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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. Gah! :wub2: Why have I waited so long to track down a bottle of this? Red musk is one of my favorite notes and Semiramis certainly doesn't disappoint! This is ALLLLLLLL red musk against a fruity background. It's almost like a red musk single note...annnnddddd it's perfect :joy:

  2. At first, this is sharp, stinky chocolate (I'm not a fan of chocolate scents). I was afraid to put this on my skin at first, but I'm really glad I did! After the initial blast from Willy Wonkas Factory this settles into a nice, slightly salty resin scent. The chocolate hasn't completely faded, it's just the gentlest dusting a cocoa powder...which I can tolerate. This reminds me a lot of a fun, foody version of The Phoenix. :wub2:

  3. I purchased a partial of this on the forum. After testing it for a day I ended up tracking down a full bottle. This stuff is SO GOOD!


    I completely agree with the "grown-up Cake Smash" description. I think that about sums it up pretty well :) This is berry sweet, cake and frosting at first. As it settles into my skin the smoke note comes out a bit more. As the day goes on this gently fades into a sweet incense scent with a good amount of throw. In fact, the first day I wore this the drydown reminded me a bit of Freak Show. Wearing this just makes me feel joyful :)

  4. This is a dry, wood and resin blend at first. On my skin I'm smelling something very similar to cedar against a background of amber and light patchouli. I'm not getting any grapefruit at all. Its strong at first but as it dries, it mellows out quite a bit and stays close to the skin leaving an almost dusty, faded incense scent. The poem really does a good job describing this perfume, incense rising upwards. :)


    As a lover of incense scents, this one is a winner for sure <3

  5. Hello! So a friend of mine just recently fell in love with BPALs Juliet. She's asking me for recommendations of oils to try and said "I'm a flowers and honey girl". I have a few honey blends in my collection I can decant for her but I was specifically looking for GC honey scents or sweet floral scents (nothing too grown-up and heady) to list off for her. I'm sure she could probably do fruity as well. I laughed when she told me which type of scents she likes because her name is Rose and she's pretty much the sweetest, happiest person I know. Of COURSE she likes honey and flowers! :lol:


    Off the top of my head I can think of Bastest, Alice, O, High-Strung Daisies, and Prunella. Any other ideas?

  6. I have been lusting after Haloes for some time now and was finally able to make it up to the store in Burlington to pick up a bottle :)


    Haloes is a creamy vanilla scent on my skin, vaguely reminiscent of Hellhound on my Trail. As it dries, my skin amps the apricot note turning this into delicious, grown-up vanilla/apricot scent. The amber seems to tame and ground the sweetness of the vanilla preventing it from going foody or cupcake-like. This one stays close to the skin and has a medium throw...it's perfect for the summer. Haloes totally lives up to the hype!

  7. I had a chance to sniff this yesterday at The Healthy Living Natural Foods Market in South Burthington, VT :)


    Hoggle was my favorite by far. :wub2: This smells like dirtier (more earthy) version of Miskatonic University.

  8. Not sure if this is the right place to ask or if it has possibly been answered already o.o;, but I was wondering the best method of cleaning wandcaps after your doing using it on one scent (finishing off the bottle of course ^_~) and wish to use it on another? Or is it best to order more wandcaps?


    P.S: So thankful I found this thread. Now I know how to properly test/apply a bottle with a q-tip <333.


    I've used rubbing alcohol to clean off wand caps from used bottles. I usually let it soak for about 10 minutes and the get in there with q tips to ensure all of the remaining oil is completley removed. I'll then pour a little more rubbing alcohol over it and rinse it really well with water and dry it with a paper towel. If the wand cap still smells like the bottle it was in I'll do this process over until it's completely clean and scent free. Once it's clean I usually let it dry over night before putting it in the new bottle :)


    Hope that helps!

  9. Tibetan Mountain Temple is one of my favorite scents :wub2: and Exotic Bazaar (in the BPTP atmosphere line) smells EXACTLY like it! It's not perfume but it is pretty much the same scent (just less artificial).

