely!


    Absolutely need a bottle of this, and now that I've tried the original I'm looking forward to trying the many Snake Oil varients.

  16. I loooove the bubblegum note I've tried from BPAL so far (Courtney and Jailbait), and this is no exception! This is basically a combination of strawberry and cinnamon bubble gum on me. Slight mint note as well, but on me the bubblegum notes overpowers it considerably. With more drying, the strawberry note gets covered up and it's now a cinnamon bubblegum scent! 


    I don't know if cinnamon is a true note in here, that's just what this smells like to me. But I'd still advise caution to anyone who has a sensitivity to it and is interested in this perfume. It could just be my body chemistry morphing some other note or whatever.


    I already have bottles of Courtney and Jailbait, do I really need a third bubblegum scent in a big bottle? Yes. 

  17. 100% bought this for the name, I mean who wouldn't want to smell like embalming fluid? But wow, this is so much nicer than I expected and may get a bottle upgrade with more testing.


    Starts off heavy aloe, but the tea note and lemon are more present with drying. It's a clean scent, like a little bit of aftershave but softer. Plus the slight bit of citrus from the lemon, but this doesn't turn powdery or chemically on me.


    Only downside? It does not last terribly long, literally within 10 minutes of applying I can tell the scent is fading some. Not completely gone, but the lemon disappears almost completely. Tea and aloe are the most prominent for the rest of the time it's on my skin. And with the lemon barely hanging on, the scent turns slightly minty.

  18. Gomorrah to me is a very heavy fig scent with not much else; the herbal notes are the second most prominent scent but they get drowned out easily on me. I tried Cannibal Lady Macbeth from the 2020 Liliths before this one and this reminds me of it a lot, but it's way less strong. Maybe due to the age of my imp?


    I don't hate fig, but I don't think I will find myself reaching for this often.

  19. This is a heavy cake and vanilla scent when wet, some sweetness from the currants begin to come out once dried down. It literally smells like I put icing and syrup on my wrists instead of perfume oil. 


    Probably the best from the Mad Tea Party collection that I have tried so far. The throw is pretty good too and with good wear time, definitely another reason to look for a bottle in the future! If you haven't tried many MTP scents, you have to try this one after Alice!

  20. I was really looking forward to trying this since I grew up on the Addams Family show and was born on a Wednesday. At first sniff, this does match the description perfectly about being a kid's interpretation of a gothy perfume. The clove and patchouli were the most dominant on me with a tiny little bit of rose showing through after drying. I sadly didn't get any black cherry notes or the cacao.


    This would have been a bottle purchase if the wear time was better. Only a couple hours on me :(. But if you don't mind that, this could be a great scent if you love patchouli and clove and don't mind that there is little to no sweetness.

  21. This is an amazing hair gloss! The dead leaves notes doesn't overpower the kettle corn or vice versa. Lasts for a good bit too, the dead leaves note is the first to fade with the kettle corn staying around longer.


    If you adore carnival or circus themed scents like I do, try and get this if you can! I'm sure this will pair wonderfully with Mouse Circus, Midway, or even the Cranberries and Popcorn Winter 2020 perfume oil among others.

  22. This took me by surprise. Initially it smelled like some fruit punch, but with some drying it has turned a slightly powdery fruity floral. Barely getting any spices from this, but it is there and may be more prominent on someone else with different body chemistry.


    A very citrus scent with oleander is what appears the most on me. Really digging this, maybe enough to get a bottle, but that won't be for some time.

  23. This is nicer than I thought it would be. It's kind of hard to describe the scent though. It's somewhat a clean smell, but there's this smokey note to it (not incense). It's also a little bit fruity but I can't quite place my finger on what note it is since the smoke is more present on me. I want to say some type of berries? And there's also a little bit floral too in the background.


    It's intriguing and gets sweeter over time on me. But I think this does work best if it's layered with something else. For example, Rattlecans and Sliders from the 2020 Lilith release this year. It has this note along with soft serve strawberry ice cream. I'm sure this would work well with other sweet oils to give it a bit of depth.


    Loving this decant, may get a bottle!

  24. Not sure how I feel about this. I immediately get the apricot and some powder when it's wet, but the lemon sugar and coconut come out slightly when dried. Vetiver was turning me off initially, but it mellowed out the longer it dried.


    I think this is a good scent, but personally I can't see myself gravitating towards this. It's just not sweet enough for me. Glad I tried it at least and just settled with a decant.

  25. I'm getting a ton of goat's milk and honey in this, it's very faint and slightly powdery as well. I want to say there is peach in here (the nectar probably), but it's hard to tell since honey is the more dominant note. It gets sweeter and sweeter the more it dries down, I'm guessing on me it's due to the honey. 


    This is a very sweet blend, however I'm not a fan of the lower than usual throw. Could be useful for layering, but on its own I'm not a huge fan. Will keep this decant for the time being!
