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BPAL Madness!

Laughing Seagull

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Posts posted by Laughing Seagull

  1. In the vial and wet on the skin, this SCREAMS bubblegum.  The pinkest, bubblegummiest bubblegum ever.  I thought lotus smelled like bubblegum, but wet High-Strung Daisies is the ULTIMATE bubblegum.


    Though it retains a slight sweetness after drying, the peppercorn really jumps out to make this...  Strangely savory-foodie.  Maybe my skin amps peppercorns?  I swear I've eaten barbecued turkey that smelled exactly like this.  It remains barbecued turkey for several hours with no changes.


    This was worth trying if only because of how absolutely bizarre it turned out on my skin.  Lasts quite a long time too, but I don't know how long or how often I want to smell like 🦃

  2. Whitechapel concerns me because either lilac or wisteria made my allergies go nutz when I tried Les Fleurs, but otherwise it sounds perfect - I loved the lime in Croquet.  Vasilissa is the ONE sandalwood-containing scent that didn't go all pencil-shavings on me, and I love her for that.


    Aizen-myoo and Embalming Fluid sound :yum:


    In addition to all the stuff I listed above, I've also got Fae, Hecate, The Lights of Men's Lives, The Tavern of Hell, Nyarlahotep, Vice, and The Sea Foams Blood on the way from a forum sale.  I was reluctant on Fae since I hate oakmoss, but the price was right.


    23 minutes ago, VetchVesper said:

    The descriptors often do matter, and you may like brown leather but not black leather.  Or you may find you like white patchouli, but not red patchouli.


    Ahh, so complicated - but I guess the diversity of things available is part of the fun, after all.

  3. Thank you for your response!  Coincidentally, possibly inevitably, I am a big fan of aquatics and "juicy/wet/damp/humid" scents.  Though not at the tippy-top of my list, I am a fan of Lightning.  There's Water Here sounds like it could be evocative of rainy days back when I lived in Philadelphia, which would be wonderfully nostalgic.


    Torture Queen sounds sparkly!  I like sparkly!  I'm not wild about white tea, but I think that there are enough other things to balance it out.  I've been curious about metal scents.


    I can't believe I overlooked Media in all my times browsing scents!  The reviews mention honeysuckle, and I do love me some honeysuckle.  That's fantastic, and this review had me rolling:


    On 6/9/2017 at 2:06 AM, Smaragdina said:

    It smells like every generic perfume you've ever smelled. It smells like the perfume department at Sephora where you can buy concealer in fifty different shades of beige. It smells like the hair of a fifty's housewife. It smells like a fifty's housewife with lipstick stains on her collar because she's having an affair with Susie who lives next door. Susie wears pearl earrings and lipstick with a name like Immoral Coral and this perfume sits on her vanity counter in a disconcertingly rectangular bottle. It smells like Channel No. 5 and I need to stress that I have never smelled Channel No. 5, but it smells like the idea of it as seen in a Cosmopolitan issue. It smells like the little paper snips of sample perfumes that have been in your purse for the last month. It smells like those free samples if they were softer, and fuller, and weren't sodden with alcohol. It smells like pale pink and white roses and amber and more free samples. So many free samples. It smells like the light in that creepy Folger's commercial. It smells like the sales pitch of a diamond-jewerly saleswoman in a pencil skirt and a sensible satiny blouse when you know the price of diamonds is artificially inflated. It smells like a white convertible and a pair of Jackie O. sunglasses and a french manicure and a white-and-black polka-dot dress with a sweetheart neckline and Immoral Coral lipstick. It smells like a newscaster with Marilyn Monroe hair smiling at you on a jittery analog tv screen, which is exactly what it is supposed to smell like, and I am almost crying with laughter because they got this exactly right.


  4. Thank you for your response!  I've got a bit of Snake Oil and Haunted on the way.  I chose Imp as a "Patchouli Test Run" scent, but will put Coiled Serpent on my list for later if I either really like the patch or still feel uncertain about it.  It's hard to say what I'll think about BPAL patch - I used to use Kiss My Face patchouli liquid rock deodorant, which I adored, yet Yankee patchouli candles make me feel like I'm dying.


