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Posts posted by roseus

  1. I definitely see the affinity with Zorya P! Where Zorya P is silvery moonlight, this is soft golden morning light. It's warm airy and musky. I get mostly the vanilla fougere, orris, and porcelain. There is a hint of violet leaf (definitely not the flower on me). Orris and violet flower tend to go wonky on me, though sometimes I get lucky with orris as I do here. I'm getting Renaissance vibes from this, very elegant and well blended.

  2. In the imp I get rich mix of leather, amber, and teak. Rough but with an elegance. There's just a hint of a slightly fruity red musk. On my skin the leather blooms, a very lovely soft smooth leather. The teak and amber are much softer and I get more low green notes from the balsam and oakmoss, with a hint of mint that adds a pleasing freshness. The red musk disappears on me until well into the dry down, and just lingers in the background. I find it hard to sum up this scent, it has a sort of edgy sophistication to it. I don't find it particularly masculine but I'd say it leans more that direction if pressed. It makes me think of an old study, but one that belongs to an adventurer rather than a homebody scholar. One for leather lovers I think!

  3. In the imp this is so crisp in an otherworldly way, all tart green apple and citrus with a layer of frost. On my skin it is way less fruity, the base is ambergris, airy and slightly warm with the rest of the notes in a gentle medley over top. A hint of apple there, then spruce, followed by lime. Each note having a small moment before the next, different with each sniff. Stunning!

  4. This starts out harsh on me, thick scratchy greeness and smoke. But as it dries the pine becomes a pleasant base for the scent, with smoke and clove being the second most dominant notes, followed by basil, vetiver, and cumin. It still a dark, aggressive herbal sort of scent, but more pleasant than at first.

  5. I think the amber amps in this one a bit for me, as this doesn't come across as a cold rain to me, more like a humid summer rain. I really enjoy it! It's different than other aquatics I have, even ones that have a vaguely warmer tone from say, ambergris. Ozone-y, clean but warm from the amber (maybe some black musk too?). I agree there's something reminiscent of rain hitting hot pavement, a bit like the touch of asphalt in Waiting. Absolutely lovely!

  6. First on this is definitely on the saltier side, and with the vetiver and moss it almost pushes into oceanic body wash territory for me. On me it softens immediately into a fresh sea breeze; it reminds me of a softer, slightly sweeter A Hundred Years Ago. I think the ambergris is giving this slight warmth and sweetness. The overall effect for me is a soft pale sea green colour. A lovely soft aquatic!

  7. In the bottle I get a very dry plum and opium combo, incensey and fruity without being sweet. On my skin the scents becomes darker, moodier and I can't really pin what I'm smelling until I look at the notes, it's all blending together. I think the tobacco and cypress tar are giving some earthy, almost woody heft to the scent. As it dries I get a beautiful dark rose. Moody, dark, seductive.

  8. This is the quiet, grounding woody scent I was hoping for this year. Soft sandalwood and ambergris have a warmth, with the evergreenish hinoki and juniper giving a lightly cool freshness. It's very sophisticated and soothing.

  9. Such a zesty, refreshing scent! The grapefruit, tea, and orange blossom are most prominent to me in the bottle, with the ginger and lime coming out when it hits the water. I get just a bit is jasmine the mix as it lingers on my skin. It's both a refreshing scent, yet soothing at the sametime. Spa-like but more unique than that typically describes.

  10. In the bottle this reminds me of a grownup Bounce- neroli up front backed vanilla and florals. Softer and less sweet though, powder pink instead of bubblegum. On the skin it is very much a different scent. The jasmine and rose sidle right up alongside the neroli, and the incense and labdanum come out, giving a rich resiny base to the scent. The scent takes awhile to settle out, each time I go back for a sniff I feel a different component stands out a bit more. In the end I would say it's resin/incense forward followed by rose, jasmine and neroli with the vanilla blurring the edges on my skin. It's a beautiful and slightly nostalgic blend, and for having such bold florals the overall effect is quite soft and muted.

  11. So lovely! Hard to describe as it is so well blended on the skin, not one note jumps out in particular. In the bottle I would say it's a sweet lavender and opium scent, but I definitely get the plum on the skin. It's floral-fruity-incensey all at once. Lightly sweet, but with the Incense depth, too. An instant fave for me!

  12. In the imp I initially get soft aquatic notes, but they are quickly followed by the warmer, more rugged ones. On my skin it is a balance, a rugged beachy scent. Clean, fresh air and slightly salty water with leather and patchouli to roughen things up. I have to search for the rum but it lends a bit of sweetness, and I think I get just a hint of sarsaparilla melding in with it.

  13. I get mostly patchouli, oudh, and opium. This is dark, swirling and sort of incense-y. It smells thick and sort of syrupy but not sweet. I get just hints of red musk and pomegranate, which initially gave me the impression of opponax with the other notes.

  14. Sweet marshmallowy plum in the imp, and wet the opium and oppononax darken and ground the scent a bit. It's dark and swirling with a hint of sweetness. The marshmallow makes this stand out from other opium and plum scents I have. Luckily for me the violet does not make an appearance, was thinking this was not going to work on me!

  15. All I get in the imp is wool and oakmoss. It makes me think of walking through a rain-soaked forest. Green and damp and a bit clean the way oakmoss sometimes comes across. Not soapy, but just that freshness after a rain. On my skin the wool comes out more, the scent becomes less outdoorsy and more cozy. The brandy is subtle but gives a grounding sweetness.
