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Everything posted by Threemoons

  1. Threemoons

    L'Heure Verte

    Wasn't what I expected. In the bottle: Lilacs and roses, diluted by...something else, not sure what. On, wet: Faint notes of absinthe/anisette and a bit of white sugar syrup come out a bit. The sugar quickly outpaces the anisette but the lilac and rose still stay firmly on top of the situation. Low throw, odd staying power--the anisette doesn't stick around long; followed by the sugar gradually fading, and leaving a rose/lilac blend in its wake. I had really been hoping for a strong absinthe and burnt sugar/opium vibe, but this ain't it alas. It may need a little more time in the bottle--it IS tight in the bottle. I may also layer this with a tobacco note thing to see if it gives me more of the dark vibe I'm looking for.
  2. Threemoons

    Die Flamme Reinigt Sich Vom Rauch

    Die Flamme Reinigt Sich Vom Rauch--"the flame cleans itself of smoke." Very appropriate scent name here. In the bottle: Damp oakwood and crushed dried acorns, with an undertone of spice. On, wet: Opens up immediately into damp oak and cedar smoke, with lots of incense, spice, and roasted chestnut hulls as well as scorched acorns and nut hulls. Drydown: Long, slow, morphy drydown into a damp Northeastern woodsy scent; think of waking up the next day after a big campfire at night in a damp pine and oak wood area--lingering smell of burnt hardwoods and cedar, and that roasted acorn smell. Really a gorgeous woodsy smell for those into woodsy scents. I think this may become my alltime favorite woods/foresty blends ever; it has both damp and dry woods notes to it and is just gorgeously balanced.
  3. For me, Jasmine can run too strong, as can Honeysuckle although I love both, so I gave this Trois a shot. In the bottle: Jasmine bomb. Uh-oh. On, wet: Lightens up a LOT into a very well-blended shimmery gold-white floral thing; no one note stands out, although the Jasmine does bubble to to the top in tiny pops at first. Drydown: Alas, I sweat this one off fast, but once it all calms down it's a sophisticated "daytime" floral that sits about an inch above the skin. It's a nice change of pace if you are a musk-smoke-patch-hound like me!
  4. Threemoons

    Dies Patribus

    On me this one goes from Fruity Pebbles Cereal Milk to Count Chocula cereal milk. Really nice!
  5. Threemoons

    Cacao, Black Amber & Black Copal

    In the bottle--chocolate soap if that is even a thing? Dark cacao and strong fresh...soap. On, wet: As it warms up, the soapy note calms down a little bit and a teeny bit of the amber starts to pop up over the cacao. Drydown: This becomes a dry, soft cacao thing with wisps of the soapiness--I guess that is the copal?--and a hint of sweetness from the amber. Not what I expected but glad I got it! This would layer phenomenally with anything rose or citrus or vanilla.
  6. Threemoons

    Sugar-Dusted Chocolate Cardamom Truffle

    I love the texture of the scrub and how it rinses off perfectly leaving a veil of scent. On me it is straight up sugary milk chocolate; would have liked more cardamom but that's me.
  7. Threemoons

    Strawberries and Champagne Scrub

    This is awesome. Just like it says on the jar, this is crisp, bubbly champagne and fresh ripe strawberries. Scrub goes on smooth, and rinses off into a lovely veil of moisturizing scent. So light and fresh on the skin.
  8. Threemoons

    Dried Strawberries, Red Musk & Bourbon Vanilla

    Here's my hot take: In the bottle: I'm actually getting crushed fresh strawberries rather than dry. Very tight in the bottle. On, wet: Immediately springs to life in a burst of fresh and dried strawberry, with a hint of some kind of creamy wood note. Drydown: The red musk in this is more of a dry, sophisticated, powdery red musk as opposed to a *grunt grunt me make sexytime now on mammoth hide grunt* red musk. The overall effect is a dry, floral, strawberry incense/strawberry dusting powder thing. Would be awesome layered with something else with red musk or other deep, dirty scent.
  9. Threemoons

