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Posts posted by Pixie-elf

  1. Cotton Candy and Dorian! It's wonderful!


    Nate: That smells familiar and good, what is it?


    Me: Slime Queen! Cotton Candy Dorian!


    Norally I get more cologne, more lemon... I mean Dorian, the original is like Tea sugar cookies on me, so good.


    This is like soft puffy clouds of cotton candy with drops of the Dorian base. It's delicious!

  2. Blood musk, and smoke.


    If you've read the Wheel of Time, you've heard the curse "Blood and Ashes!" and this is what it'd smell like.


    It lasts, and lasts.


    The blood musk almost has the smut note to it, if you've never smelled it, but not quite. It's deeper, more primal. Gorgeous. The incensey smoke and ashes are gentle, giving it a lovely depth that is fantastic.


    Gender neutral, but it smells fantastic on Nate. His coworker got a whiff of him the next day (another dide) and told him how good he smelled. So he explained Bpal. :XD

  3. From Ebay.


    Pluto is lovely. Woodsy, resiny, a bit metallic as some say, but kind of like a nice hug... Then again I'm devoted to his wife so I feel very comfortable with him.


    It's definitely masculine, I think there's vetiver in it as I smell the same note as is in Block Buster from TAL. I'm very happy to have this bottle.

  4. A general-purpose luck invoking blend, great for everyday boosts in good fortune. The components include bourbon vanilla absolute, vanilla oleoresin, Ceylon cinnamon, almond oil, and pulverized pyrite. (Brian took care of the pulverizing.)

    This smells AMAZING. Like a sexy cinnamon roll. I immediately want donuts when I use it. Like 10 boxes full.


    How does it work? Really well. I had a candle dressed in it, then after just handling it, unlit, walked outside and my neighbor asked me to dry and fold his laundry for $20.


    The same day Nate got a ton of good advice as far as money went. It helped a looooot.


    I love the scent, and I use it on days when we need a boost or everything seems to be going wrong. Or for other people... I find it helps them too. Also the pyrite is super pretty!


    I'm not sensitive skin wise so I rubbed it on my skin and his without issue.

  5. I have no idea what the scent is, but I am not a fan. It's really weird.


    Howevee, I'm not using it for its scent, this stuff works REALLY well.


    It's very calming, centering, and helps you focus on "I need to get THIS done."



    Also if what I need to get done happens to be rest so I can get shit done later it somehow helps me relax to do that. I think it's because with my insomnia, I have so many blocks... and sometimes I really DON'T give myself what I need, which is rest.


    Other times it perks me up and I go right to work!


    I love it!

  6. Cotton Phoenix has a base of our foundation scent, Snake Oil, with a sliver of Snow White, almond milk, and a pillowy poof of marshmallow layered over a sheer cotton blossom musk.


    Snow White 2005 didn't work out for me, so it kind of scared me away.

    Now I'm sad about missing this!

    This is a wonderful combo of Snake oil and beautiful mallow and almonds. It's what I wanted Snow White to be! It is glorious!

    I'mma be hunting for a bottle!

  7. This smells like Smut and O went and had sex in a bed of Poppies.


    The honey is light, the red musk is lovely, it soars, and the poppies give it a fantastic floral tone.


    On Nate? It's strongly red musky, with a hint of floral and a good hit of honey.


    It smells fabulous on him or me!


    He actually said "If this is how menstrual blood smells I want more of it." :rofl: I think we'll be looking for another bottle because he really likes it.


    I feel like a super powerful woman wearing this.


    I think he does too. ;)

  8. It starts out as LIME!!!!


    Like, so much lime it's like a lime crawled up my nose and took a whizz.


    Then the lime mellows and it turns in to lime surrounded by light florals.


    This is a great summer scent I think! It's bright and sparkly in a fabulous way.



    This is a scent that is pure sex. I'm not really sure I can describe it better than that.


    It is musky, snuggly, leathery goodness with the lilac adding a nice floral tone that just makes it SPARKLE!


    I want to crawl in to bed with this scent, mingle, and be enveloped. It's GORGEOUS. In fact, I'm about to try to distract myself from this headache by snuggling in to it. I want it as an atmosphere spray, I'd love this on my pillows!

  10. Honey, at first. Then it blossoms in to a sweet melange of berries and tea blended with the honey.


    It's glorious, very feminine, and I feel it's somehow classy. I feel clean and divine in this.

  11. I dunno what year this one is, but it's lovely. Spicy vanilla honey sexiness!


    It's like O and Snake Oil had a Lovechild.


    No, they didn't get married, they ain't about that life. They're raising Womb Furie without that nonsense. Snake Oil is free to partner up with who they want and so is O!


    Anyways, if you like Lady Una, O, Snake Oil, or just plain smelling sexy, you'll probably like Womb Furie!

