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Posts posted by Cali

  1. There's notes in here that, when wet, to me at least-clash; this resolves itself on application by directly morphing that to a more dusty coherency, while the other notes (I struggle to pick them apart here besides being able to pick out the lavender, mallow and vanilla bean, but these are also very well blended. And it IS similar to TKO to a certain degree - and I agree with the beforementioned 'marshmallow vanilla lavender', but it's grounded by something almost earthy, while not being overly sweet or overboard with anything, really.

  2. Soooo pretty. I agree with everything bygraveyardlight said. There's that fresh green note that I vaguely remember was in The ghastly garden.

    Squelchy, greenhousey goodness - several images come to mind. A cozy rainy day in a greenhouse, the nymphs bathing in pale water by a full moon, festive, lush greenery outside just as a party is getting started inside... 

  3. Scared me from the decant; thiccccc gloopy molasses! Quickly morphs into something much more friendly thank goodness - it's still thick and dark, but behaves itself. A soft cinnamon sparkles in the background of a warm thickened amber, almost as if backlit - complimented by a more spicy, earthy combo of the black molasses and cinnamon bark, that in my mind, smell/feel almost "furry", or like moss. Low throw, very comforting. Very pretty! 

  4. This is super lovely, but reminds me a loooot on my skin of A little more tea. In the bottle it's a little more crumbly/molasses-y. 

    But it's definately a soft, berries cake that leans a lot into tea-and-cookies-territory. It has a slight watery quality (or maybe it's just that that's what keeping the other notes from going out of line/amping too much). This is beautiful though!!

  5. Oooo, from the bottle this reminds me a lot of Sky city (before), because of the ozone/crisp air-and-grit quality of this.

    There's a gorgeous pink and blue lollipop here, more "realistic", not as minty and fluffy purply as the one from last year (or, maybe not as "christmassy" is the word i'm looking for here)?

    The ozone takes a step backwards on drydown, and the grit starts blending more into the mix, while the actual lollipop gets a bit stronger. It's a bit cotton candy ish and goes slightly more purple and fruity (but absolutely still a realistic candy scent). Aaaannd that's where that candy incense for me comes out too! 

    This is surprisingly pretty and fun. Not a great throw on me (oh how I wish) but it's delightful!

  6. I really do like this - but i am mostly getting the dead leaves note. It does have a sweet orange undertone; floral and candy; accompanied by vegetal moist greens, wet most noteably so - but it just goes to mostly dead leaves. A less strong version with ~ something slightly different ~ I barely get pumpkin.
    It is very nice, but i was hoping for more of a twist/the other notes to be more at play, giving it a more halloweeny feel than more autumn. Too bad. (But my skin does tend to amp the dead leaves note).

  7. 2023 Version.


    This is sooooo pretty. First thing it kinda reminds me of is Lady Lucille Sharpe, in the way that it's kinda white florally-light with a soft sweet tone in there. The jasmine is suuuuper soft, almost fuzzy.

    It morphs quickly, but not too harshly. More of a warm rose note coming through, and it warms up to a more reddish scent, with fluffy cream as a center.


    On drydown it's doing what few jasmine scents have been doing on my skin; turning into cat pee!! Ughhhh. This has sooo much potential and the 'old christmas postcard' makes so much sense now. So pretty though!! Sophisticated, ladylike. 

  8. Oh so nice! Now, i am super stuffy and earlier i said another scent also reminded me of raspberry - i'm getting raspberry again amongst a strong pomegranate (and as it is drying up, the rose it blossoming and coming in strong) but that may just be the cold picking up anything slightly red-leaning as that. That said, the rose in this is SO strong it's starting to give me a bit of a headache, but this is different from anything i've smelled before. Super sensual and sweet, nice for christmas!

  9. Ok, so, first things first, I still think about my adorable bunny that died like. 5yrs ago a lot, he was such a sweet boy, and this does vaguely smell of him - or at least, it gets that weirdly 'soapy' thing right, on first sniff. I'd describe his scent as musk, fur, hay, lavender and something eeever so slightly earhy and soapy (he smelled surprisingly nice for a bun lol). 

    This is a different bun, one that has an appely sweetness, and the freshness of grass. Get a handful of hay in the mix, strong clove and nutmeg, and ya got this adorable bun. 

  10. Definately animalistic, with a chewy, sweet and soft centre. I'm having a pretty bad cold so i don't know if i'm getting everything. But, there's something about this that is SO specifically "something" from my childhood, even though I have no god damn clue what the heck it could be. Not to do with a cat, perhaps a dental office or something like that? Again, could be the cold messing up my senses.

    I do agree that it's autumnal and cozy and absolutely fits the image of a tabby cat.

