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Posts posted by paperdoll

  1. Initial Sniff: Honey and herbs. Oh dear.


    Wearing: Yeah, honey doesn't work on me. Whoever likened the herbal base in this to aloe baby wipes was dead-on. Add stinky honey-poo to the mix, and you have the smell of a diaper change.


    Final Impressions: As a bonus, i'm apparently allergic to something in this - the angry red welt on my arm is very stylish. :P

  2. Woah. If you handed me an unlabeled imp of this, I would have sworn it was Milk Moon.


    Upon wearing, this is not nearly as thick or cloying as Milk Moon. It also has an awful lot of coconut in it (= plastic on my skin).


    To sum up: Coconut Milk Moon Lite. If that sounds good to you, go forth and order!

  3. Initial Sniff: Mmmmm. Juicy plum with a hint of spice.


    Wearing: Wet, this smells like a candle. Strong spice competing with strong, dark fruits. As it dries, the plum goes away completely, leaving a dry floral spice behind.


    Final Impressions: I was really excited about this, because Beth's carnation is the most amazin creamy spice EVAH. Plum is almost always a Very Good Thing as well. Unfortunately, this partcular combination doesn't really work for me. :P

  4. Initial Sniff: OMFG. Sweet, thick, absolutely sexual. Honey, musk, and orange.... *pant*


    Wearing: Ummmm... I get peanut butter. With tuberose and geranium. Seriously. It is an odd and foul combination.It is like I dipped my arm in peanut butter and sprayed it with some floral perfume. After an hour or so the nuttiness fades and the honey and myrrh come out to play with the florals, and that is quite nice indeed.


    Final Impressions: Sorry, but the drydown is not worth the hour I sent smelling like Jif Extra Chunky. At least it was good for a laugh!

  5. Initial Sniff: Pine, snow, and girlie perfume - exactly as advertised!


    Wearing: This starts off beautifully... the same exquisite pine and snow that I love in Skadi, but with a sweet playful floral in the backround instead of Skadi's sweet crisp berries. Pretty soon, however, that sweet playful floral grows loud and obnoxious, obliterating the beauty of my snowy pines. I'm also getting a hint of plastic and chemicals.


    Final Impressions: :P I just have to give this one another try. It's just too pretty when it's wet to give up on it.





    edited for stoopid typos.

  6. Initial Sniff: Aquatics with mint.


    Wearing: The aquatics really beat the mint into submission on my skin. The mint disappears within a half hour and I'm left with an aqautic with hints of florals.


    Final Impressions: I brought this over to Fyre_in_Winter's place, and when she opened the imp, she immediately said, "This smells like Ice Queen!" I would add that it also wears a bit like Ice Queen on me. And wolfie, I get florals too, so you can come out of your corner now! :P

  7. Initial Sniff: Evergreen and those aquatic snow-slush notes. And sap.


    Wearing: For the first hour, this is very true to the bottle scent on me. Then the sap note starts amping up a bit and then it turns oddly sweet. They drydown is very unbalanced on me. The evergreen and snow are still there, but they've been smothered with a thick coat of sweet sap.


    Final Impressions: A beautiful scent which I hope will be beautiful in my oil burner! :P

  8. Initial Sniff: Warm, sweet amber with a hint of florals.


    Wearing: This starts out true to the bottle scent. As it dries, it warms up and the light floral notes and sweetness become a little more prominant. Then it fades, and I am sad. But then it comes back! And it is glorious. A slightly sweet, lightly spicy, deliciously warm amber that I can still smell 12 hours later.


    Final Impressions: I was so excited by this description, and it has totally lived up to expectations. A gorgeous, gorgeous blend!!

  9. Initial Sniff: Dusty musk.


    Wearing: This is very interesting. It goes on dusty musk, but quickly dries to a slightly musky, woody, earth scent. There is something almost pine for a moment, then that fades into the earthy background. It is almost completely faded after an hour or so.


    Final Impressions: This is't at all what I was expecting. If musky earth sounds like a good thing to you, then you must give this a try. I'm going to have to test it again!

  10. Initial Sniff: Very soapy and floral. Not what I expected.


    Wearing: This starts out magenta - bright flowers in the sun. There is a phase where it smells like something is burning, then it turns into Dollar Store fancy guest soaps.


