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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by darkitysnark

  1. I've lurked that birthchart thread and often considered having mine read as well... even though I only have a passing knowledge of astrology. Lately it seems like a lot of Capricorn traits are surfacing for me, but with a sort of Leo-slant (my sun sign).


    I am :lol: ing you all the way in your creative pursuits! Once you find your niche, you'll wonder why you just weren't always painting/drawing/sculpting/writing/performance art attacking. :rantrave:

  2. Hm... the TAL could be named.... "Bitch-B-Gone"? "One-Up-Man-Shipwrecked"? Hm... I agree, Beth would make bank on a formulation that could deter/repel/reform toxic officemates.


    I currently am not "blessed" with such a character where I am... it's more of a bullpen situation with all the engineers and construction contractors milling around... so somedays it's work site cussin', and other days it's "not in front of the LADY (pointing toward me)" (even though I am not the only woman in the office, I'm the most visable).


    ARGHBLARGH indeed. (I love saying that!)


    PS Mum Moon is really testing my BPAL diet resolve. The Mister and I are trying to keep "fun" spending to a minimum in anticipation of possible upcoming emergencies (trip Back East for a funeral and his possible undefined period of unemployment) but even the tee looks good to me (and I love all of Macha's art, but this one is more resonant... apparently I'm all about the opium dens!) Must resist! (But I'm still going to enjoy reading people's reviews in a month!)

  3. Oh, state plates! I've found a couple of good ones at estate sales: a matching set of Kentucky and Tennessee, maybe 1960s. I love souvenirs and state plates are so crazy and great. Some are like, "How many landmarks can we possibly squeeze onto this 10" round space?" :rantrave:


    :D Exactly! I think that's a great deal of the appeal for The Mister. The general wackiness and sort of "design by committee" feel of the plates. We've got some from Canada too! Some of them have lacy cut-outs and look sort of chunkily delicate (if that makes sense). There might be more than one Texas plate. But that's because it's Texas!


    Oh do I love license plates:):lol:-I've made a couple into jewelry,and I wear a blue and white plate(what state is that) into a ring I set in silver, and wear daily-my last license plate find was a 1930s Massachusetts plate-they're currently hanging over my coat hooks, cause I can't seem to put holes in the wall(cause they're now my walls) -oh and snarky- the living room has been describef as CSI red- so Im all the ay with you guys on color- finally get what you want!


    Hm... we do have a small collection of license plates too (SC, NC, VA...) that might make it on the uber black wall o doom. I'm loving the colors we have so far, but they are all (save for the very light green in the stairwell) really saturated. I'm hoping that the overall effect isn't too overpowering. I like to have a few restful rooms too. (Which right now are the bathroom (dark grey) and the bedroom (chocolate brown).) Still.. black! Ieee!

  4. I absolutely LOVE the last picture. There's something about pictures of reflections that just work for me. I don't know how else to explain it. But, yeah. Especially with the ocean in the background. . . I need to get back to the coast.


    I'm also having hardwood floor envy! That is just brilliant.


    Snarky is a big fan of the picture within a picture thing too (not to mention the whole inverted image thing what with our funky eyeballs and all that).


    Everytime the Snarks go to the coast, they feel at home and wonder why they stayed away for so long.


    The Snarks feel like they lucked out with the hardwood floors. Snarky developed adult-onset allergies within the last six years and almost needs hardwoods as a medical necessity. They are also pretty. And slippy. Finally: tumblecats are easier to clean up, though sort of creppy given a light breeze and poor lighting.

  5. Such bold colors in your place.... I love it.


    Poppies are among my favorite flowers. I can't wait until I can start planting again. The mural is just breathtaking.


    My Mr. isn't the best when it comes to taking photos, he still fights it when I ask him to take a shot of me, but he is getting better. I try to look on the bright side, at least with a digital camera I can delete his photos with missing body people and body parts. :D


    Every paint sample card the Snarks picked at the store... both of them zeroed in on the most saturated chip. That's just how they roll.


    Snarky has a vast array of "myspace"-esque self-portraiture. Anything done by The Mister is usually in nature and at a great distance (as if Snarky were a deer, perhaps?) Not sure why that is. :lol:


    OOH, hardwood floors envy! And ocean-y coastline envy! :rantrave:


    Yay for House of Snark pics! And we've seen more pics of Snarky: Hitler-Bangs Snarky, Snarky Getting Eaten by Giant Tree, Benatar Snarky ...


    Snarky completely forgot about those pics! All hair pics are self-portraits, but The Mister did do the Ent-Snack-Snark one. True. Snarky must give him photog props for that one.

  6. About 4 years ago, a friend admitted to me that she and her husband were trying for their first baby, my immediate resonse was, "But people our age don't have kids on purpose!"


    Then I realized that we were about 23 years old, and plenty of people our age did, in fact, have kids on purpose.


    That was a shocker, though none of my close high school or college friends, not even her, have actually procreated yet, and we are certainly inching up on turning 30.


    It only gets worse! One of The Mister's old college buddies is expecting their FOURTH child.


    So far, there has only been one divorce (and re-marriage)... though there might be a second on the horizon in their circle of friends.


    Snarky finds some consolation in the fact that they have two cats and are in their second house.


    Then again, the "having babies" window is always getting extended further and further into our Golden Years... so there's always a chance... (though Snarky is beginning to seriously doubt it. Plus who wants to be sixty when their child graduates high school?) (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) (Mostly.)

  7. I feel like a missed the boat sometimes. I was always a late bloomer, so that's probably why I'm 'late' to getting married, and thusly will be 'late' having kids.


