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Posts posted by sarahjay

  1. this is gorgeous on me - after 1 use I'm feeling the urge to buy a big bottle.


    might have to soon, in fact, because they take a little while to reach london....


    eta - tried this again the other night, after bathing in lush's honey comfort & flying fox, then I dusted with karma sutra's honey dust - delicious. mr.sj thought I smelt delicious too, which can only be a good thing!

  2. tried this yesterday & I love it! even more than old venice, which I liked a lot.


    I'm going to have to think a lot harder about describing scents before I can post coherent reviews......


    (am a bit worried I will love all 17 imps that arrived - how will I chose a big bottle?)



    eta - march 9th - well, I then went on to ignore this lovely little imp in favour of morocco & venice from that batch of imps. today however, after a series of unsucessful trials of various blends containing either plum/pear/peach (all yukky on me) I tried glasgow again. the blackberries are soft and gorgeous and the heather stops it being too yukky sweet/cloying on me. I really like this all over again & feel the need for a bottle in time for summer. I'm off to drink some more blackberry tea now...


    I've had such luck with the wanderlust oils :P

  3. well, I got my first-ever order today and this was the first I tried. I love it! I had hoped I would... it was a bit heady at first but so so gorgeous.


    already on my list for a larger bottle :P


    (I honeymooned in venice)
