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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by JMorgynWhite

  1. Insanely in love with today’s #writingarmor lineup more revision today and dreaming of a dark love scene.… https://t.co/f5VJIljJRE

  2. It's querying night post @ManuscriptWList awesomeness. Such a valuable resource. 🖋❤️#writingarmor to speed the emai… https://t.co/PMT9NM5KkO

  3. Jewels of the day hoping to chase away the #fridaythe13th funkiness #writingarmor to fuel the madness now that I ha… https://t.co/rRWP8UXEws

  4. Late start@after a chaotic day but the work doesn’t disappear. More revision tonight. Goal is to get a full scene d… https://t.co/HVLCASyv6o

  5. Late to the party but started @libbabray ‘s A Great and Terrible Beauty last night and it was sooooo hard to put it… https://t.co/SKpoZ8NN9u

  6. Look what I got in the mail! Valravyn is an official #daphne18 #finalist with an honorable mention! 🖤🖋congratulatio… https://t.co/f5EgSb0Jj2

  7. Lucasfilm: Attn: Lucasfilm, Please Give Carrie Fisher Top Billing in Star Wars: Episode VIII https://t.co/Tepijye8Uv via @Change

  8. Made it 🖋🎈 2162 new words across two MS projects. Back to revision for the rest of the day. #amwriting #progresshttps://t.co/1NFvhl1kpF

  9. My Formative SFF: Forgotten Classics of the '70s and '80s https://t.co/iTxvofW9Yl via @tordotcom

  10. My hands hurt but the throbbing might be joyous. A 7k day is a thing of rarity - a #unicorn day #JuNoWriMohttps://t.co/7wCQidHSQz

  11. Needing some power #rings to speed words tonight. The morning was a trainwreck so #writingarmor is going to have to… https://t.co/g6AgSnGfuL
