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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lilkye

  1. Does anyone sew, who has the time to make a baby sling...either from a pattern I can send, or your own pattern or design? I can't use commercial designs/brands because their smallest sizes are all WAY too big for Dayson right now, and I'd rather not pay $40-100+ for a mere cloth wrap or carrier that hell out grow soon.I can send cloth, or bring it by...and can send or paypal payment.Please let me know soon...it'd be oh so helpful.

  2. Well cool! Emilie autumn is in a movie...I only discovered it last night. The Devil's Carnival. (On Netflix instant view).Gah...this makes me want to reconsider buying tix for February....heh, and the movie makes me want to make more skirts...

  3. Hehe...I had a conversation with someone recently...and they asked what my son was going to be for Halloween (I've been shopping for an infant costume or halloween outfit for him to wear the day he's born).... My answer...the first one to come to mind.... "A bloody mess."Hah! At least I don't have to worry about finding the supplies for that one if he *is* induced on Halloween!

  4. AAAAAHHHHHHH! Running late so I couldn't stop for coffee....and Blake isn't home until after I get off work to bring me any! Coffee my friend! Where are youuuuuuu?

  5. Trying out a blender so I can provide smoothies and blender drinks for the baby shower. I have determined that I reallyreally need a Ninja blender. ASAP-like

  6. huh...my dog likes grapefruit.

  7. Yaaaay Flu!wait...wait a minute...blah...

  8. Holy crap...scammed on ebay...not my best day...gah!

  9. YAY!!! I ordered my Halloween Baby Shower Cake....it's going to rock my Cashbah! *I got a cake...yeah yeah...*

  10. My comp just froze and gave me The Red Screen of WTF...anybody ever heard of this? No error or warnikng....just died and gave me a red screen... ill try to restart it later but I jbust shut it off for now...

  11. I totally love that most of the "top stories" that FB "thinks I'll enjoy" are mostly of others bitching about FB's newest layout and format changes. That just filled my little cup of irony *grin*...

  12. "There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it." - Irena Chalmers

  13. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:-Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm;- Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies, don't spend more than you can e...

  14. Mother fucker...can't even trust the people in my own house. Someone stole a $50 bill from my wallet...gods I hate people some times.

  15. WTHeck happened to Pandora? I think I like it, but it was a bit of a shock when I just loaded it. My poor aching set in my ways heart... *dramatic sigh*

  16. Why the fuck is the best knife I own today a goddamned BHG slicer?? An entire drawer of decent to damned good chef, slicing, carving, paring, and other various knives...and somehow the damned kids seem to have theft radar for only the most expensive ones. $100+ Wusthof Chef knife gone missing this summer...a $50+ Wusthof bird beak knife gone missing (and it's lined sleeve as well) this weekend alone. I have one cheap ass Chef's knife left, and a few stray variety knives. The god damned...

  17. Ugh...contractions all night...Braxton...you can keep your damned hicks...I don' wan'um!! >.

  18. Thank you so much everyone! That was an awesome baby shower, and gathering in general, with a great group of people.I'm so glad so many of you made it out, or even came all the way out to stop by for what time you could. You guys made last night a blast :^DThank you! *huggles*

  19. um...someone please tell me why if I scan a product with FB open instead of the point of sale program, FaceBook actually reads and posts the barcode scan?Frigging weird crossover.



    "J. LaRose ...


    J grew up in Chicago. He was very young when he was born, and although only a newborn baby, he immediately had a sense for the dramatic. In his first scene, "birth", he performed all of his own stunts and even cried on queue. Exhausted from that all consuming role, he decided to take the next 30 years off to start a family. Upon his return to "the business", he immersed himself in training and took to smaller projects to help re-sharpen h...

  21. Nice...52in. Wide screen TV, just barely over 6 months old...just took a wee-mote to the face in a fight over which kid was watching which show. (can't *wait* to find out if the insurance we put on it will even cover that kind of damage)This last few months has been like one HUGE test to see if I can actually handle another tyke in the family.I'm not entirely sure if I'll pass *sigh*...

  22. why on earth is wrestling on the Sci-Fi channel?!?!?

  23. Augh...maybe it's my body making up for two uneventful pregnancies....or paying me back for waiting over a decade between siblings....but I *SO* don't remember it being so consistently uncomfortable and painful for the whole last month and change. A whole month left and already I'm looking forward to the climax of this particular ride...gah...

  24. Baby dropped last night...harder to walk and stand sometimes...but SOOOO much more comfortable in other places. It's weird ...got used to the baby being "up here with me"...and now he's slowly working his way out...heh...feeling the distance already...

  25. Heyas...I need steampunk ideas and leads. Trying for a last minute men's (hopefully military...thinking admiral) costume. Any ideas or suggestions....or items to loan or for sale? I can do leather accessories...vests, belts, cinchers if needed, spats, etc...and very basic sewing (cravat, tie, vest, etc).But I can't do the basics...the coat, pants, shirt (tho the shirt'll probably be the easy part)...
