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Everything posted by Teamama

  1. Teamama

    Fig Vulva

    My experience with Fig Vulva is the "earthy" one. From start to finish, it's mostly twiggy, rooty patchouli (not the armpit kind,) with figgy sweetness, a little sharp guava, bitter almond, & very dry sandalwood. I can't pick out the cream or hay notes. It stays sharp & bright in a locket, but softens to a sweet woody patchouli-fruit on my skin after about 3 hours.
  2. Teamama

    Gossip, Slang, and Cuss-Words

    On me, this is lavender, frosted vanilla beans, Wolf's Heart, & the floofy mallow from TKO . My decant is almost gone, so I'm glad I was able to score a bottle through a forum purchase. If you love Wolf's Heart, you may want to grab this before it's gone!
  3. Teamama

    Dwarven Lustre Beard Oil

    Reviewing it on Teapapa's beard. He applies beard oil lightly to his curly, rambunctious mid-length beard (2-3 inches or so.) Dwarven Lustre is a dapper patchouli charmer. The patch is dry & sweet, wonderfully compatible with the musk and amber. I didn't notice ale. The oudh must be the woodier variety, harmonizing with the patch. I'm a fan!
  4. Teamama

    A Hymn to the Evening

    My wordsmithing is not up to much at the moment, so: if you have a vacancy in your stash that's shaped like a Lilith release, try this. It's Lilith-adjacent. 10 out of 10, need a backup bottle.
  5. Teamama

    Onze Hair Gloss

    Belated review: Magnificent roses with a mellow benzoin base. Blood orange is there at the start, but is only faint after the first hour. Delightful!
  6. Teamama

    Portrait of Princess Marthe Bibesco

    STRONG toffee in the decant. On my skin, there was a brief light musky vanilla rose scent I quite liked. Then my skin ate it all up. POOF! That rarely happens, but it's always amazing to me when it does. No notes in common with Bon Vivant, my other fastest-disappearing test drive.
  7. Teamama

    Black Phoenix Bay Rum

    [No additional description provided.] Perfect, magnificent, exactly what I was hoping for. I like bay rum with spices on me, but I am totally crazy about it on Teapapa. In the bottle, on me, and on my guy: Spicy bay rum. Excellent balance of bay leaf, light rum, and spices. The rum note is subtler than the initial throw of the rum note in St. Clare, and less sweet than the rum note in Grog. I can't wait for this to go up on the Lab's website, because this is going on my To-Hoard list.
  8. Teamama

    Pumpkin Gingerbread Creme Brulee Pie

    Flawless spiced very very sweet gourmand. Not a lot of pumpkin on me. This is everything I love about Silk Road Resurrected turned into a foodie fragrance. I need a bottle.
  9. Teamama

    Leviticus 27:19

    Forum purchase. At first, my skin set a new land speed record for gobbling up a blend with Leviticus. I slathered, but barely got an impression. Turns out that I need to double the amount of my usual slather on moisturized skin to get a good wear length. At first, it's faint & dry, almost dusty. Benzoin, a hint of cedar, a memory of agarwood, & an empty coffee cup on the counter that someone spilled a few grains of ground nutmeg in. On dry down, the coffee emerges, mixing with sweet, warm benzoin dust & a hint of spice. I like it. I could easily wear up the full bottle in 2 weeks, lol! I think may try layering this alongside a harmonizing blend, like Beeswax, Cedarwood & Bourbon Vanilla, or Silk Road Resurrected.
  10. Teamama

    Matthew 25:34-36

    Bottle from a Forum purchase after I used up my original decant. BPAL spikenard is a note that I cannot resist. I love resins, & Tzadikim Nistarim is one of my GC favorites. Matthew 25:34-36 is a quiet blend, with low throw on me. It's labdanum forward on my skin, with a delicate olibanum woven together with the spikenard. The other notes are subtle. Enjoyable. Glad I scored this bottle.
  11. Teamama

    Sugared Peaches and Blackberry Wine

    Decant. Ooo! It's lovely in the decant. The peach note is especially delicate & full of juicy peach realness. Alas, everything delicate & subtle in this blend went away when it came in contact with my skin. I knew this was a risk when I ordered a decant, because my skin frequently turns BPAL's subtle fruit blends into "generic fruit candy" in a short period of time. I do better with the dried fruit notes. It's doing well in my locket, so I'll enjoy it that way.
  12. I used the last of this imp today, & I sure wish I could buy a bottle. The balance between the cinnamon & apple notes is perfection on my skin. The sweet potato is a mellow base note, & the pastry stayed in the background (yay!) My favorite Black Friday blend.
  13. I got this straight from the Lab, but didn't test it until now. Fried ice cream made me imagine fairground vibes, but this is actually a delicate & subtle gourmand blend. On me, this is a coconut/cinnamon/cream soda combo, with only a breath of coffee & pastry. My skin tends to amp cumin, so I'm happy it isn't showing up for me. An unexpectedly fancy & delicate fragrance
  14. Teamama


