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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Threemoons

  1. Was on the fence for this one, but got it at the last minute.  So glad I did!  I was inspired by "Heart Shaped Beanie on the Metro" re the rose notes in this.  In the bottle: Rose, lavender, and something else that I didn't put my finger on.  On, wet: Aaah, there we go:  Very light white musk/skin musk and saffron come out, along with a sort of sweet note.  Drydown:  This settles into a lovely warm sort of rose/floral sugar skin musk kind of thing.  Halfway between child and young woman; very well crafted and evocative.


  2. Got a bottle of this; it's new to me!  It's obviously very aged. In the bottle:  Still surprisingly tight in the bottle; I get a blast of something almost sour/turpentine, and patchouli.  On, wet:  Starts to unfold very quickly; I get a blast of pine wood/pine sawdust as well as myrrh, black pepper, and a sort of mustiness.  Drydown:  This is SO SO SO nice once it settles down into the skin!  Gorgeous blend of dark notes; all the black musk, black pepper, black  vetiver, black patch.....glad I got this on a whim from someone's destash!


  3. UPDATE:  Today I layered it with Thorns Clove Cigarette and Inferno now smells the way that I wished it smelled out of the bottle.  Much improved!  Would probably layer very well with other tobacco and/or dark musk scents also.

  4. In the bottle: Sweet almond with a spicy undertone. On, wet: GAAAAAH AAAAH CINNAMON BOMB CINNAMON BOMB! Some minor irritation in the crook of my elbows where I put it. Drydown-think Xmas shop pomander; a LOT of cinnamon, a tiny bit of citrus, and a bit of clove. This one is for everyone who loves a non-gourmand cinnamon (yes, really, despite the almond). A bit strong and Xmas-shoppy on my skin; may wear more in a locket and/or layered with something that can shove the cinnamon around a bit and get it back in its corner (thinking Clove Cig or Snake Oil).

  5. Got a bottle of this a while ago and trying it out today.  So....in the bottle: Marzipan/almond horn pastry and CINNAMON. LOTS of cinnamon. On, wet: Like many others have reported, this one is a cinnamon bomb on me. Not getting much if any of the original notes--maybe a tiny hint of black cherry liqueur. Nothing remotely resembling "musk." As it opens up I get the tiniest amount of vanilla also but still, yeah, cinnamon. Drydown: This stays a cinnamon bomb for a LONG LONG time before it dries down to a slightly powdery Cinnamon with Some Other Spice But Not Sure What thing. Getting the tiniest teeniest bit of "old fur coat" also which may be the said Musk? I think this would layer well with other winter scents.

  6. This one dances right on the edge between being floral and a gourmand, which is amazing.  I love the Lab's lemon peel and orange blossom notes so getting this was a no-brainer for me.  In the bottle:  Orange blossom and Meyer lemon peel, with a little bit of burnt marshmallow in the background.  Pretty tight in the bottle, even after aging.  On, wet:  The orange blossom is still the star of the show here, but the lemon peel picks up a bit and starts to get more depth with just a hint of a nice fresh bitterness.  Drydown:  Settles back onto the skin into a sort of sweet citrus flower and lightly toasted marshmallow skin musk thing.  As many have reported on this one, though, the skin drinks it up and I do so wish it would last longer and throw farther.  Still, it's nice sitting here in a lovely cloud of sweet citrus and flowers while it lasts.


  7. Oh, how I wish they would continue with the Major Arcana series that this was from! Such a lovely scent, and it's aged gorgeously. It's this smooth, transformative, non-foodie perfect blend of resins and herby citrus; not too sweet and not too tart. Somehow it smells like I imagine sunlight on a warm August morning would smell if sunlight smelled like anything.

  8.  In the bottle: Really salty, marine men's cologne, with very strong aquatic note. On, wet: A-ha. The wood opens up a bit and the citrus herb notes start to untangle and smooth out--lots of verbena and vetiver with the bergamot coming out strong, with lots of throw. Drydown: This settles back into the skin and generally calms down to a more unisex spa-like thing, but alas it fades rather quickly after that. Still very nice though.


  9. Was on the fence when I first got this, but I wanted to expand the roses in my collection. VERY nice, unusually understated. In the bottle: Pink roses initially, with a teeny bit of spice hitting on the back of the first sniff. Roses are NOT gourmand but almost, almost within an inch of sugared rose petals. On, wet: The sweet edge of the rose calms down immediately and a very, very gentle sort of spice starts to develop. Drydown: Left with a very clean, light, slightly spicy pink floral that stays very close to the skin and almost melts into a sort of skin note. Super pretty and a very good option if you want to wear rose but don't want to overwhelm anyone, including yourself or if you throw rose like a fiend or both.

  10.  In the bottle: ZOMG I was transported back to summer camp when I was a wee one in the 70's...old-school rooty, damp patchouli from the counselors who doused themselves in it along with the slightly funky softwoods from the cabins, benches, and the docks off of the lake. On, wet: A bit of the cocoa bean starts to come out, and the cedar wood picks up a bit. Drydown: Longish, final product is soft patch with a bit of cocoa. Starts out strong with good throw and gradually recedes back to the skin.

  11. Agree with everyone saying how this year's blend is so different from last year's!  I am getting a much more green/wood-forward scent than last year.  In the bottle:  I am getting dry grass, crushed greenish grass, and the balsam.  On, wet:   Getting something of an elusive green musk note and resins; definitely the juniper talking.  Drydown:  After a few hours, this amazing sweet grass note remains, with maybe a hint of dry wood.  Wish this was a little more musk forward but then again this will be a great Spring/Summer scent--not too heavy on the skin, not to much throw.  I would layer this with a more sandalwood-forward scent perhaps to bring out the deeper notes; this one feels like all midrange/high notes.


