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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by freyasfae

  1. Definitely the BPAL snow note, sweet as one would expect, but once it dried it had this touch of spicy fruit to it that I can't place - like bubblegum, but like fancy bubblegum, like a hipster got a hold of it. I love the BPAL snow note and marshmallow note, but I fear together may not be for me.

  2. Today I tested this scent while I went for a walk in the surprisingly chill air (for May in Texas), which really emphasized what a "warm" scent this is, very golden. I get almond like a lot of others, and it does get powderier the drier it gets which reminds me of amber. I would have selected this on my own, but I got it as a frimpie with a blind bottle purchase. It's one of those where I have a feeling while I am still a little unsure about it, I can imagine returning to it again for that warmth.

  3. This is like a triple scoop of some of my favorite smells! First hit is the lavender, followed by the rain, and then the sea salt. A blind bottle purchase because it had all my favorite things, and I was right to do so. When it first arrived, the lavendar was super strong, but once it settled down, I could detect the others though it is definitely lavendar dominant. I keep sniffing myself. Definitely a clean scent - I kept thinking I smelled fresh from the shower or bath.

  4. Oh, hello! This is decadent on me though not particularly food - probably due to the frankincense. I feel very sexy everytime I put it on - I know a lot of folks describe it as otherwise, but that bourbon vanilla! Reminds me of Edith Cushing, but - when, aptly, she loosens her corset stays.

  5. I was wondering why this smelled so unlike it's description for me but then saw Soupy's descrip as honeysuckle and yelled "THAT'S IT!" (like Charlie Brown does to Lucy in A Charlie Brown Christmas when she asks if he has fear of everything). Though I get something a little woodier lurking in the background, so it's a complex honeysuckle, but I am just not big on honeysuckle.

  6. This one was a bit of a no-brainer for me - Lilith's lavender, beeswax, incense, smoke - but I kept waffling. Glad I bought it before they disappeared because it is as heavenly as all the other reviews say. The incense makes it sweet, but not too sweet. The beeswax gives it warmth, while the stone just does something I can't even explain. The lavender haunts it is the best way I can explain it. So glad I purchased a bottle. This one will be on heavy rotation, particularly in the fall and winter.


    Oh, this is a must for those who love Wan White Humming, too. 

  7. Since I spilled my precious Sunrise with Sea Monsters, I have been trying to find my summer, seasalt scent. This is much more potent, but still gets me in the summer mood. Tangy is a way to describe this one, and while it's not my Sunrise with Sea Monsters, I still find myself reaching for it when I want to feel in the beach mood.

  8. Picture it: almonds left on your pillow at a cute boutique hotel. That's what this is. 


    Wet it's sweet almond, then as it dries, it gets a little spicier and fluffier - think fluffy sweet almonds. The sweetness dissapates a bit on the dry down and gets muskier, though a light, white musk. 

  9. This ended up spicier on me than I anticipated, and unfortunately, more powdery, too. On me, it's spicy powder, imagine white flecked with brown specks much like a coconut itself, but unfort it just is not working with my skin chemistry.

  10. Perhaps I amp champaca, because my experience of this scent seems very different from the other reviewers. It's like modern hippie for me with the champaca most prominent on me and the thyme gives it more of an herbal green quality, and the snowy mint perhaps calms the champaca a bit more, but it's not prominent on me. I actually really like it, and didn't even know I wanted to smell like a modern hippie, but BPAL surprises me yet again!

  11. I blind bottle purchased this because 1) Lilith's lavenders are some of my fave BPAL lavenders and 2) all the notes. It doesn't disappoint for me. I did have to let it rest for several days after it arrived because the lavender was PO-TENT. It's a sharp, herbal, French lavender like slo said. Once it settled, I have been wearing it off and on, here and there to get my feel for this review. 😀Wet it is still a sharp lavender, which is fine by me, I love my lavenders strongly herbal. Once it settles, the rose comes forward, and I find it softened by the skin musk so it's like a pale, pink, dry rose (I didn't find it rose dominant like others, but my skin eats up lav and rose). I love it. I don't just wear it as a sleep scent, but that's because Iavender and rose are two personal faves that I will wear all the time. 

  12. Oh, the plum blossom with a touch of rose is apparent right away and very lovely. Surprisingly delicate - good for spring, and even a light floral for summer. I don't much of the sandalwood right away, but once it begins to dry down the spiciness from the sandalwood and incense come forward and round out the delicate plum blossom and rosehip. I can't decide if it is a keeper or not, but it is very lovely.

  13. Smoky honey musk, tobacco leaf, lavender, golden amber, Damask rose, hay, orris root, white sandalwood, and bourbon vanilla.

    Wet this was overpowering on me, so I quickly wiped it off, but then when I sniffed where I wiped it off, it was much better! Powdery amber combined with the other powdery-esque scents makes very a very potent scent. The lavender adds just a hint of sharpness to it - and the smokey honey musk is really not smokey enough for my tastes - it's more like smokey-esque, and, well, I like something closer to actual smoke.


    Oooh! How tobacco-y is it? I adore beeswax but am not a big tobacco fan (it's not a chemistry thing, just a preference thing).

    The tobacco is a minor player on me, but of course ymmv.


    I love beeswax too, but something in an older Day of Skulls decant was horrible on me. I kept looking at the notes and thinking, why isn't this working? I ultimately blamed kantuta blossoms...

    I have only experienced 2017 Day of Skulls. The florals are strongly present at first for me.



    The florals were very strong on me, too - like I could swear the floral is jasmine. Once it settles, it is more beeswax, woods, and light tobacco, but I really didn't like the strong floral at the beginning.