    (The full list of stuff I currently have on the way is Snake Oil, Sed non Satiata, Night Gaunt, Haunted, High-Strung Daisies, Imp, Hunger, Xiuhtecuhtli, Great Sword of War, Athens, Thanatopsis, and Envy, and of course the Weenie decants I signed up for + a bottle of La Calavera Catarina)


    I'm going to go for Fighter over Paladin because frankincense seems to lend a horrible cologne-y quality to everything when I wear it.  Likewise though it doesn't contain frankincense, I'm reluctant to go for Aelopile because I've seen it called "cologne-y."


    ETA: I was also surprised that I found Kabuki masculine, to be honest.  I used to wear an anise perfume all the time in college, but after I wore it on a horrible date once I now can't wear it without thinking about that bad date. x_x

  5. Guess I'll give this a crack as well since I'm on the lookout for new things to try.  As I've said elsewhere, I'm a 30 year old news reporter.  I cover many things, including handling obituaries for our publication.  People often ask if handling obituaries daily upsets or scares me.  Not really.  I mostly view it as a necessary public service.  I think that as an entity, Death probably feels that way about their job, too.


    I like cold things, and I hate hot things.  I don't like hot weather or hot drinks or hot showers, and I prefer just-kinda-warm food over hot food.  Big fan of rainy weather.


    Allegedly I am blunt.  Equally allegedly I have a good sense of humor.  I have a short temper and neither forgive nor forget, but I'm easily amused and assume the best of people unless they give me a reason not to.  I'm quiet, but I "secretly" like listening to other people's gossip and drama.  I get excited about things easily - for example, I once contacted a toothbrush manufacturer to tell them how amazing the toothbrush I bought was.  My fashion sense is "plain clothes, lots of jewelry."  I have 15 piercings.  Asexual.  Can't hold still worth a damn.  Being a sleepy bitch is a personality trait.  My cat's name is Romeow, which seems worth mentioning.


    Favorite things: Activities: macro photography (plants/bugs mostly), inadvisably picking up random animals, cross stitch, naps, picnics, reading sappy fanfiction.  Foods: pea soup, cabbage dumplings, drunken noodles, vanilla yogurt, egg yolks, red/black grapes, pomegranate, beans in general.  Drinks: iced black, green, red, kukicha, or hibiscus tea, iced coffee with a lot of milk, Thai iced tea, passionfruit seltzer, water with crunchy ice.  Flowers: lungwort, blackberry lily, forget-me-not, adenium, hoya, daisies (all types).  Colors: yellow, pink, dark red, cobalt, mint green. Mythical creatures: Minotaur, kraken, oni, mothman, gorgons.


    Dislikes: cumin, hyacinths, red meat, hippos (they're scary!), the comments sections on my workplace's website, loud noises, when people are like "can you do me a favor" and expect you to agree to it before telling you what the favor is.


    That's a lot...  Whoops.

  6. Will def. be picking some of these up while I order an industrial-sized barrel of Cheshire Cat later - I'm particularly interested in Aglea, I just hope it doesn't end up being too sweet.  Night-Gaunt had been on my radar for a while but most of the rest of these suggestions I hadn't thought about!


    I think I'll try Snake Oil on its own first before I spring for a Snake Pit bottle.  It'll probably be totally fine, but you never know.


    Since I've had so many scents turn overly sweet when I put them on I'm reluctant to trust O, but I may try La Petite Mort and/or Sed non Satiata, which I've heard are similar but more complex.


    Feel free to keep the suggestions flowing!

  7. It's that time.


    I'm 40-some scents in and I am not sure how to tell what I like or how to figure out how to figure out what I like...  haha.  I have sorted the scents that I've tried into several categories to try and puzzle it out.  Any tips/advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I would prefer suggestions that aren't difficult to acquire.  I'm cool with suggestions of things like Carnaval scents even though they are unimpable.


    As well as suggestions of things that I might like, I am also open to suggestions of "try this to determine whether you like (a key note that is in many things)."  I know patchouli is one that I will need to figure out.


    Here are lists.