  11. Definately will have to agree with the bubbly fruit champagne mention above, first thing that popped in my head was 'currant champagne'. There's a strong sour/fizzy note in there that's almost similar to the one in Blue fire (though that one's definately more 'ALCOHOL', this is a more lower percentage-but-still-a-lovely-cocktail-scent). It gets a bit softer on the skin and ever so slightly plummier. 

  12. Oh this is not what I expected at all! There's a tiiiny bit of vetiver on application (thank god) and little of the black musk and oppoponax, just enough to give this a slightly dark lace edge. There's an almost sugary, fizzy sweetness to this, lemony and a 'lil goopy. Actually quite lovely!!

  13. Listen, whiskey is one of the few things that one night went bad for me, so i'm a little hestitant putting this on.... But honestly - this is not bad at all. The sharpness of the whiskey is not there, it's more of a general autumnal whiskey scent, as if it's spiked with spices. But, soft. The apple kinda swirls and swooshes around it. Happy cozy scent. :)

  14. Honestly, pretty similar at first and when wet compared to Harper that I just tried. :P Or rather, this could be the wooden sister of Harper.
    But! This is a strong resinous-y wood, a soft rose in the background and a strong amber alit with golden specs of sandalwood.

  15. Strong coconut husk and sandalwood on me! This has something sugary and almost "funny" about it. There's a tinge of darkness in that has similar vibes to benzoin to me, and the incense here is very faint and far away, but perhaps adds that sugary element to it.

  16. Bwoahh! A blast of minty cold air! Definately that American candy-mint, perhaps mixed with a more "realistic" mint wayyy in the background. The sweet note in here does what it did to me in Pink & Blue Candy Canes, it turns slightly plasticy. Not as much as in there though - more bearable here. But this barely changes, i'd say this goes slightly sweeter and besides my skin being a bastard, this is delightful!!

  17. Oh this is very interesting. This almost smells like sharing a memory from some seafaring lad in the past. 

    In the bottle this was almost a little too in my face; but on application it quickly calms down; there's almost... There's a few images going through my head here; one of a crowded old bar where beer bottles clank, one of a rainy day on board a ship, one of... Perhaps a dark knight where boots clank on cobbled streets, and someone is doing the last bit of cleaning of a building before they turn in for the day. 

    A soft salty sea spray, well worn wood, a warm and molass-y sweetness added by the cardamom, patchouli and tonka bean; and the other notes that add just a touch of depth to all of this. Really quite gorgeous.

  18. I had been hoping to try this for a while! :)
    This is interesting though, the first thing that hits me on application is that this is very cocoa-y on me. Cocoa and "dust". There's a soft rose in the background and a milkyness swirling in the background. 
    In a few minutes, it dries down and hasn't changed much besides that that beautiful incense now came up to the front while the rest has softened a bit. Beautiful.

  19. Okay, first off, this is like. I'm not. I don't know how Beth does it, but it's easy to imagine the beautiful painting with this scent. 


    This is sliiiightly soapy. A soft snow, paired with a strong dollop of what i can only describe as 'the amber blocks you find in those home good stores' type of amber. Unfortunately, I really kind of hate THAT type of amber scent, though in this it completely works, and it's doable for me here (and there again, is for sure something beautiful happening here), but it reminds me just a little too much of those big 'ole amber blocks. 

  20. Beautiful wet, strong cherry, sappy greenery and a soft strawberry. Same cherry as in Moon when the cherries turn black (feel like i should mention cause i felt this one was a softer and somehow less "almondy" version aka one i can stand), and greenery similar to The ghastly garden (if I recall correctly) and Cottage garden. There's a strong cherrberry-hard candy vibe to this as well. Hmmm...

  21. Oh, this is delightful. This is very leather-heavy in the bottle, with something sharp that reminds me of the leather in toddler holster. Applied, this turns into a sultry, sexy soft leather, a soft sugared patchouli (the sugar here gives it this fuzzy almost edible edge), and strongest are the nag champa and clove. And that's where it stays. Absolutely lovely!! 

  22. There's a general resinousness in this, that's vaguely heavy and dark, red. It's not overly strong, and while this is ofcourse partly the dragon's blood, there's something else here that must be a mix of the benzoin and one of the florals that elevate it to a type of red i haven't sniffed before, and it's gorgeous.

    Here's the thing, the cream in here is slightly sour- it comes in wafts (as if it JUST over date), and it's not bad, but a little distracting. It keeps me from loving this. That said, i can't seem to stop sniffing my wrists when wearing this, so i can't claim this to be a bad experience at all, it's just..... weird. 

    There's a certain foodiness to this, just ever so slightly. My skin also eats this quite quickly. 
