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Posts posted by Cali

  1. I'm raving about this just as much as the next person, this is SO GOOD!!!
    A soft, red, intriguing scent that describes his character perfectly and has the longest staying power than any other perfume I've ever tried. I'm in love with this. :wub3:

  2. My mind is telling me to hate the moss/iris notes but... I'd never!
    It's a dark blue, green and cold scent, to make it more confusing, it's got something innocent and something very dark. ...What?
    I'm not getting any lavender. but besides that everything's there. I like to dab this on before I go to bed, it's relaxing.

  3. This one's odd, but bear with me. In the bottle, it's got this medicinal thing going on. However on my skin this buggers off directly and amps up those lovely spices and musk. There's definately a dark, pulsating side to this and it's pretty strong with a good throw.
    I'm not getting that sherezade feel from it at all, but to me that's a good thing. Really curious as to how this'll age.


    [WAY OVERDUE edit] I don't know why i never edited the same day I tested this: I vehemently remember getting an aggressive headache and feeling real wobbly when this sat on my skin for a little while and had to scrub it off. Don't be too alarmed; I may just be (or, I very likely am) allergic to this - pretty sure it must have been the saffron, which is a note i have been avoiding ever since I tried this, as it was such an unpleasant experience it's really kept me on my toes.

    The scent is gorgeous, but maybe handy to keep in mind if you either know you are or think you may be allergic to saffron!

  4. A tranquil, deep blend. Heavy on the frankincense. It amps up on my skin (mostly the florals and frankincense) with a big throw for a good couple of hours. Really makes me feel like I should be creeping around in some sort of ancient church.

  5. This was a surprise! It's a very well-done leather, like a well-worn old jacket. The green notes give it an extra kick and make it something very special. On my skin, it gets so much better, leaving me with that strong, leather jacket scent.
    Masculine/unisex. Green and black and really quite in your face. The longetivity of this seems to be forever, perfect!

    If I want to feel like a badass this is the one I'll be pick for the day. :cool:

  6. Oh my... I never want to stop sniffing my arms.. Everything just works perfectly.

    Boozy but not too bitter, and the lovely fruits in the background. Once applied my skin just amps up everything and stays for a long long time. Nice throw. I'll be using this like crazy in the summer. Deliciousss! :wub2:

  7. Straight from the imp it's almost like a rainy forest... accompanied with a faint, sweeter note. Interesting!

    On my skin it quickly goes overwhelmingly floral, and it's just a mess of greenery and it's kinda giving me a headache. It's not bad at all, but not for me...

  8. Fruity, soapy, kinda like an expensive soap from the imp (it's a good thing).
    On my skin, the soapiness goes away as it dries down, and goes a bit more musky. Dark green, floral bushes. Quite lovely even if it kinda reminds me of clean laundry as much as greenery.

  9. (No idea what version, was generously frimped by a lovely forum member). Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
    Light, icy, lots of white tea with the red musk being quite apparent. Powdery once applied to skin - less icy, a very comfortable, calming scent. Though it's not as cold, there's definately a chill, something unsettling... What a perfect blend.


    EDIT: Five months later I have swapped for a bottle out of curiosity what it'd do on my skin these days; I swapped away my imp. After testing Crimson a couple of times it genuinely made me feel sick and I had to get it off my skin then and there. Was afraid it was either the red musk or saffron that made me feel that way.

    Alas, I still had hope (with this being considerably less red), but whatever note it is, it's struck again. As much as I love this scent, I can't do it. My body just reacts to it horribly. Too bad... off to the swap pile it goes! :cry2:

  10. Ah, the salt of tears is the first thing that I'm getting. And there's the definate red tones (is that dragon's blood?) and something woody. I'm not a fan of vetiver (and most of the notes in there) at all though so to me this is as miserable as the inspiration. Bleh.

  11. I must've sniffed too much and broke my senses, this is almost too subtle for me to smell anything remotely smelly.

    There's pine, yeah, and some of the dark notes but they're very quiet, off somewhere in the background. It's nice and soft though, nothing too sharp. But nothing special to me.

  12. I'm not crazy about this. It's not very intricate to me, just lots and lots of undefiable flowers (or does that actually make it intricate? A flower for your thoughts?) It's got a dark twist I'm not a fan of and I can't put my finger on what it is. It's kinda old lady perfume but almost like an evil grandma.

    I tried this several times though because man do I want to love this, but my skin turns it into a sour mix with the heavy flowers and that dark note. I don't hate it though.

  13. 2007 v. from etsy as well!
    Mmmm berries... Lovely purple, a cold but comforting snowy night. Honestly I'm not getting the hard candies at all.

    On the skin it goes powdery and after a while there's a certain smoke-note to it. Other then that, it doesn't morph much from what it is in the bottle. Lovely berries and plum... I just wanna ingest this even though I know I shouldn't.

  14. An autumn day on which the sun is hiding behind the clouds, leaving the sky bright and a bit yellow, while you're crushing up leaves under your swampers.
    ...I'd say the colours are gold, brown and light blue. In the bottle it's warm and sweet with realistic dead leaves. On my skin, it holds on to the sweetness but amps up the leaves like crazy, giving it a big sharp and cold throw. Not for everyone, but man this is just what I was hoping for!

  15. I was lucky to purchase this of a lovely forum member. :D

    I need veeeeery little for it to work on my skin, as it's kind of slap-ya-in-the-face with chocolate cookies! hyperly sweet. I LOVE the mint in there.