    Forum purchase. Thirteen-year-old Slaugh is a morpher on me. Freshly applied, it seems to be a licorice/tea ancestor of Levitating Phallic God, with sassafras + champa doing a credible imitation of licorice. A little later, the tonka slides in & smoothes all the edges off, leaving a subtle, close to the skin blend without a dominant note. Black tea, champa, sassafras & tonka combine into a warm, slightly bittersweet herbal blend. I think this would be gorgeous on Teapapa, although he hasn't been wearing much fragrance this summer.
  15. Teamama

    Ordering Imps

    I got almost all of my GC imps wishes met here through Forum sales. A lot of folks list their surplus imps & decants there at a discount .
  16. Teamama

    Snooty Bat

    Today I learned that my skin amps the Lab's black leather note, & hangs on to it like no other scent I've encountered. I applied a wee dab of my decant, & within seconds of the leather note warming on my skin, it was practically the only thing I could smell. Kinda like being stuffed into the inside pocket of a leather jacket. I'm pretty sure SB also contains a lovable patch, plus spice & incense, but I couldn't tell you what the balance was like. My skin took this blend to the boot aisle of Ranch & Home, to try on some new Ariat ropers. I eventually got leather fatigue. I washed my arm, to very little effect. Snooty Bat is a trip.
  17. Teamama

    Gloom Meeting

    Vetiver & Oakmoss, sitting in a Sandalwood tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! Sweet plants, smelling good together. This is a greener blend than my usual preferences, but dry enough to work for me. The fragrance is strong when first applied, & dries down to a medium throw. I tend to reach for my bottle when it's sunny.
  18. Teamama

    The Morning Star Among the Living

    Fig in disguise! For the first couple of hours, this was a mash-up of Baghdad Resurrected + Romans 13:8 on me! Minus Romans' almonds. So much complexity! Dried down, trickster fig has (mostly) become itself, but also not. It isn't fresh fig. It isn't dried fig. Maybe it's archetypal fig? Oh yeah: there's some saffron. Anyway I'm enjoying it, & might need a bottle.
  19. Teamama

    Pearl Necklace

    I am a sucker for raw honey & vanilla, so I was super excited for Pearl Necklace. In the decant & when freshly applied, the pear was definitely in the forefront, with some musk & vanilla. The pear seems fresh & juicy--I didn't notice a cream aspect to it. Even huffing, I couldn't identify the orris or the honey in the blend. On my skin, it's dried down to a pleasant, sweet vanilla. The pear has super longevity in my scent locket, still the most noticeable note 8 hours later. I like it, but it isn't calling out for me to buy a full bottle.
  20. Teamama

    Tie Me

    I ❤️🍍. In the decant & wet on my skin, it's fresh pineapple plus Jolly Rancher pineapple candy. No hemp detected. This is a hoot! Dries down to a soft, amber/cream-ish pineapple skin scent. I like it. Will test again to see if I need a bottle.
  21. Lots of good notes. I was hoping for peach blossom'd labdanum, & will hang on to my decant in the hope that age will get me there. I'll also try it in a locket. Testing the decant today, my skin grabbed on to something bitter in this blend, & wouldn't let it go. The white plum flowers & white amber are notes I don't have a track record with, so they could be the culprits.
  22. Teamama

    The Hour of the Body

    I learned something new: I apparently amp rooibus the same way I amp red musk. I could smell most of the notes at first when freshly applied. However, in what seemed like less than 5 minutes, all I could smell was the rooibus. Big surprise! I re-read the scent description & re-sniffed the decant, to make sure I wasn't reviewing the wrong blend. I like rooibus, but won't need a bottle of this.
  23. Teamama

    Little Yellow Ducklings

    My skin chemistry wrecked this blend . I want what @Lin Swanson got! In the decant, this smells fantastic: bright, fruity & complex. After 5 minutes on my skin, it became Smarties (cue sad trombone.) Dries down to a very light, soapy roll of Smarties. Boo hoo!
  24. Teamama

    Titan Toadstools and Leprous Fire Nail Polish

    I got this as a forum purchase. It's a one-coat-wonder. Shiny & fun! The green is on the blue-er end of the scale, & it goes with a surprisingly large number of things in my wardrobe. 100% win, glad I own it!
  25. Teamama

    Erotic Drops of Flower Petals Hair Gloss

    This was an insta-purchase. My thought was, no matter which combination of the notes (Sweet honeyed patchouli, ambrette seed, King mandarin, and mango cream,) is predominant, there's no way I won't love it! I applied it after washing my hair, & I'm a very happy camper. The mandarin & mango are bright & charmingly sweet. They're fresh, so the effect is more enlivening than tutti-frutti. The patch, ambrette, & cream are background notes. The patch is very smooth, more woody than gnarly. A winner!