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Everything posted by Lucchesa

  1. Lucchesa

    A Rousing Performance

    Oh, this is gorgeous if you like the kind of scent that leans lumberjack. It's fairly sharp evergreen when wet, but it quickly settles down into a welcoming forest with the addition of very soft leather, a hint of the sweetness of maple leaf, and an extremely wearable patchouli. I love patch in all its forms, but I know that's not true for everyone, and this one on me is not at all head shop, more of a gentle hug. Throw is quiet, which is normal for my skin chemistry, but it lasts a long time. Utterly without gender. I need more.
  2. Lucchesa

    Wolf Spider

    Wolf Spider has aged beautifully. It goes on my skin as a still pretty gritty tobacco with the herbal notes, sage and chamomile, but it softens up quickly with the sweetness of the coconut and the warmth of the tonka and vanilla. White musk can be high pitched on me but any tendency in that direction has aged out of it. Just a warm, cozy, sexy unisex cuddle -- kind of the opposite of the feeling most people get when looking at an actual wolf spider. And yet there's a ruggedness and rawness, especially when wet, so it works with the name. So thrilled to have this one!
  3. Lucchesa

    The Decadents

    A gorgeous addition to the handful of lilac scents I wear for about three weeks when the lilacs are in bloom. As they are now! Lots and lots of sugared lilac with no appreciable blackcurrant or absinthe and just a bit of tobacco. This just arrived by mail two days ago so I wonder if the tobacco will become more prominent as it did for @forspecial_plate, which would be fine for me as long as the lilac was still present. So pretty, so much spring!
  4. Lucchesa

    Dead Leaves, Scorched Pumpkin, and Marshmallows

    Dead Leaves, Scorched Pumpkin, and Marshmallows starts out a lot like Dead Leaves on Fire, a signature scent from that dumpster fire of a year, 2020. If there's pumpkin and marshmallows, they're scorched, too. It takes the better part of an hour for the burnt leaves smell to recede, but since I own and wear DLoF, that's not a deal breaker for me. Eventually it's smoky dead leaves and roasted marshmallows with a little bit of pumpkin in the background. Just pumpkin, no pie spices. The toasted marshmallow note lasts the longest, as a skin scent. Very nice.
  5. Lucchesa

    Wayfaring Stranger

    I can't believe that Wayfaring Stranger has only two reviews. It's a gorgeous and unusual addition to the Lights of Men's Lives family of candle scents. This one starts out harsh, with the raw whiskey and tobacco notes in the forefront. This is not a lovingly aged scotch and a smooth tobacco; this scent starts out a dive bar. I get rust but surprisingly little dust, which can be a strong note on me. So yes, the opening is kind of foreboding. But as the booze and tobacco warm and soften, the sweeter coconut husk and especially the beeswax emerge, and the combination works really nicely. I love elissamay's description of an ofrenda -- it's very evocative of the vibe I get from this. My favorite 2023 Weenie so far.
  6. Lucchesa

    Fire Scene at Night

    I’m a tiny bit puzzled why I chose to buy this decant. Dragon’s blood and red oudh are rarely a success on me, and red musk is touch and go. Black currant, amber and woodsmoke sounds nice, though, and they are. Like white_jenna63, though, I mainly get dragons blood and fruity red musk. There’s a bit of pepper and a nice backdrop of amber, but they’re definitely secondary. I hope the woodsmoke lasts longer as it ages as the early phase of this with the smokiness apparent is my favorite.
  7. Lucchesa

    Fir Needle, Peony, and Indigo Musk

    On me, this is PEONY with fir and blue musk. The musk sort of blends with the peony, and the fir doesn’t stand a chance. Big pink floral with a hint of baby blue musk, cool in tone.
  8. Lucchesa

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    This is beautiful! I wouldn’t have guessed Tennyson would feel so timely! Thank you!!!
  9. Lucchesa

    Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

    Apparently I never reviewed Wednesday's Child. I'm one, full of woe FTW! And I love this big clove scent. It isn't complicated, which is probably why it fits Beth's idea of a kid's goth perfume, but it's not an infantile sugarbomb foodie. Sugary clove is the star here, everything else is singing quiet backup vocals though if I try hard I can smell the patch, the cocoa, even the tiniest bit of cherry and dried roses. If clove is a knockout note on you, this is one to search out.
  10. Lucchesa


    Ink Feather might have been crafted just for me. I love the licorice note in all its incarnations, from root to whip, and it starts out strong on beautiful dark sweet earthy licorice. For a while it's a licorice root amber perfume, then a licorice root patchouli one, and it ends for me as a soft licorice incense which is a big warm blanket for my soul, but also sexy, probably because it makes me feel good. I suspect we licorice lovers are few but fervid, and we need this.
  11. Lucchesa

    Dead Leaves And Horchata

    Dead Leaves and Horchata is, a year later, still disappointing to me. I get little dead leaves from it, and not a clear sense of horchata either. Instead I get lemony cinnamon sugar graham crackers. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for either. Pretty good wear length, though.
  12. Lucchesa

