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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. Strangelings boyfriend hit the nail on the head when she said it smelled like old peanut butter and jelly sandwich....but this is only out of the vial.


    On my skin this smells a lot more pleasant and spicer. Myrrh really comes through on the drydown, however the bubbleicious grape gum scent is still present.


    My friend, Mike walked into my office and said "You smell like something grape"

    "Yeah, it's this new perfume oil I'm trying out" I then offered my wrist for him to smell.

    "Whew, you smell like a Yankee Candle....like I'm gonna light a bitch."




    And that sums up Tum. Grape bubblegum with a hint of myrrh, smells sort of like a candle.

  2. I will agree with the person above me with the Parrot Bay similarity.


    Spooky is all coconut and rum to me. On my skin, as it dries a teeny bit of peppermint comes through...and then it's gone.


    I think I'd like this one better if it were a bit stronger and lasted longer.

  3. Gah! I'm having incredible luck with BPAL lately...but I LOVE this one!!! :P


    Wow, cedar, cedar, cedar!!! This is all cedar on me and it smells absolutly gorgeous.


    There really is't much more for me to say about this. It's amazing.

    If you like woody scents, this one is for you.


    I must try this on my boyfriend. Wow, this is one of those "Wear me so I'll be irresistable" scents :D

  4. Out of the vial, this one smells sort of soapy to me. It's not your average soap though, more like the kind of soap you'd find at your local natural foods store.


    On my skin it still has the same soapy quality. I'm not sure exactly what I'm smelling here, I can't pick out a single note.


    As Silk Road dries down, it morphs into something gorgeously soft, herbal and spicy. I'm stil unsure exactly what it is I'm smelling. :P All I know is, I love this, it works really well with my chemisty.


    Anther winner!

  5. When I opened my package full of imps....jailbait was the very first thing I smelled. This scent is powerful!

    My immediate reaction was "Ick! Bubble Gum!" ><


    However, after I applied it to my wrist, this completley changed to a sweet, artificial cherry scent on me.


    As this dries down, it becomes even more delicious. The "Heady womanly perfume" scent begins to rear it's head (along with a hint of spice..maybe cinnamon??) while still maintaining the sugary sweet cherry scent.

    Jailbait lasts forever on me. 5 hours later and it's still going strong.


    Final verdit for Jailbait. I Love it! I was convinced I was going to hate this one as I'm not too fond of bubblegum scents, but this works so so well with my chemistry. I'm going to need a 5ml of the ASAP.

  6. Mmmm. I instantly fell in love with this one.


    Out of the vial I smell a very citrusy peach. It's light and etheral..exactly like the description says ^^


    On my skin this smells almost like hawaiian Fruit Punch with some herbal undertones. Again, it's very very light, sweet and fresh smelling.


    Unfortuantly, this doesn't last very long and isn't detectable unles you're very close to where it was applied.


    I love this scent! Hoever, i won't be purchasing a 5ml just due to the fact that it doesn't last long :/



    Ok, after a while....this seems to get..stronger on me (if that's even possible).

    But it does! I can actually smell it really well now. I left my office, and when i came back...Fae filled the room.


    Definilty going to need a 5ml ^^

  7. Ahhh! Another winner! I've been saying this a lot latley, but this is one of the BEST things I've ever smelled. Wow. I don't know how Beth does it, but this smells exactly like wet, fertile, soil in a bottle.

    This is the forest after a thunderstorm, or fresh potters soil after it's been watered.

    Wearing it is truly a unique experience. It changes with my chemistry and turns into something else. The wet dirt/loam scent is still there, but a there's a hint of smething else.....not quite sure what it is. Wet leaves? Fallen pine needles?


    This is truly a gorgeous scent. I hope I can find another bottle becasue I have a feeling this one is going to go fast.

  8. This is THE best perfume oil I've ever smelled...EVER!! :P

    It's like it was created just for me. Wow, what can I say about this? It's perfect.

    Gingerbread Poppet smells exactly like warm gingerbread.

    At first, I thought this would make a better room/candle scent, but after wearing this all day...it's definilty going to be something I'm going to wear a lot.

    I can't stop sniffing my wrists.


    This is Christmas in a bottle. This is every good holiday memory I've ever had in a little 5ml cobalt blue bottle.

    I need dozens more of this.

  9. Gah! I can't believe I haven't reviewed Perversion yet! This is one of my favorites :D


    Everyone needs a bottle of Perversion.

    Perversion is a perfect exaple of why BPAL is just so damn fabulous ^^


    It's leather, with a sweet, almost vanilla scented chardonnay...but not too sweet! All of the notes are well balanced in this, and ALL of them are constant and present on your skin at all times (and it lasts forever on me)


    This is a perfect oil blend, it's pure magic. I love Perversion :P

  10. Wow, this is gorgeous. Again, mint usually turns bitter on me, but not in Juke Joint.


    The very first note I detect is mint, as it dries down, a warm, boozy scent comes out. This, to me smells like mint shnapps, or mint vodka (without smelling old and sour).


    I LOVE this, a 5ml is definitly in my future ^^

  11. Yay Shill! :D I bought this knowing I wouldn't want to wear it as a perfume, but use it as a room scent instead.


    It's definilty pure buttered popcorn, and I LOVE it! ^^ :P

    I love any sort of popcorn scented or flavored anything. Someone mentioned the Jelly belly popcorn jellybeans, and yes! it's exactly like that (and the popcorn ones are one of my favorites).