    Final Impressions: This so doesn't work on me. :P

  11. Initial Sniff: I'm so hungry now.


    Wearing: Puffy cotton candy, sticky candy apples, greasy funnel cakes, buttery caramel popcorn, big soft pretzels with salt... it is all good things. This is so delicious. It stays true to the bottle scent all day.


    Final Impressions: :P

  12. Initial Sniff: Cool, clean, and slightly citrussy in the bottle.


    Wearing: This is very cool and crisp. It stays fairly true to the bottle scent throughout its time on my skin.


    Final Impressions: Where's the amber? I was hoping for something much more complex and interesting than this, but it is nice all the same.

  13. Initial Sniff: Citrus and eucalyptus in the bottle. Very nice.


    Wearing: There's that metal! This is the scent of a barrel of brand new shiny nails, the scent of your hands after you run them through that barrel, letting the nails clink together in a metallic rainshower, leaving your hands slightly greasy and covered with tiny prickles of blood. This is the scent that feels like the tast of a new filling in your teeth - not the new fancy composite fillings, but the old mercury amalgam... you know, the tang of metal and blood that linger after your office visit.


    Final Impressions: I didn't get any wood scent at all from this - it was all metal. Very cool and interesting, but with an element of pain that makes it less enjoyable. I'll give it to the man, perhaps he won't mind the edge.

  14. Initial Sniff: Very citrussy in the bottle, but not in a sunny way... this manages to be dark and dry despite the citrus.


    Wearing: Initially a strong hit of cirtus, the frankincense quickly comes out to balance the fruit. As it dries, I smell a little of the ambergris and dry grasses in the background. Eventually the citrus fades entirely leaving a strange frankincense/ambergris finish behind.


    Final Impressions: I like this one, but I'm not really sure it's me. It is definitely different and interesting!

  15. Initial Sniff: A strange combination of Snake Oil and Venom in the bottle. Odd.


    Wearing: This wears a lot like Snake Oil on me: spicy vanilla amber that goes slightly powdery. However, this is different somehow. It almost has an egde of tropical to it... Bombay meets Phuket, Marrakesh meets Fiji, or some other such nonsense. I can't put my finger on what exactly is different about it, but it is something... Anyway, I did experience a moment of plum - I was reaching for something and my wrist was briefly in front of my face, and I smelled a very strong plumminess. I took a closer sniff and it was gone! Strange, that.


    Final Impressions: A twist on an old favorite, much like Tropical Skittles. Taste the rainbow, my friends. It is lovely.

  16. Initial Sniff: Very dark. Mostly cedar and pine.


    Wearing: Ooh. This is so lovely. The cedar and pine are still there, but the cinnamon, leather, moss, and to a lesser extent the patchouli come out to play too. The result is a sinfully dark,spicy, ever so slightly sweet concoction. After an hour or so, the patchouli really come into its own, which is too bad, but this really is gorgeous.


    Final Impressions: Sleeper hit indeed. :P

  17. Initial Sniff: Honey wine and bay.


    Wearing: This is lovely! The honey wine and the bay make a lovely balanced sweet/green scent. As it dries, the honey note wins out, leaving only a memory of the green...


    Final Impressions: I'm surprised that so many people have described this as masculine... on me, it is a sweet green scent that I would describe as "pretty."

  18. Initial Sniff: Flowers dripping with honey. Odd.


    Wearing: When wet, this smells like berries and honey - toothachingly sweet. As it dries, the rose comes out and the fruit scent recede. I was expecting this to turn to pure rose on me (like everything with rose), but oddly enough, the honey was strong enogh to hang in there. The drydown is a sweet honeyed rose.


    Final Impressions: Rose has been surprising me this month, and this is no exception. Nice.

  19. Initial Sniff: Very minty. Like toothpaste.


    Wearing: This starts off minty, but it quickly fades into a slightly minty mossy bouquet. It is actually very pretty. The ambergris softens this further, leaving a very mellow mossy drydown.


    Final Impressions: Lovely! I might try wearing this one to bed, as I find it to be very mellow and relaxing.
