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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by freyasfae

  1. That's definitely patch, but it's s softer patch, maybe the fig helps that. Lots of potential death notes here for me, but it's working. I have a friend who can wear scents like this, so well, so I think I am going to pass my frimp on to her, but glad I got to try it.

  2. This is really pretty and mournful like the description says. It's not in my usual repertoire of scents, I got it as a frimp with a weenies order, but I find myself sniffing my hand a lot. It reminds me of Insects from Crimson Peak - another dark scent that surprised me with how much I liked it despite all the death notes. I don't think I need a bottle of this, but it is lovely and I liked experiencing it.

  3. At first, I was surprised that a honey based scent was working so well on me, but like some of my favorite honey blends that I can wear, this one has some florals and herbs - so that explains it! This is a beautiful spring scent to me with the gardenia and honey dancing togther beautifully. I like heady florals like jasmine, but I need sweeter notes to balance it, so this is perfect. I shall revisit it in Spring.

  4. This smells like summer to me, particularly summer in a humid place. Maybe it's the carnivorous element, or it could be from aging, but underlying the wet flowers is one of those hothouse florals that have an element of decay to them.

  5. I got this is a frimp with a lab order. Honeysuckle and I just can't get along. Jasmine can be iffy, but I generally like it, but combined with honeysuckle it brings out the qualities of the jasmine that I find hard to stomache - the headiness of it mostly.

  6. I have been involved with BPAL for over a year now and this is my first time trying Dorian. It only seems fitting since I recently ordered Serpentine from this year's Fatherhood. I could immediately tell what was Dorian based on this scent, and I love it. Serpentine is softer with Lilith's lavendar, which I tend to prefer, but I could see myself investing in a bottle of Dorian still. This is wicked and lovely. It's mainly fougere and musks, but I can smell the tea as it dries down more.

  7. Maybe it's a holdover from my younger days of Bath & Body Works Country Apple, but I keep trying Apple scents only to be very disappointed. This one is very appley, so it's not working for me - it's definitely a red apple and there is a darker quality - ashy or poisonous like the description warrants, but that is up close to the nose. Otherwise, it's JUICY RED APPLE IN YO' FACE!

  8. Ha, this is exactly the kind of rose I expected in a scent like this - yes, the one often called "old lady," but I think of more old-fashioned, which is not bad. It captures the idea of this scent, so well! Little Bird described it as screeching, which I agree - it's a startled white floral across a marble vanity top, next to toppled cold cream. I love it.

  9. I am a sucker for the BPAL fizzy and champagnes! This one is no different, but it has another element I love - pumpkin spice! But fortunately, a very subtle pumpkin spice. I get it when I put my nose up close to the scent, and the pumpkin becomes more prominent as it dries down. I love it!

  10. This has a lovely clean quality, almost soapy, but in a way I do not mind because this scent has a lot of layers to it. Also, the soapy pretty much goes away after it completely dries. Wow, I keep huffing at it, different components coming to light at different times. When I wear this with Lilith's hair gloss, I am in a haze of these loving scents.


    I bought a bottle.

  11. This is in a similar vein to Good Morning London. It's a cool, more wintery scent which I have noticed among all the Liliths inspired by the family's time in England. (What Mollison says about the Liliths telling a story is spot on!) The raindrops and asphalt give it an ozone quality that the fruitiness of the oudh keeps from going soapy like I found with Good Morning London.

  12. Hello summer! But not like suntan lotion summer, this is a sophisticated summer scent, like intellectuals hanging out in Havana, sweating, smoking cigarettes at a cafe right near the beach, talking literature. This is right on the verge of a bottle purchase (I got it in a decant circle).

  13. This is sharp lavendar at first, but once it starts to dry the amber comes out and warms it up a lot. The sharpness of the lavender keeps it from going too soft though - it's like the amber rounds out of the sharp edges of the herby lavender and the lavender keeps the amber from going powdery. I don't need a bottle of this, but it is lovely.