    I would wear this any/every day: The paragons of scent.  These perfumes are ones that never get overpowering, too sweet, get a strange funk to them, etc.  At worst, some fade a little faster than I'd like.


    • Cheshire Cat
    • Hell's Belle
    • Bastet
    • Blood Pearl (I think this is discontinued?)
    • Queen of Hearts
    • Vasilissa
    • Chimera
    • Bliss
    • Lightning
    • The Sea Foams Milk


    "Similar but inferior": Scents with a similar alternative that I think is better.


    • Drink Me < Perversion
    • Obatala < Sea Foams Milk
    • Kali < Bastet
    • Black Lotus < Bastet
    • Titania < Kitsune-tsuki
    • Dragon's Bone < Blood Pearl
    • Eat Me < Chimera
    • Velvet: so inferior to Bliss that it feels unfair to even compare them


    Special occasions only/minor problems: These are nice to wear sometimes, but not every day.  Some of these are too strong/sweet to wear for a long time, or have one stage in which they get a strange/unpleasant funk.


    • Persephone (burnt hair smell when wet on skin; nice otherwise)
    • Titania (too sweet)
    • Kitsune-tsuki (less sweet than Titania but still too sweet to tolerate all day)
    • Croquet (fades too quickly)
    • Soothing System (could use a floral or something to cut through the wine)
    • Perversion (too sweet)
    • Kumiho (fades quickly, would like more ginger)
    • Eat Me (borderline too sweet, I have to be in the right mood)
    • Severin (fades too quickly, discontinued)
    • Nocnitsa (moss brings it down a bit, discontinued)
    • Tweedledee (fades too quickly)


    Not bad but not great either:  meh


    • Brimstone (I would not wear this on its own but it's not unpleasant)
    • Kali (Like black lotus and Bastet, but not as good)


    Major problems: I cannot with these


    • Dragon's Milk (TOO SWEET)
    • Dragon's Bone (morphs into something sharp and unpleasant)
    • How Doth the Little Crocodile (oakmoss ruins everything)
    • Maenad (TOO SWEET, might try layering with brimstone?)
    • Plunder (just generally extremely unpleasant)
    • Jack (generally unpleasant)
    • Grave-Pig (moss nightmare, too masculine)
    • Apothecary (moss nightmare, too masculine)
    • Velvet (chocolate pencil shavings)
    • Zephyr (vanilla pencil shavings)
    • Dana O'Shee (baby oil and cardboard)
    • Les Fleurs du Mal (makes my allergies go nuts)
    • Nyx (Too Much Jasmine)
    • Arcana (I don't like rosemary that much)
    • Kabuki (strikes me as masculine, reminds me of a bad date I went on)
    • Psionicist (100% men's shaving cream)
    • Obatala (too sweet)
    • Sjöfn (reminds me of a bathroom spray my dad used to use)


    Based on the above information, I believe that my NOPE notes thus far are oakmoss, honey, frankincense, sandalwood, and anise.  My YEAH notes are, uh...  musks and amber maybe?  I like lotus but I think I have enough lotus scents.

  8. I received this as a lab frimp, and I never would have purchased it on my own.


    When I first put this on, it smelled primarily like ash and I was tempted to wash it off right then and there.


    After a few minutes, it's actually kind of good?  It's smoky, leathery, maybe a bit metallic, and somewhat on the masculine side.  I don't think I'd want to wear it on its own, but I think that it would be good to layer on scents that are too light or sweet.

  9. I purchased this as a fresh lab imp.


    My first impression is that this smells exactly like citrus flavored gummy candies.  A whiff of fresh grass adds a certain freshness to it.  This is very nice, for a few minutes.


    After the first 20 minutes or so, the soapiest rose I've ever experienced in my life crashes the party, chasing all of the other guests out.  The soap-rose lasts forever and is surprisingly difficult to wash off.  This is very strange to me because rose is usually reasonably well behaved when I wear it.


    This is a good candidate for a locket scent.

  10. I purchased this as a fresh imp.  I feel that the previous poster's comparison to Dragon's Milk is somewhat apt.


    I found Dragon's Milk to be offensively sweet until it dried.  Chimera is like the dry phase of Dragon's Milk, skipping over the offensively sweet period entirely.  Excellent.


