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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by quinkel

  1. This is weird, once again I was thinking about this yesterday!!!


    Because everything handmade is alway different, it must aply to BPAL too. I had never hear someone mentioned it before, but I guess slowly but surely we are coming to 2th orders etc and we will remark this differences I guess.


    Like with Lush Karma, it alway different (wine is also, ever from the same chateau, same year)

    This makes it even more interesting, than the ever same smelling chemical scents :P

  2. Reading the reviews here,i didn´t think I would like this one. And therefor I didn´t order it. Beth was so kind to put it as an extra Imp and oh boy I was sooo wrong about this!!!!


    Lovely, fresh, crisp, abricot, a perfect scent for spring and early summer when sitting in a park. It´s like a early morning in a meadow full of blooming fruit tree´s.


    Hours later a nice minty smell is coming through, It is not in the desciption but it´s quite distinct.


    A scent that makes you happy! Weird enough, I dislike fruit scent and fresh scent in general but this is a exception, 5 ml in next order ;-)

  3. Candles, blown out by a sudden chilly wind on a dark, dark night, that exactly how this smells to me. Candle smoke.


    It's too heavy for me, to wear but it makes a great roomscent if you want that spooky feeling.

  4. If it works or not, this is really a feel good perfume! Makes me feel comfortable when wearing it. Like a soft blanket. It´s hard to describe the single notes, but soft, herby, soapy are words that come to my mind.


    It´s very friendly,all days wearable, unique scent.


    The staying power is a 10/10!

    On the skin it last all day and on clothes untill you put in the washing machine.


    ETA: this oil looks so different from all the other imps, its very milky. dirty´oil (not that I mind, it smells fab!)


    ETA 2: on the purpose of a Voodoo blend, THIS IS MAGIC!

    The current job i do, i wore High John to the interviews. Not only did I get the job but I earn the highest salary in this position.

    As it is a project, time has come to move on... Last week I had the first interview for an amazing job and now i am already in the last round! And believe me , the other candidates were all experienced sales man with a proven sales record! High John played a huge role in here.


    ETA 3 I got the job, and as it is a sales position, visiting prostect is the main business. A few weeks ago there was a major prospect of a famous company. I decided to wear High John and... it was like he came under a spell. Nobody was ever so enthousiast about our product and he sight the contract within a week (my first real client Yaj!!!)


    ETA 4. It has been 3 years and this is still my magic success oil. Every jobinterview I wear it, I am sure to get the job. Any moment I need strenght, its this oil that helps me through. I just feel good and confident whenever I wear it.

  5. I so agree with Twistygirl! Your business is growing like hell, I think nothing can stop that! But you should really consider hiring more people. Maybe someone who does all the shipping things. That gives you more space to focus on the things you love (THE core business) :P

  6. first, a 10/10 for the staying power. I wore it all day yestereday without fading an inch! today it´s still as fresh as from the bottle where it touched my shirt.


    I love the scent, it reminds me a lot of a certain hard red candy called wineballs.


    I can imagine children will love this scent :P


    I am usally not into sour´fuity scents but this is a very nice exception.


    Perfect to wear on a warm summer evening when the sweet caramel scents become to sticky, even for me :D

  7. I finally dare to review this ´holy grail´


    I ordered a 5 ml just by the reviews and no regret, this stuff is heaven!


    If it´s sexy you ask? To me not really, just yummie but my BF is calling me Sweet Skin as a nickname ever since, and he likes to smell me and being close to him, so in that way, yes it´s sexy!


    One of my colleques made a remark what describes the scent (at least for the Dutchies/Lushies/Swappies) he said ´hmmmm it smells like Stoopwafels in here´ when he came in my office. :P


    For those who don´t know stroopwafels, Its two thin waffles with a caramel like layer in the middle.

    They smell spicy sweet when warm.


    Snake Oil is a 10/10


    ETA: a little dab in your hair last for ages and goes amazingly well with Lush American cream.

  8. Thanks Tessel!! This one is something really me!


    Didn´t read in the description #20 contains roses but on me it dries as a beautifull deep dark red rose. Nothing more.


    Wet in the veil it smells a dark mixture of almonds, herbs, and strangly enough no rose at all!!


    If it works as love potion will be tested :D


    ETA..TMI warning


    Oh my! it works 100% everytime I put it on, we...well... :P

    believe me I tested it on my poor BF and even when he was not in "the" mood at all (tired, grumpy and even ill once) after a while he litteraly jumped on me :D

  9. Name: Joyce

    URL: none

    Photo: have no digital photo´s :P

    Sin of choice: Gluttony and wrath.

    Virtue you embody: Loyalty. friendlyness

    Astrological Info: Aries (born on May 20).

    How you found out about BPAL:

    Through Lush forum, it took me a while to figure out BPAL wasn´t another weird rock group (as i do not like rock groups)

    Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab: Love it! never found scent more special and addictive! to me it´s an upgrade to the Lush addiction. Last 6 months Lush has gone a direction I am less keen on. The BPAL Voodoo blends really work (done tests) And I hope Beth and crew will keep up this good work for loooong

  10. Thanksfor your re-assurance!


    It was not the colour what was worring me but the fact it´s not clear but milky.


    for example Dragon milk is red but bright and clear. High John is yellowmilk :P


    Well, that makes it more special I guess... go for a 5ml bottle, it´s sooo special herby, soft, uncommon and it works good!!

  11. wow, this is a very special blend. It changes all the time. Just when I think i know it, it morphs again.

    It starts with a sweet almond-y mazipain smell, that disappears when applied. The first half hours it´s sharp, almost fresh. Cloves and pine. It morphs again into something very sweet and lingering, like a cloud of sweet smoke.


    the final is soft powdery/incencestick like.


    Voodoo, a complete ritual in a bottle!


    Love it :P

  12. Think they show up mostly, mine took also 3 weeks but international so i was not suprised.


    take it easy hun, keep the Lab shut for some more days and take your time to get things back on track.


    We will not die waiting and we understand it takes time.



    Big (((((((((((hug))))))))))))


    And thanks soooooo much for the load of extra imp´s, they are lovely, cannot chose what to wear


    And thanks for creating Spooky (please consider to make it available a little longer, I will order 2x 10 ml if you do:lovestruck: :P :D :D )


    And thank so much for making my life more bright as I go through a difficult time at work. Smelling nice makes me feel goooood.


    And thanks so much we stop using the chemical crap and use BPAL instead.

  13. well, on the positive side.... your scents are so special and precious that they are worth stealing :P :D


    Very sorry to hear all the sh*t hun! but things will get better soon! Have a lovely birthday and who knows, maybe you wil a jackpot! Oh BTW I always bet on my age when I am in a Casino on my birthday and guess what... It Worked

  14. OMG, this is THE BEST SCENT EVER!!


    Smells like mint chocolate with a hintof cocosnut. Sweet, soft but very lasting. Stays very thru. I put a little bit on my shirt two days ago and the yummy scents is there, still strong!


    How can I get a bottle of this that´s the question on my mind today! :P
