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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lilkye

  1. ennui!!! make it go away!!!

  2. Crap...slept all afternoon and evening...now I have nothing to do...school website is offline until 4-6am on Sunday nights, so I can't do any exams until tomorrow. I have nothing left on DVR...and I am just not in the mood to read. Gee...if only all of life's dilemma's were so simple and uninvolved...

  3. Hehe...blake and I were dancing with the baby...and blake stops and holds Dayson by his waist standing to let him wiggle on his own...and what does he do? Strikes the "Safety Dance" pose! Hehe...4 months old and great taste already!

  4. Game of Thrones quote...oddly fitting lately..."The more people you love, the weaker you are."

  5. eh...Poohey day...

  6. Report · 12:15pmOmg you are the bestest sister everestest!!!Report · 12:15pmI know....I make me jealous of you...:P [:P]

  7. Eugh...I shouldn't be up this early...this is just wrong...

  8. Mother fucker...augh! Made myself a nice salad with chicken breast, the last of my sesame seeds, last of my ranch dressing....put it on the table away from the dogs and took a quick nature break...and came back to the fucking dogs standing on the table finishing off my god damned dinner! FUCK. I have to go to the grocery store to be able to make another one. Grrrr....

  9. Nice...had a kid "friended" on here who became such a nuiscence that I finally had to tell him that I did not specifically dislike, I barely knew him. I disliked having to delete posts of his so people didn't keep getting offended. I disliked having to calm friends down and assure them there was nothing to worry about from the creepy guy that kept commenting on their posts and flirting in appropriate places (really? you don't try to hook up with my sister in a thread about my 4 month old...

  10. Today's To Do:* Package sale I just received payment for and have ready for pickup tomorrow* Work on Skirt* Watch a single episode of something I started on Netflix for a break* Play Pathfinder for the first time in a new group with Kris Kelory and DM'd by Olivia Windahl* Start on leather work order* Start SlimFast (for about a week with altered diet, dropped not so good foods, and light exercise to start) and see if it makes a difference before deciding on it as my "way to go"* Go sh...

  11. Ebay Order packaged and in the mail, Etsy Osteology Fabric Yardage cut, packaged and ready to go, Mary Kay Order for my sister in the Mail stack, Swap-Bot package made up....finally I'm done!Now I can really focus on sewing and leather craft orders *yay!*.

  12. Nice....Etsy removed one of my listings because they consider a custom listing to be advertisement. Because I do not have a set cost (for a custom listing? really?). I have a feeling this may be the start of some serious irritation with Etsy... hopefully not...but eugh...

  13. Huh...no sleep yesterday and a fever...fever is down, but he has spent most of the day sleeping (a 7 hour stretch with only a few almost wakes is not okay in my book...not for a 3 month old who doesn't have that as a normal thing in their routine), and is starting to get a (rash??) on his back and tummy. Not any where near as fussy as yesterday, and not hot anymore. But not eating as much as usual either...I'm thinking Dad might need to take a trip to the Dr's tomorrow, if we don't decide t...

  14. Yay! Dayson has finally slept for longer than a 5 minute stretch! Still not sure if Ill need to stay home from the military ball tomorrow...or if bringing the whole fam-damily along (killi to baby sit in the hotel room while we are at the ball) is a doable option.

  15. Awww....one of the 1st Fridays with the baby at work without Blake...and Dayson is super not well :(

  16. Sometimes...coming out and blatently telling people what they've done wrong, and how you feel about how they've ruined parts of your family is the only course left. There is no reason to hold it all in and keep it to yourself to make them feel better when they prove time and again that they couldn't care less how they have and do ruin parts of their families' lives.Gods...sometimes is it an amazingly great feeling to be done with people. Forced family or not. When a grandparent has 30+ y...

  17. Can anyone use cigarette coupons? I have Newport, Marlboro and Camel (quit smoking over 10 years ago, but I can't pass up a valuable coupon, and still get them from signing up a decade and a half ago).Let me know what you can use and I can mail them to you (I get them every few months at least).

  18. Nice...all dressed up, ready to go...and the parent overlap I was hoping for is a no go. I already tried to cancel once knowing I might not be able to make it...Gah...

  19. Awwww...booo...After abolut an hour, i think I've found my Hardstyle limit...Just a few songs at a a time, Kye...

  20. Huh...I wish I had friends around to go out with. Sitting at Biology 701 watching ppl is enjoyable...but Id really love to dance...

  21. Made a sheet out of jersey type cloth today......not my favorite...don't think we'll be seeing too much of each other...no matter how awesome the pattern...

  22. Yay! It's Friday the 13th! Hehe :^D

  23. Ack... Went out of my way to help family out...and suffering financially for it. Feeling a weensy bit used right now. Gotta love family sometimes... */sarcasm*

  24. Aaahhhh...it's been a long time since I've been poked. I feel loved, thank you Dorian Smith :P

  25. Pay it forward 2012 .... I promise to make something handmade for the first five people who comment. They must in turn post this and make something for the first five who comment on their status.*The rules are it has to be handmade by you, and they must receive it before 2012 ends.*Yes, I'm going at it again, another 5 of you guys!From sewn goods, to leather crafts, paper crafts...who knows :^DMessage me your address...and some ideas to work with: favorite colors, animals, hobbys and p...
