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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by melandie

  1. He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fete; and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the masqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm much of what has been since seen in Hernani. There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions.

    Delirious fancies such as the madman fashions, arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments: orris absolute and leather contorted by cherry and orange blossom.

    I'm trying reeeeaallly hard to like this one, but feel it's a huge miss from my 2018 weenie order. I guess orris hates me. Usually BPAL's leather, cherry and orange notes work well for me, which is why I liked the idea of this one, but at the moment, all I get is SOAP. Very cheap hotel soap. In the bottle I get the faintest whiff of cherry over it, but on my skin it's obliterated.

    I've had my weenies a few weeks and already the other ones have shown signs of settling and developing into lovely scents, but this one hasn't changed for the better...yet. I'll put it aside for a few months. Unfortunately, it has immense staying power, so washing it off is tough :ugh:

  2. Wine, a bit of leather, a hint of smoke. Initially, I got this for my husband as an imp and he loved it (and I love it on him) so he now has a bottle.


    In my latest order, I received this as a frimp. I love it less on me...this is definitely for him. But good for me to keep and wear when he is travelling for work ;) :blush2:

  3. I also find this one really strong, and even in the few weeks I've had it, I've noticed a difference. When I first received it, what I mostly got was pine...so much pine. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. But yet I kept smelling my wrists...


    When I tried it again a couple days ago, suddenly I got the SMOKE. So happy that has shown up! I was walking around the heart of the city feeling like I had just left an all night forest bonfire. Unlike the reviewer above, it doesn't feel like a particularly warm scent, but I'm loving the direction it has taken, and think it'll age and develop more.

  4. Wow this one is powerful. I got an imp of this for my husband as he is getting into BPAL (yay!). He is not crazy about it so I've decided to sample for myself.


    Soooo much leather. After a while the vetiver fades and it's musky leather on me. I'm not sure I want a whole bottle, but definitely hanging onto this imp for those days when I feel I need a confidence boost or kick some ass.

  5. Every leaf tells a story.

    Oh wow I love this! I've had my bottle 2 weeks now and it has settled noticeably. On initial application it is very sharp with the Leaves note, with a sweetness behind it. It doesn't smell to me exactly like scotch, but a really nice warm boozy sweetness. As it wears, the sharp note fades, and the deep sweetness becomes more prominent. It lasts quite a while on me too - there is usually a hint of it on me the next day. Can't wait to see how this ages.


  6. I am confused by the most recent bottle I ordered last spring. I have had 2 previous bottles one of which still has about 1/4 left (I've only been ordering BPAL since 2015 so it's only aged a couple years). It went out of stock for a while and when it came back briefly I was able to place an order....this new bottle smells quite different from the previous ones! I know this one ages a lot, but the initial smell was not what I remembered at all. It smells almost like "Blood Kiss Lite", almost like a component is missing. I get a lot of orange and cherry, but this new one is lacking the vanilla and dark depth which is what I loved.


    Has anyone else experienced this?


    In my most recent (Halloweenie) order, I received a Blood Kiss imp and it is definitely more akin to my older bottles than the new one is.

  7. I adore this one. I received it as a frimp over a year ago, and while a lot of frimps are huge misses, immediately I was like "whoa, this is a keeper!" On me it is dark and sweet but not sickly so...lovely rum and tobacco and just a hint of the leather. It is VERY sexy on me and it's the scent I wear that is guaranteed to bring my husband running. I have 2 bottles and like a reviewer above, I do like my older one better as it seems to have much more depth but unlike a lot of blends this one is just gorgeous brand new too.

  8. This one is still confusing me a bit...in a good way. It goes on super sharp but mellows into a lovely sweetness and the vanilla comes out after about a half hour. I think I need to let it age just a bit to let it settle and come into its own. I was looking for a successor to my 2016 Dead Leaves Bourbon Vanilla Raw Leather and Clove and this is not quite it, but is a lovely option that I think will get better over time.

  9. As soon as I opened this one, I knew I loved it. I get all the whiskey, smoke and booze and get a distinct salt aspect, but no pepper, oddly. Will be interesting to see if that changes after it ages. This works so well for me, I'm contemplating a second bottle.

  10. I've been slowly bringing my husband into the BPAL madness...I started with an imp of Black Rider that I had. I loved it on me but something told me I would LOVE it on him. It's now his signature scent. Since then, he has branched out to:


    The Black Tower

    Golden Priapus

    John Watson


    I love when I place an order and there is a frimp of something that he may like...and he loves that his scent options are expanding :)

  11. On me this smells amazing. That's all I can say. I got the imp first, then ordered the bottle. I can say that on me, it drives men nuts. I also once spilled a good portion of my bottle on me at work and got nothing but compliments. The honey and cherry get a little dark and sexy on me and this scent just WORKS for me.