    Maybe you could find a BPAL perfume with a similar note listing as Exotic Bazaar :)

    "Nepalese amber, white sandalwood, black peppercorn, ambrette seed, neroli, coconut sugar, cardamom pods, ginger, fennel, bitter almond, liquorice root, henna, copaiba balsam, and spikenard."

  10. I have to say, the art on this bottle is pretty amazing :)


    Out of the bottle the first note I detect is BPALs famous dirt note (which I love so so much) :)

    As it dries I'm getting a sharp mossy note along with a cool, clean note I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know if it's my imagination or if there might be eucalyptus in here but I swear my skin feels chilly after putting it on. :lol: This perfectly captures the image of freshly dug graves and the chilling wind blowing through long, dark catacombs. Beautiful! :wub2:

  11. When I first read through all of the descriptions of the Frankenstein scents, this was the one I was most excited about. When I think of Mary Shelleys story, the workshop is the first thing that comes to mind. I've always loved the idea and imagery of a Victorian laboratory...a secret refuge filled with oddities, rusty contraptions, bones, old books and manuscripts. One of the reasons I love BPAL so much is their ability to capture moments, places, images, memories and bottle them into little 5ml vials. The idea of having access to my very on filthy Victorian workshop was very appealing to me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on a bottle of this.


    First whiff out of the bottle is resin and red musk. Oh boy! This is going to be good! :)


    On my skin wet I'm detecting mostly wood...the cypress beams. Cypress usually smells sharp on my skin but this is well balanced out by the red musk (which I'm assuming is meant to represent the blood). I'm not getting any dragons blood or anything along those lines. As this dries an almost salty aquatic note comes out (very much like The Phoenix), along with a shimmering metallic note that I can't quite put my finger on...it's elusive and shows up in quick flashes, much like lightning! This isn't aquatic, it's still very woody and resin laden.


    The final dry down is still a woody resin and is incredibly similar to The Phoenix.


    I'm not sure why this scent hasn't been getting a lot of love. I can think of at least 5 forumites who would die for this one. Resin and wood lovers, come hither!



  12. First sniff out of the bottle this reminds me of a grown-up version of Blue Fire. There must be a bit of juniper in this (that's what gave Blue Fire that "fizzy" quality). As it dries, a snuggly, powdery musk starts to develop on my skin along with a faint aquatic note. I would describe this as a woodsy aquatic...it's right in the middle of both without being overly aquatic or smelling too much like juniper. This is a perfect every day unisex scent (maybe leaning more towards the masculine side, which is OK since I really enjoy masculine scents). It's clean and non-intrusive. Definitley a winner! :wub2:

  13. Yep! Toasted marshmallows! :yum: As it dries I can pick it apart a bit more....vanilla, cinnamon, something woody like sandalwood or frankincense. The cinnamon is just light enough where I can still wear this as a perfume and it doesn't go to craft store potpourri on my skin.

    The final dry down is a spicy vanilla with sandalwood undertones.


    I thought this was going to be a novelty scent for me but it's actually quite wearable! :joy:

  14. WOWOWOWOW! :thud: :wub2: This...is...STUNNING! I was afraid this was going to turn to candle vanilla on my skin but it's a sweet, lightly herbal vanilla perfume that hugs close to my body. As it dries, this turns to a simple, dusty vanilla.

    The description is perfect and so are the notes for the names of his perfume. Sex in a bottle! This is certainly a sensuousness scent. I will be obtaining an additional bottle in the future.

  15. This was purchased for me by my amazing and thoughtful boyfriend. He went through all of the Frankenstein scents and decided this was the scent that was most like me :)


    I sniffed this without knowing what the notes were and to my surprise...jasmine was in this. Why am I surprised? Because jasmine IS my death note and I am not detecting it at ALL! :wub2: Or, maybe it is in there and the jasmine I've sniffed before has been a different kind? Either way, this scent alone has opened me to the world of jasmine. If it does have a strong presence, I love it. In the past, jasmine has smelled of plastic and diapers...this does not have that at all. Amiable and Loving Creatures is a sexy, honeyed floral blend. I get light roses and orange blossoms (I know orange blossom is not listed but there's an element of this that reminds me of Lady Lilith and my nose is saying orange blossom) drenched with honey and a touch of sweetness from the almond. I wouldn't have picked this scent out for myself based on the notes listed but I am SO glad he did as it is now one of my favorite scents to wear (and I've already received compliments on this).