    Recommendations for Liquor and Wine Scents

    There's a booze imp pack -- ones that haven't been mentioned yet are Absinthe, Elegba, Grog, and Juke Joint. Bard has bay rum -- seems like some of the piratey scents do too. Yep! Jolly Roger, Port-au-Prince and Mary Read, all with rum of some kind. Miskatonic University for Irish Coffee -- also Irish Coffee Buttercream and Spiced Rum Buttercream Coffee, both ACLU activism scents that are still available. Good holiday scents! And Blood Kiss has a heady cherry wine note.
  13. Lucchesa

    Death on a Pale Horse

    I want MolyH's imp! Or skin chemistry! On me, Death on a Pale Horse is high-pitched white musk, high-pitched florals, and sharp citrus. I don't get mint, which is fine, but i also don't get patchouli, which is not. Eventually, a couple of hours in, the florals lose their potency, and I am able to make out the sandalwood and the vetiver, which is the dominant note in late drydown. And this phase is not at all bad on me. But these are definitely not my notes.
  14. Lucchesa

    Autumn Sun I

    This is rather nice but is definitely on the pale and limpid side. I really just get tea and amber and maple leaves. I would really love for some vetiver and loam to dirty it up. I like the notes that do appear -- I would definitely buy at least a decant of Dead Leaves with Black Tea, Amber, and Maple. But Autumn Sun I is not quite all the description promises.
  15. Lucchesa

    Gooped Familiar

    Gooped Familiar on me is black musk, cedar and hay with some warm amber giving it a perfumey vibe. After a few hours it's sweeter and fuzzy around the edges with some spices to it, though I never (sadly) get my beloved carnation note emerging. But it is still a winner on me, warm and comfy like a favorite feline and perfect for early fall.
  16. Lucchesa

    U Strip

    U Strip is almost entirely sweet toasted coconut on me. I was hoping for the darkness of some vetiver, but it's practically imperceptible. Instead, this is light and almost girlish. Low throw (normal on my middle-aged skin) and about three hours of wear length.
  17. Lucchesa

    The Gatekeeper

    The Gatekeeper is dry, dusty sandalwood and creaky leather. There’s a hint of old paper and some briefly sharp papyrus, but like nearly every library adjacent scent, it’s quite fleeting on my skin.
  18. Lucchesa

    Haitian Tobacco, Bay Leaves, and Patchouli

    I neglected to review this decant last year and haven't worn it since, but I really do like it. It's a warm, dry scent -- not a sweet sticky tobacco but a dry one, ditto for the patch and the bay. In fact this blend has very little sweetness on me at all, which is a welcome change from some of the foodies and other scents where the sweet notes can take over. It's clean but not in an aquatic way, more like a well-groomed man with excellent bone structure sort of way. Confident, a little rugged. Super nice.
  19. Lucchesa

    Back in the Recording Studio

    I am surprised I didn't reviewed Back in the Recording Studio last year. It was the first Lilith I tried and set a high bar for the rest. Cool lavender in the opening with what must be driftwood but definitely felt more evergreen to me (this does not tend aquatic on me, thankfully), but they give way to the warmer notes of tonka and amber and honey (dry not sticky). I never get much patchouli, unfortunately, and it's not obviously a beeswax scent on me, but it all coalesces into something absolutely lovely and long-lasting.
  20. Lucchesa

    Dead Leaves, Boot Leather, and Sweet Grass

    Dead Leaves, Boot Leather, and Sweet Grass didn't work for me last fall. Now it's gorgeous! I'm so glad I held onto the slonk. Soft brown leather dominates throughout, but the dead leaves note has finally come into its own. It is a wet green dead leaves note as described by Little Bird and others, but it doesn't become aquatic; it may be the sweet grass contributing the green feeling. Comfortable, outdoorsy, totally unisex, totally a pleasure.
  21. Lucchesa

    The Hanging Gardens

    Bubblegummy fruit on me with tropical florals. Nice but not my jam.
  22. Lucchesa

    The Witches go to Market

    There’s a lot going on here, and all of it good. Meaty fig and barley cake, spices, incense, roots and fungi and a pungent burst of evergreen… and then poof. It vanishes. I reapplied and same result. My skin vanquishes it. Very sad.
  23. Lucchesa

    Foreboding Buffalo

    Foreboding Buffalo starts out with a lot of chocolate on me — and like @dancingchair, I thought immediately of Muddy Armadillo. But it goes to a very different place. The patchouli is present, the vetiver is favor, and the reddish brown musk takes over. So a sexy earthy musk grounded in cacao. Nice!
  24. Lucchesa

    Philosopher Reading

    I was really hoping for more beeswax, but I can barely smell it at all. Instead, this is a dusty stone and frankincense scent with soft brown leather and maybe some dusty wood but not specifically oak. It reminds me a little of Adam but with a softer leather. And then it is subject to the curse of all library-adjacent scents on me and disappears almost entirely within an hour or so.
  25. Lucchesa

    Chocolate Babka

    Wet, Chocolate Babka is a whole lot of chocolate -covered marzipan (one of my favorite sweets!). As it dries down, a distinctive rye note emerges, and eventually the almond fades so it's a chocolatey rye. This has pretty good throw (rare on me) for the first couple hours at least. Really nice and now I want to taste chocolate babka!