    Blue Unicorn Moon

    Pulled this one out again after not having worn it for a while. WOW. Aged very nicely. In the bottle: Almost a blueberry/vanilla taffy/frosting thing. On, wet: After an initial blast of sweet blueberry candy and vanilla, the bubblegum note starts to creep in, and gets increasingly more prominent during drydown (a good thing, because when I first got the bottle the bubblegum just faded away fast and left a Vanilla Bomb). Drydown is to a soft, light on the skin sort of blueberry bubblegum fluff with a hint of vanilla; sits lightly on the skin, medium throw and wear length. This is a happy fun scent! Oddly relaxing.
  10. Threemoons

    Honeysuckle & Patchouli

    Wore this one for the first time today. So hard to explain this one--the two things combine to make a totally different Third Thing on me.. In the bottle: Something very strange and green, like a fresh broken sapling twig in Spring, or trampled green grass or even cut dandelion stems with a backslap of odd resin? On, wet; The crushed green woody note slooowly begins to open up with some drier golden floral notes, but almost more like crushed sunflower petals. Whole thing gradually fades from green notes to gold, while getting stronger and more stable, think a light slowly turning on from green to gold and getting brighter. Final drydown is absolutely glorious but takes about an hour to get there--but then it sticks around all day. Great throw and wear length! Final wear is this amazing odd powdery deep gold floral/wood/skin musk, if that makes any sense! Normally I amp patch like a proverbial dirty hippie; here, you can't even really tell there is any in the blend, at least on me.
  11. Threemoons

    Pineapple, White Musk & Blackcurrant

    Oooh, firsties! Anyway, very happy that I got this one; had not seen a pineapple note from the Lab in a while so jumped right on this one. I expected it to be a fruit-heavy knockout; in fact it's a very sophisticated scent. In the bottle: A punch of fresh, ripe, cut pineapple core, sweet and sharp. On, wet: The pineapple sweetens up just a bit as the blackcurrant starts to come out. The currant note is more of a sweet currant/currant jam, not like the sharp almost sour blackcurrants that I remember from my childhood (my paternal Grandma had black, red, and white currants in her garden). Once everything has a chance to dry down, the white musk makes its debut. This particular white musk is only nominally floral; think fruit blossom of some sort and leaning more towards a skin musk/light stone fruit musk I'd swear I was getting a teeny bit of peach in the final blend. Medium throw; this one sits ever so slightly above the skin. This one reminds me of a gauzy peasant blouse worn on a hot day.
  12. Threemoons

    Strawberry Moon v5

    Needed an uplifting scent today, so I reached for my new-to-me bottle of this, which I got as a frottle in an order (yay!). In the bottle it is sweet juicy perfect ripe wild strawberries. On, wet, it bursts out with a wave of jammy sweetness and strawberry blossoms, and then settles into something much more complex and different. White floral notes start to pick up, along with a hint of crushed green grass/leaves, and the scent settles in closer to the skin as a sort of...strawberry floral skin musk? Is that even possible? It's amazing whatever it is and perfect for summer.
  13. Threemoons

    Milk Moon 2020

    In the bottle, I get milk, honey, and fig, and the tiniest hint of white wood. On, wet: The wood and olive leaf notes start to come out and temper the sweetness a bit Drydown: The honey and date notes float back to the top, with just a hint of the milk in the background, with the tiniest hint of cedar on the back-whiff. Really gorgeous and very comforting. Low throw; stays tight to the skin, medium wear length.
  14. Threemoons

    Peach XIII

    Broke open my new to me bottle of this today. WOW it is gorgeous. It seems to have aged down so that on me, it presents first as a sort of peach incense, with a bit of an undertone of musk, but PEACH musk not red musk. So it's really (on me) peach musk and champa with the teeniest bit of patch underneath.
  15. Threemoons

    Erotic Vegetables Hair Gloss

    Have been using this for a while, but only getting around to reviewing now. I liked this one so much that even though I was broke as a joke at the time I got a backup. For me, anything with the Lab's tomato leaf note is an automatic win. On me, it's a very well-balanced mix of the tomato leaf and cedar, with a thin hard backbone of the clove husk tying things together. I use this one as an all-over body spritz by itself, or layered with other things with clove or cedar in it. If you get your mitts on this and Clove Cigarette from the special collab with Thorns, do it! I really hope that the Lab brings back this one some day (along with my Holy Grail HG, Fire HG, but I digress).
  16. Threemoons