    Shill isn't something you'd want to wear (or..err..maybe you would...but not me :D)

    But I do love it as a room scent.


    Two thumbs up for Shill!

  12. Death really made my nose scrunch up when I first smelled it. It's really sharp and bitter. I'm not even sure how to describe it.

    It smells like an old mans cologne mixed with dirt and smoke.

    I was afraid to put this on my skin, but I did anyway so I could give a complete review.


    On my skin it's still very sharp and bitter to me. The "old man aftershave" smell is even more prominent now. I smell like I just hugged my grandfather.


    I don't like this one at all :P

  13. I tried this without knowing what the notes were and the first thing that came to my mind was, white flowers...mosre specificly, lilies. This is an extremly flowery perfume. The flowers completly upstage the sandalwood (which is barley detectable to my nose).


    On my skin, the flowers are still very present. This oil smells like "Spring". It's soft, pretty, and white.


    I can appreciate this one, but it's not for me. I just can't do heavy florals.

  14. Uhhh! I LOVE this! Out of the bottle it smelled very strongly of chocolate mint icecream to me. I didn't know waht the notes were as i was trying this (tested it as soon as I got it in the mail today).


    On my skin wet it had an almost bitter chocolate smell to it. I decided at this point, I wasn't going to like this...then came the sandalwood on the dry down. And such a beautiful sandalwood it is! Mmmm this smells beautiful on me.


    Must buy large bottle :P

  15. Whew! This one is strong! Out of the bottle it's sharp and sweet all at the same time. I'm getting a very perfumy floral. It's a light floral mixed with something sweet and ripe.


    On my skin the flowers are slightly upstaged by the a sweet sugary scent. For some reason, it smells a bit like maple syrup with crushed flowers on my skin.

    This reminds me of something...but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's a perfume my mother used to wear.

    Pink Moon has a very commercial feel to it, it's something you'd smell in a department store, something everyone could like. It's mature and playful all at the same time.

    I like it, yet It might be a bit too strong for me.


    I'm going to wear this for a little while longer and see how I feel. :P




    Ok, this scent actually is beginning to give me a headache. I think it's just a bit too floral for me :/ It's a bit on the "perfumy" side. Very very strong. Such a shame becasue I really thought I was going to like this.

  16. Woah! This is powerful! This scent is definilty worth of it's name.


    LIME, coconut and definilty mint....or something else herbaly. There's another note in there I can't quite put my finger on, it's the very last thing I smell.


    This almost smells exactly like Bath and Bodys Works Coconut Lime Verbena..but with a minty twist!


    This is a perfect summer scent. I wish I had known about this one earlier! I would've purchased a big bottle for those summer evening parties ^^ It's definilty not an everyday scent, but more of a special occasion, fun type of oil.

  17. This is a very very light scent and practicly dissapears on my skin.


    Out of the bottle, oddly enough it smells like my Prairie Dog (I know, weird). I smell a musky sort of honey and vanilla....but it's so faint, it's barley detectable.

    On my skin, it dries down to practicly nothing. The amber is a little more prominent now, but again, barley there.


    This one is just too light. I was really looking foward to O, as it has so many good reviews. Too bad it vanishes on my skin.

  18. I hated this when I first smelled it out of the imp...but after a few more sniffs, I'm beginning to really love it.

    It's definilty a complicated scent. I can't quite put my finger on one note in paticular.

    It's wet, mossy, spicy and woody all at the same time. I'm not sure what vetiver smells like, as this is the first scent I've tried with that note.


    This is a really beautiful masculine scent. I can certainly agree with many of the other reviewers...it's not like anything you've ever tried and matches the description perfectly.


    Overall, I like this one a lot.

  19. First sniff, rose and leather! Exactly like the description ^^


    I really love rose, but it just doesn't smell good on my skin. I wish it would, but it's just not "me".

    I really love the way this one smells, it truly a gorgeous scent (and lasts a long time!) but unfortunatly I'm going to ahve to say no to this one. However, my mother smells beautiful in rose, I think this is something she's going to really like. :P

  20. I just can't to aquatic scents ><


    Out of the bottle this one smells like a nursing home to me. It's an elderly smelling perfume mixed with dirty hospital sheets.


    On my skin, this actually softens up and get a little more pleasant. It's very heavy with flowers and has the same plasticy smell some BPAL florals have. I just can't do many florals :/ The aquatic note turns musky on my skin, which is good, I really love musk.

    However, this scent just isn't for me.

    Off to swaps, I'm sure it'll find a better home.

  21. This is the very first CN scent I've tried ^^


    Out of the bottle the very first thing I smell is cocoa and a masculine vanilla, and next whiff is something a bit sweeter and juicier, which must be the pomegranate. I can tell I'm already going to love this one.

    On my skin, wet the cocoa and vanilla are even stronger but is now backed up by the musk. This is a very gender nuetral scent to me, leaning more towards the masculine/foody side.

    The dry down is very resiny on my skin. Musky, sweet and gorgeous! I love this!

    Freak show lasts for hours on my skin as well, it's definilty something I'll be recieving compliments on.


    Gah! I wish I bought another bottle of this! ><