    My boyfriend was right, this scent is entirely "me" and I will be hunting down a couple back-ups as it will be getting a lot of wear. :joy:

  16. I *think* it's 2005-- those were the years of vintage Halloween labels. Sugar Skull 2004 has text only, no picture.


    For physical appearance, I would check the bottles and labels thread.


    And I found... not a pic, but this:


    Does anyone happen to have any pics of Sugar Skull 04, 05, and 06? I have a bottle of it sans year, and I'm puzzling over whether it is indeed an 05 bottle. :P


    I don't havea pic handy but am pretty sure that th 05 sugar skull is the one with a pic of a brown haired girl who has her arm raised.



    Tramp is right. If you'd like a visual reference, Sugar Skull 2005 features the Anima Sola on the label; 2006 has a light gray label featuring a tiny witch cartoon (all the 2006 Halloween LEs had similar labels).


    Thanks! :D I wasn't sure --I've been spoiled by many of the older LEs having years printed on the label, it never occurred to me that they wouldn't be marked after the first incarnation.


    Sounds like it is 2005!


    ETA Exhibit B: we also have a Gallery, which includes a section for label art. It hasn't been updated since early 2011, but that might be a nice thing to have people contribute to. And I found this image! Upload date is pre-Halloween '06, so it must be '04 or '05. And since I know '04 was a text label, your bottle is... :drumroll: 2005!



    I have one bottle of Sugar Skull and it's the one with the flame woman label....2005 it is! :)

  17. Phoenix at Dawn is a sparkling pink scent. It could almost pass as another member of the Atomic Luau Lounge :)

    This is a fizzy, grapefruit soda on my skin with hints of floral notes.

    It dries into the softest, palest citrus blend with a kiss of sugar.


    Really pretty but not something I would wear.

  18. This is bright, happy, citrus... definitely warm and sun-shining not hot or fiery.


    Once applied to the skin this is a blast of blood oranges and gingergrass.

    As it dries the geranium comes out more while the amber holds everything together.

    The final dry down is a dusty orange with amber and geranium on my skin.


    Very pretty :)

  19. Please BPTP...NEVER discontinue your hair glosses! :wub2: This stuff is amazing! The formula is perfection. This doesn't make my hair greasy or heavy at all (like most frizz-free solutions I've tried). The hair gloss tames my thick, wild hair into soft, sleek perfection. :thud:


    Instead of spraying it directly into my hair, I put a couple squirts into the palm of my hand and gently glide it over my tresses after my hair is blow dried, rubbing the excess oil into the ends of my hair (which seem to be the driest). I then run the brush through my hair a few more times and voila! Like magic my hair is straight and tame. Amazing! My extremely observant and always wonderful boyfriend even noticed my hair the first day I used it. He told me I looked different, rubbed his hands over my head and said "Your hair is really smooth today." And then the second day I used it he noticed again.."Did you use that stuff again?" Why yes I did!


    The Frankincense and Clove gloss smells mostly of frankincense with just a hint of clove. Depending on the weather outside the scent will either linger for a while or completely disappear. It layers nicely with all of the BPAL I wear. The scent is only secondary and an extra added bonus to the amazingness that is this hair gloss. I would buy this even if it were unscented. :)

  20. This is EXACTLY what I wanted the Fairy Market to smell like. Exotic Bazaar transports me to a magical world where all sorts of interesting creatures are selling their goods. This is a warm and comforting exotic spice. Actually, this smells a lot like a non-synthetic and higher quality version of Pacificas Tibetan Mountain Temple scent (which I've always adored).

    I've already used the last of my goblin squirt. A bottle will be on it's way soon. :)