    Snake Skin

    Glad I got a bottle of this in 2019 as my 2017 bottle is almost gone. Just cracked it open today. This is by far the best SO variation IMHO. The leather in the 2019 version is more of a white leather, like new leather unlined gloves or new soft ballet flats. The SO oil blend in it is rich and mellow and more of the dominant note here. I know I'm going to love layering it.
  17. Threemoons

    Left Atrium

    On this one I'm getting a gorgeous floral light amber; very ethereal, with a little sheer wash of pink grapefruit over everything. Stays very close to the skin; even though this is a Luper it's perfect for hot sticky summer days.
  18. Threemoons


    I actually like this. It's a bracing sort of resin on me, and yes, I am getting resin for sure, almost like bowling alley polish but in a good way. Definitely a little citronella on me. Citrussy, good for concentration.
  19. Threemoons

    Cotton Candy, Strawberry & Lime Zest

    This is a super candy shop blast on me. It reminds me of those expensive German strawberry candies initially, amped up to a zillion. Dries down to a general cotton candy candy shop thing. Medium throw and wear.
  20. Threemoons

    Sustained Boos

    This is the ghost of a heavy, dark scent--light effervescence but with a backlash of dark cold woods of some sort, and some resins, and a teeny hit of black cocoa powder. This one sits about 3" above the skin; hard to describe. Really liking it. Hard to pin down. Has little aldehyde pops also.
  21. Threemoons

    Thorns Clove Cigarette

    This really does smell like a freshly-opened pack of Kreteks. Also, it somehow captures the scent of furniture saturated with clove cig smoke--think your favorite coffeehouse or downmarket Goth club/record store. Happy to say that I bought one of the very first bottles for sale at the NYC Oddities Flea Market. Glad I also got a backup when I could.
  22. Threemoons

    To Hope

    Opened this one today to deal with a stress attack, and it was the right move. On me, I get a really fresh fir forest/wetlands thing going on at first, followed by lots of damp golden florals. Low wear length. and throw alas; wish it lasted longer on me. Something about it reminds me of my very early childhood visits to the Pine Barrens in NJ.
  23. Threemoons

    Cacao & Black Moss

    Love this one. In the bottle: Raw cocoa nibs and a sort of dampness; I was instantly transported to some schmancy chocolate shop in Brooklyn that had reclaimed wood paneling. Sweet and dark with a bit of dust almost. On, wet: The sort of damp, dark sacks of cocoa nibs scent starts to pick up and the damp notes sort of assert themselves and cut down the sweetness of the cocoa. Again, there used to be a gallery in DUMBO in Brooklyn that was a converted spice and chocolate warehouse; it was falling apart damp wood that smelled like either spice or chocolate depending what room you were in. Drydown: After several hours, I get a dry, deep cocoa with the slightest bit of greenish musk maybe? A hint of decay? Anyway I really like it. Medium throw and wear length.
  24. Threemoons

    Snake's Kiss

    I have an older version of this, so was very excited to crack open the 2020 release of this scent. In the bottle: Almost all Snake Oil, with a bit of something else a little creamy and sweet. On, wet: Takes a bit but sugar notes start to develop on the skin, still has that marvelous Snake Oil deepness. Sugar starts to come up as a damp sugar, almost syrupy. Drydown: Aaaah, there's the cream! Getting a little bit of vanilla whipped cream in with the mix here, as well as a solid raw sugar note. Very comforting without being cloying or too cutesy; this is still a very sexy scent but in a gentler way than, let's say, Snake's Skin. Glad I reached for it today.
  25. Threemoons

    Champa & Myrrh

    On me, this one goes from a really dry, high, sharp champa down to an almost honeyed myrrh resin. It's smokey and a little sticky in a good way on me. Glad I got this one!