    DarkityMa didn't get married until she was 29, and had Snarky when she was 32... so Snarky shouldn't be feeling any kind of rush (in fact, the Darkity'Rents have been very supportive about the possibility of the Snarks being Childfree (so long as there's still hope with DarkityBro)). But sometimes she still does have a weird "left behind" guilt... which feels a lot like survivor's guilt for some reason.


    I know how you feel -- in a society where women are often defined by their uteri, if you decide not to have kids the first question is almost always "Why not?" It's your personal decision, just like your job.


    I guess it boils down to finding your own path -- if you are fulfilled in your marriage, your job, or your home, you most certainly are not a "slacker."


    Snarky is happy with her home and her marriage... the job thing is still being tweaked... sometimes she feels resentful and boorishly American for identifying herself and others too strongly with what she does for money. Then again, it is a rather large chunk of her life...


    Perhaps she will try to gain ownership of the term "slacker" just as she has been trying to rehabilitate "bitch" and "chink". :lol:

  8. Last time I read a drama thread was that whole LJ Wank debacle. I've learned my lesson.


    I suppose there really is a thin line between love and hate for some folks.


    I'm just vicariously happy for everyone! (:lol: and might eventually partake of the CN myself... maybe. I've been really stingy about my perfume lately, which has nothing to do with the price increase... just general housiness and unsure employment circumstances... but again, not begruging the Lab for what I think is a necessary business decision.)

  9. Dear Snarky,


    I wholeheartedly agree that some souls are middle-aged. I have much higher hopes for my forties. I was never sure what to do or feel in my thirties. I actually look forward to my fifties and I have great expectations for my crochety old age.


    Good king ned


    Curmudgeondom gets a bad rap. Those old crochety people grouching around must've gotten something right in order to still be around and have enough free time in which to gripe, right? Snarky can't wait to be the crazy old lady that just speaks her minds and doesn't care what other people think.



    This is an awesome post. I've had similar moments, and been the object of similar moments. Y'know, up until I turned about 23, I would've said unquestionably that I have an old soul. Now, I sort of think my soul is lagging. I get the feeling that it's in the obnoxious pre-teen area. ;) ...I'm serious. Heh.


    I'm glad for your friend, and I'm really glad for you. It is really difficult to be that involved in a friend's experiences.


    Snarky surmises that Cordia's previously old soul probably got fed up with always being right and is now indulging in some cathartic temper tantrums, which seem pre-teenish, but Snarky doubts Cordia is capable of the thundering self-absorption necessary to be truly upstartish. Snarky thinks Cordia should indulge away while continuing to keep an eye out for the toes of her loved ones. :lol:

  10. Bus commuting is awesome! I love it! Except for when fights happen. But that doesn't happen too often!


    I've read so many books in the last year... and knitting! Yup. I'm a huge cheerleader for bus commuting.


    My old co-habitation rule was to Never Live with a Friend. Unfortunately, when The Mister and I started living in sin I had to kind of throw that rule out the window. And it was tough for a while... but eventually we worked it out.


    Then again, I didn't also have family and other friend(s) co-habitating with me. Hope you get through it!

  11. Mullet-fighting gold cuffs would have to be in a bi-level design!


    Make sure they shield you from both MVA and MVB rays. While most gold cuffs are good at deflecting the short-range MVB rays, not all are attuned to handle the longer-ranged MVA ones, and those are the ones with lasting side effects like reddened neck skin and a proclivity for t-shirts with tasseled, beaded fringe.

  12. It's hard to be peppy and perky when it's brain-meltingly hot outside. Bah! :)


    True that. The Snarks absconded to their cooler basement last night for cheesy pizza and glass after glass (after glass) of boxwine sangria. Snarky doesn't want it to become a crutch anytime soon (and it shouldn't given her "Asian Flush" type allergy to it) but the alcohol combined with the cooler climate and scatalogical ramblings of Anthony Bourdain (another member of her fantasy himem - manly harem. Geddit?) did much to elevate her mood.

  13. May we both see the bright side soon! (Actually, just looking up a photo of Harpo made me smile!)

    Aw, that photo (and the bigger one before) gave Snarky a smile too! What a great expression of angelic mischievousness. She knows things will come around eventually. Just as she is prone to swooning fits of blissful fancy, she has to deal with these jagged moments of self-doubt and supposition. Part of the fun of struggling to be more self-aware.


    Hope you're feeling better soon! If you need to talk, drop me a line.



    Somehow, this one strikes me as most appropriate.

    Thanks, dear and likewise. That's one of Snarky's favorite smileys evah!


    Well if blogs aren't for bleeding angsty psychic pollution and drama, then what the heck are they for?? Ha, but seriously folks! If it wasn't for abject misery I might only have two posts :)


    I do hope that your funk peters out soon, I mean how could it not with all those mangy slugs around?

    Well... there are the knitting posts too, right? That'd be, like... four... five posts tops, yeah? ;) If anything, Snarky surely could spin some sort of far-fetched analogy between pond-slugs and encroaching middle age or ... something... damn. She almost had it.


    Hooray for falling in love with the garden!


    You need to post plant pictures! My tomatoes want company! They want plant blogging buddies to hang out with ;)

    Snarky was just thinking this. It's almost tolerably toasty enough in the evenings to allow for some artful camera work. Her 'maters aren't nearly as far along as Antimony's, but they are all starting to show signs of bearing fruit! Very exciting. Snarky might just break down and fry up some green tomatoes in about a week or so. :)