    This has a bready undertone to it that makes it seem extremely edible.  In fact, I would say that Chimera and Bliss are the most edible-smelling BPAL scents I've tried.  The scent didn't really morph at all and lasted for an average amount of time (3-4 hours).

  11. I purchased a fresh imp of this from the lab.


    I was concerned about trying this at first because sandalwood tends to destroy everything around it when I wear it.  When I put this on, I primarily smell amber and...  Other stuff.  I can't pick out any other individual notes.  This is a good thing.


    Vasilissa doesn't really do much of any morphing, essentially remaining "amber and other stuff" for its duration.  I agree with all of the comments saying that this gives off a "pink" vibe.  It's like the fluffiest, softest pink bathrobe you can possibly imagine.


    Overall, this is a very pleasant scent.  It is somewhat short-lived (about 2 hours).

  12. I purchased a fresh imp of this from the lab to try.


    My first impression in the vial was that this was pure daffodil, which is a bad thing.  I enjoy looking at daffodils but have always found their smell to be overwhelming.


    After putting it on my wrist, however, the plum comes to the rescue and beats back the daffodil with a stick.  The daffodil does not go away entirely, but it is tame now.  Thank you plum!!  After the plum tames the florals, the scent of Kitsune-tsuki reminds me of, appropriately, the plum-flavored "Flower's Kiss" candies that I used to buy sometimes before the local store stopped carrying them.


    I would call this too strong and sweet to be an everyday kind of scent, but I can see myself reaching for it on special occasions.

  13. My test is with a new imp from the lab.


    To my nose, this is 100% buttered rum.  In the vial, wet, dry, hours later, it's just buttered rum.


    I hope that this one changes as it ages, because right now it's like a PG-rated adaptation of Perversion.

  14. I purchased a fresh imp of this from the lab.


    Both in the imp and on my skin initially, it is most certainly juicy grapefruit and lavender!  Though the grapefruit is mostly sweet, there is a twang of sourness just on the edge of my sense of smell that I can detect if I shove my nose directly onto my wrist.  The chamomile peeks out to soften things up a little as it dries, providing Cheshire Cat with a somewhat "creamy" aspect.  The delphinium, I assume, emerges after the drydown and adds a light floral overlay to the other scents.


    After an hour or so, I am left with the most wonderful musk with a whisper of citrus.


    I am in love with this scent!  My only wish is that it lasted longer, which seems to be a recurring problem I (and many others) have with citrusy scents.


    It's my new favorite and I want an industrial-sized barrel of it.


    ETA: After a few days of wearing this, I realized that it reminds me of Adagio's "Leo" tea, which iirc is orange, chamomile, and rooibos, and which a friend of mine once said "is what heaven must smell like."

  15. I purchased this as a fresh lab imp and it is amazing.


    It's an orange cream soda whose sweetness is tempered perfectly by lovely blossoms.  Somehow, this belle has managed to dodge all of the gripes I tend to have about perfumes: not too sweet, not too incense-y, doesn't get violently taken over by a note that I dislike, not powdery, not so strong that I get sick of it, my skin doesn't instantly obliterate the citrus note, doesn't go through any horrifying intermediate phases, etc.


    The "spices," whatever they are, gently breeze in after the drydown, darkening the orange just a touch.  The scent reminds me of allspice.


    The only downside is that this one fades relatively quickly (about 2 hours).

  16. Bought a fresh lab imp.  In the vial this is a punch to the face with musk.  After putting it on, vanilla and sandalwood appear.  I detect no lemon.


    Then, when it dries, sandalwood beats every other note to death, turning it into pencil shavings haunted by the ghost of vanilla.  It smells exactly like Velvet did on me.


    Sandalwood always does this on my skin.

  17. Nyx

    Named in honor of the primeval Greek Goddess of Night. A scent reflecting inky black skies and eternal desolation. Night-blooming jasmine, warmed by myrrh, lifted by the promise of rose.


    I received this as a lab frimp.