  12. Needed a calming scent so tried my new bottle of this.  Very nice, a departure from what I usually like.  In the bottle:  Woodsmoke and lavender, with a hint of the Lab's snow scent.  On, wet:  The tea note comes out a bit, along with teeny pops of pine.  Drydown:  I'm left with a gently floral tea note; very pretty!  Pine fades away and only the tiniest hint of smoke--registers more like "warmth"--remains.  Stays close to skin on me, and wears off after about 4 hours.

  13. Freshly showered this afternoon, and reached for my new to me bottle of Cooling Breeze--I hadn't tried it yet, and it got buried in my crates! This is a super light, very lovely, almost spa-like scent; my only gripe is that it is so ethereal that it fades fairly quickly and stays very close to the skin. In the bottle: Getting something like fresh cut grass and fresh aloe, even though those aren't listed! On, wet: The juniper pops out very strongly at first, and is almost Christmas-tree like! Also getting tiny pops of something almost minty. Drydown: This settles down fairly quickly on me, and I'm left with dry grass and a sort of dry, faint wood after a few hours. This is one of those that you could slather on yourself in summer and not be overwhelmed.


  14.  In the bottle: Really nice champagne accord, with hints of fresh ginger ale. The lemon and sugar pop nicely also. On, wet: The actual gingerbread note starts to come out to play a little, along with a bit of that sharp candied ginger ping, but still more of a 'sweet cocktail" than a "sweet cookie." Drydown: Getting more of a fizzy lemon sugar cookie thing, with only a bit of ginger left. Fades fast alas but lots of fun. Seems to last a lot longer in my locket than on my skin--I'm wearing a locket with Ghost Milk and IGM in the locket as well as on my skin; interesting contrast! If you want a fresh gingerale smelly than this is for you.

  15.  I was going to layer it with one of the other new Gingerbreads but wanted to try it on its own first. OH MY. I may need a back up of this one also! I was a little worried because the goat's milk in White Larry is a little aggressive on me. But, this is a totally different story. In the bottle: The goat's milk is definitely in the background on this one and is staying in its lane properly. Even though it's not a listed note, I am definitely getting some gingerbread as the top prominent note, but a very sweet milky gingerbread like a fresh soft gingerbread cookie dipped in sweetened warm milk. On, wet: Getting a sort of soft powdery note, not quite gourmand but not NOT gourmand; maybe the cashmere? Drydown: Some spiciness, and maybe a teeny bit of the honey note. No one note really dominates here after the drydown; you're left with a "ghost" of some kind of vanilla that is halfway between gourmand vanilla and perfume vanilla, with a hint of dry ginger behind it. Very curious to try it with one of the Gingerbreads! I may put a Gingerbread in a locket later and see.  Low throw, medium wear on me.


  16.  I was on the fence when I first put this one in my cart, because I have so many other "night" scents, but the promise of a musk, linden, and wet soil made me keep it. SO glad I did. This one is another morpher. In the bottle: Cool, damp, earthy florals and some kind of damp resin. On, wet: This becomes a damp soil note almost immediately; think wet embankment at a stream after the Spring thaw...also getting the iris notes and some of the musk. Drydown: Long, slow drydown to a surprisingly dry resin and floral thing, with a hint of some kind of woody note.

  17. WOW . This stuff does what it says on the bottle! Works exactly as advertised. In the bottle: Yep, gotcher Smut right here, along with a dark overtone of a fresh box of licorice. On, wet: BOOM in your face Smut with a fresh bagful of black licorice jellybeans, like the ones from the old Big Easter Jelly Bean mix. EXACT scent match on that one. Drydown: Yep, it's Smut, with black Easter jellybeans. Dries down long and slow, and leaves a lingering deep spicy Smutty scent. So glad I got this one. May layer with Silkybat later because I just want to and I bet it will be amazing. I know I've been saying this a lot lately but I may need a backup of this Smut. In some ways the licorice makes the Smut even dirtier than leather would! It's sexy in a very different in your face way.  Maybe getting some Anisette in the Smut boozy note as well?


  18. OK, so this is for the 2020 release:  Amazing, but not what I expected--this scent screams "warm spring night" to me! In the bottle: Cut grass, hay, honeysuckle, and some kind of very green herby floral. On, wet: Aaah, there's the blue musk! Also a wee hint of the BPAL frost accord is here. Drydown: I am left with some really cool, white, dry florals against a backdrop of very light powdery musk with a hint of cool herbs. Lovely for now, but this will be amazing in the Summer!

  19.  Reading the notes, I was expecting an herby patch/tobacco blend with pops of wood. Well, I got sort of the inverse of that. In the bottle: Cool herbs, cool resins, and cool wood--the teakwood note isn't a "hot dry" teakwood but a very cool one; like a newish teakwood bench after a rainstorm. On, wet: The wood and herbs really open up--picture that same teakwood bench in an herb garden after a rainstorm and now sunlight is shining down on the wet wood and herbs. There is a teeny tiny bit of tobacco in the background, but again, more of a fresh unsmoked tobacco, and the patch really is just a supporting cast member here, which is totally unusual for me because I usually amp patch and tobacco like a fiend. Drydown: I am so, so loving the teakwood and cool herbs in this. There's something insanely clean about the whole combo; clean, fresh, shining but not hot, cool. This would make the world's greatest atmo.  If I had to pick a season that this blend represents, I would say mid to late Spring for sure.


  20. Went back to some of my older boxes, and found that one of my boxes had some untried scents from almost 2 years ago! Pulled out my new to me bottle of this. My, this is a nice one. In the bottle: Damp earth, moss, mossy greeness. On, wet: Fresher, more resinous greens pop up, along with grass notes. Drydown: A really gorgeous gentle, light green with a few pops of slightly darker botanicals.
