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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Ugh I HATE this in the bottle, it's a horribly strong sticky note of wine and amber, yuck! Thank goodness it morphs on my skin to something velvety vetiver, cassis beries, and fruity floral undertones. Still don't love it, but i have to admit that it has some sort of cornucopia-esque quality.

  2. I was surprised to learn i like this; it's dark, evil and in your face, but it's got a sweetness from the tonka and geranium that I don't remember smelling before from the lab. It's lightly dirt-y and has a bit of a straight up alcohol-y alcohol note. Just interesting enough not to run away from!

  3. There's nothing beach about this on me! I'm guessing the ambergris morphs on me into something sweet, there's that moonlit musk - alltogether it becomes like something that reminds me of some nights in my childhood, outside on the open field near the forest. Odd.

  4. In the bottle something is grossing me out, guessing it's the cumin since it's a sharp brown scent, but there's no trace of this on my skin - it's morphed into a delightful mix of soft smoke across the room, sweet patchouli and amber. 

  5. I'm sniffing so many tobacco scents the last 17 hours that either my brain is confusing them for the same thing every time, or i'm still having that cold from a month ago. That said, I get no apple, a hint of sweetness and mostly, tobacco. 

  6. Uhhhh I also get ketchup, but, like, specifically 'green' heinz ketchup from the early 00's they put out around halloween back then. (It was a game changer for me). It's a touch "spicy", but that's also the tobacco giving this an edge. Don't hate it but it's not for me.

  7. Quite sexy and spicy! I get mostly sweet tonka and balsam, the other notes are present, softly in the background. I don't know if I'd call this full-on sexy, but definately cozy and warm, cuddling close to the one you love in a warm place in winter.