    In the vial, Nyx smells like JASMINE.  In all caps.  Wet on skin, I detect jasmine still and I could swear that there's some kind of citrus fruit far in the background?  This may just be an aspect of jasmine.


    Hours later, it turns into pure incense.  Rose never showed up.  This oil lasts forever.  I don't think it's very "me," however I got a bit of it on my sweater and find that it smells nicer on the sweater than it does on my skin.  This to me suggests that it is probably better as a locket scent.

  18. I purchased this as a fresh lab imp.


    In the vial, I primarily get rose with a very, very deep red fruit, the way a pomegranate should smell.  Beautiful. 


    Immediately after applying it to my skin, it smells EXACTLY like burnt hair.  It's absolutely incredible, in a bad way.  How did this happen?


    Fortunately after drying down, she goes right back to being lovely, tart pomegranate and rose.  Outside of the burnt hair phase (must be the trip through the underworld), this is a beautiful scent.  Hopefully the burnt hair thing will go away with age or something.  This scent doesn't last very long (like, an hour and a half).

  19. I purchased a fresh imp of this to try, reluctantly.  I do not get along with honey scents and only bought this because it was highly recommended by many, many people.


    In the vial, it smelled very much like almond extract.  I liked that.  I love almond smell!  Immediately upon coming into contact with my skin, it turned into pure baby oil smell.  Argh!!


    The drydown smells like a combination of baby oil and wet cardboard and once again affirms that honey scents do terrible, terrible things on my skin.  I was really hoping that this would approach "oatmeal cookie smell" but it never made it there before the honey note ruined everything as usual.


    I think it would work well in a scent locket or as a room scent, where my skin can't ruin it.

  20. I tested a fresh imp from the lab.  This is the third of my "Popular chocolate scents test," with the others being Bliss and Velvet.  Spoiler: Bliss wins.


    While wearing this, I primarily detect fresh, clean florals - lotus and what strikes me as some sort of white floral - with the overwhelming sweetness of honey hanging over it and a whisper of tobacco in the background.  I don't notice wine or cocoa at all.


    Hours later, all I can pick up is a honey-soaked lotus.  Honey and lotus strangle every other note to death.  RIP

  21. I purchased a fresh imp of this from the lab to compare with Bliss and Kali as a popular chocolate trifecta.


    I consider Velvet to be inferior to Bliss in every way, reminding me more of pencil shavings and waxy, artificial chocolate than the delectable, genuine brownie batter scent of Bliss.  It reminds me of my elementary school pencil case, with a little piece of cheapie chocolate tucked into it for later.  Not something I'm interested in smelling like.


    This allegedly improves with age, so I will set it aside and try it again some other time.

  22. I purchased this as a fresh imp from the lab.


    In the vial, it smells like brownie batter! On the skin, it still smells like brownie batter!  For the most part it remains true after drying, though I do occasionally get a vague whiff of something powdery in the back of my nose.  Overall, this is simple but pleasant.


    Bliss is very strong and lasts for several hours on my skin, so I would recommend only applying a little bit at a time.


    I bought this one to see what pure chocolate would do on my skin and it does not disappoint.  I also have Kali and Velvet to try, which I will compare to Bliss.

  23. Received as lab frimp.  In the vial, it smells fresh and green.


    Wet on skin, it remains grassy but ginger pops out.  Seems very masculine to me, overall, and I don't detect any fig at all.  This is the second fig scent I haven't detected any fig in.  Am I noseblind to it?  Does my skin just eat it?


    As it dries, it becomes super, super, super mossy (three supers for three mosses).  I hate moss scents, so this is a bad thing.

  24. Received as a lab frimp.  In the vial, I mostly smell lilac.  I don't know what wisteria smells like.


    After putting it on my skin, it remains mostly lilac until the dry-down, at which point rose wanders in.  These are fresh, wet flowers.


    It's grown on me.

  25. Received as a lab frimp.  In the vial, I can't figure out what this smells like other than "green."


    After putting it on:  smells like I shoved an entire rosemary plant up my nose with a touch of something wintergreen-y.  As it dries, neroli/verbena take over, but there's still a strange wintergreen scent lingering in the background.


    This one isn't really doing it for me.