  12. I wasn't sure what pink peppercorn smelled like, but Pomegranate is generally a "You gotta buy this!" For me.


    It's GORGEOUS.


    This is the scent of Persephone walking amongst her garden, encouraging it to grow. Talking to each flower, each herb, each fruit.


    It's the scent of spring having finally arrived after a long winter.


    Persephone finally said goodbye to Hades, she was having a hard time leaving him, and now returns to bless us with glorious flowers.


    It's well balanced, fruity, floral, and lovely!


    I hope it stays up a while longer, I need more money for a back up bottle. I kind of want it as a perfume.



  13. First, Miss Forcible starts out as heavy Anise.


    Then she morphs in to a sweet tea and caramel butter cookie scent! I put her on a few hours ago and I'm getting wafts of caramel cookies every few minutes. It's glorious.


    I would have tea with Miss F any tI'm and try her cookies!

  14. You know howStrawberry Shortcake dolls used to smell?


    This hair gloss is kind of like that, only better, not plasticky, and all grown up. I can smell the vanilla, the pink candies, the strawberries, and the orange blossum. It's so lovely!


    I can't stop sniffing my hair!

  15. Pickle is a creamy, coconutty, vanilla memory. I don't remember what memory it is, but, I know the scent reminds me of SOMETHING.


    It's a joyful scent. I love it and it's super summery! A little floral, a little vanilla, a bit coconutty. So good!


    It reminds me of a day in the wind during the summer. Early summer. Not too hot, breezy, and full of adventure.

  16. Holy fuck.


    This is super patch, masculine, sexiness.


    Woodsy, frolicking hotness. Why yes, Bran ((Can I call you that?) I do.


    I'm not getting the fruits. Just this straight up scent of a sexy woodsy man thing that I kind of wanna sniff all day long.


    I might coat my man thing in this when he gets home from work and sniff him some and see what comes out. I normally am not super in to patch but this is just... um.. Yes. Yes sir. You can have your way with me cause you smell pretty.


    Tldr: like a sexy forest. Do you like sexy forests? If so, say yes to Brangwy!

  17. This is like a wonderful warm hug.


    A lot of days I have a hard as time getting the fuck out of bed due to pain, the fact I am emotionally exhausted from the BS I deal with.


    This helps me get up and handle my shit!


    It's also great for getting rid of my headaches and giving me that boost I need.


    Now, let's move on to scent. It's lovely! I have no idea what is in it, but I would wear it and only it as a perfume anytime.


    I love combining this with Lionheart. It's wonderful. So powerful! I light candles with them often!


    Thank you so much JazzieCazzie for passing these on to me and Nate!! We love them so!

  18. A new years blessing! Peony, Chinas national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, red sandalwood and blue lotus for purity, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat for prosperity, red mandarin for good fortune, peach blossom for longevity, a touch of patchouli to bring it all down to earth, with a splash of blazing red of dragons blood to help you scare away the rampaging Nian.

    I'm first? Oh gad. Well bare in mind Ive got botox wearing off, so I hope I do this justice with my head screwed on backwards.


    I got Earth Dog from Ebay, and I love it. It's a morpher from start to finish! It starts out floral, and fruity, bright, and firey... Then it settles down to a lovely cool incensey scent a few hours later, 3 or 4.


    It hasn't had a lot of time to settle, and it's so well blended pick out individual notes is hard, but it's lovely.


    On Nate it's a lovely fruity but earthy scent, masculine enough for him to wear. Gender neutral. I'm glad I have a bottle!

  19. Light sandalwood, and when I say light I mean the barest hint of it.


    A whisper of florals, maybe carnation? Not enough to be a potent perfume... A drop of honey. All of this put together makes it a lovely, nondistracting scent. Very relaxing. I'm wearing it to bed right now...

  20. The wonderful DJNevermore sent me a sniffie tester of this. Thank you do much babe!


    This is Midway's little sister. Midway is in to baking. Instead, Velvet Unicorn is all in to sugar and FRUIT! She's actually a lot closer to what I wanted the original Midway to be. Sweet Cotton Candy with lovely fruit notes.


    She's just straight up lovely, cotton candy, strawberry, cherry fluff. Tiny little hint of coconut, kinda like she's spent a day at the beach and the last of the sunscreen is wearing off... It's beautiful. I'd love for this cotton candy note to be used in a loooot of things. I like the way it feels kind of ethereal.

  21. Cleric

    I expected resins.


    I got soap at first. Then florals start to bloom. I'm not exactly sure what I expected a cleric to smell like, but it wasn't this lovely scent.


    It reminds me of something my Granny would wear, and I don't mean that in a "This smells old" way. I mean it smells lovely and floral with a hint of incense. I think she'd have enjoyed it...
