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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by RoseThornAndOak

  1. 2011 bottle


    Well this is kinda great. In the bottle it's sweet, syrupy, golden hued coconut and woods, I reckon the tobacco is giving it the woodsy vibe. Definitely caramel in there too, mmm, but not cloying.


    I guess opium is present but it is not super prevelant as in other opium blends like An Opiate Vapor. If someone held this up blind I wouldn't have guessed it, although it is hazy, mysterious, languid, evening toned, and alluring in that sense. Black currant is who knows where. Spices, yes there is something here, but subtle and wearable, no spice rack vibe. 


    Later, those caramelly tobacco woods come out more with coconut receding for the most part but subtly wafting about. Kinda wish the coconut stayed around better, but I'll try U Strip before the Lupers come down to see if I can get more sweet, woody coconut vibes, curious to see how they compare.


    Overall this is lovely and sexy. You gotta love that tobacco note though, but if you can roll, get ready for a fantastic ride smelling great. I think this would be great on the town, on a date on a beach trip, maybe somewhere romantic, old school, and... piratey? :wub2:

  2. Got this in the mail, tried it, and it held similarities to Avon's Rare Sapphires, nicely floral and commercial-ish, but not overtly perfumey, just nice and with a bright kick. 


    Let rest a couple weeks, and this one bottle specifically stayed on my desk for no specific reason. Watched The Wolfman w/ Emily Blunt last night, and I'll be damned, this painting is in the antique shop scene. So naturally I had to retest today.


    That vanilla is peeking out a bit more, but this is mostly about those pink, high end florals. Although it has a commercial vibe, it doesn't have that stronk alcohol oomph many commercial blends have, so I'm grateful. It's more subtle. It shares similarities to Awake and Ava but only in that commercial sense; it is very much it's own, springy thing. It's sexy and pretty in all the right places, but I do agree a bit more vanilla would be welcome.


    Something vaguely citrusy, bright, and cheerful, I'd almost guess grapefruit, blood orange, or lime somewhere amongst the florals, but only just.


    Definitely a keeper.


    Layered with that new Brazil Nut Body Butter from Trader Joes today and got compliments, said I smelled warm like vanilla, and I agree with WoolyBee below, this will layer perfectly with other vanillas.

  3. I'm not sure why this isn't more popular, this is awesome! It's sweet, clean, and fresh. There's quite a bit of Neutral/skin musk, like your skin but better, the soap is fresh, not bright and biting, just soft and clean. The ash lends a bit of softness on it's own, not cigarette or campfire in any shape or form. The incense is not deep dark, or super old smelling, just light incense smoke. It feels cuddly in the same way Boober does yet it is it's own scent.


    This is one of my favorite new-to-me BPALs. <3

  4. I definitely adore Schonpercten but this is nice in it's own right and I agree very different. It is only vaguely white amber on me, like a ghost or aura or whiff. This is mostly a softened, smoothed out evergreen, yet it's not uber sweet like Snow White or Schon, just happy little trees smudged out with white fluff. It's kind of an enigma.


    Okay, there we go. Now and then, it does have a bit of the Grey Columns vibe, just wintered up quite a bit. I see the resemblance now, but would never have guess white amber at all. 


    I like it. 

  5. Often @bygraveyardlight and I are of the same mind, this is dreamy. At first, it was mostly a nice smooth neroli, nothing novel, but very snuggly and calming like a fairy napping. The drydown is sooo pretty, gorgeous sweet sandalwood with champaca, the way they play together is *stunning*, ethereal, and otherworldly.


    Tried again today and must edit, quite a bit more champaca in the opening than I remember, softening the neroli and with a whisper of sweet sandalwood. I love this so much.


    Ack must edit again. I forgot Lily of The Valley was in this, not neroli, yet it still smells like it to me, just much much softer and subdued. 

  6. Who is this chick? I get smutty laundry + high end aldehydes but not super bright (the aldehydes and maybe the chicky babe too).


    It's so strange yet I'm not sure I'm ready to destash it. It's got stronk MILF vibes which is so outside my wheelhouse that I find it oddly amusing.


    It kinda reminds me of O and Neutral together plus Chanel No 5 but from 10 ass days ago. 

  7. Shepherd's Dream shares a few notes with Snow-Covered Landscape, which I am quite fond of. This starts out beautifully with the champaca, plays around with the lilac and wisteria, and dries down clean and soft. Champaca fades quite a bit, but I enjoy the overall journey this takes me on.


    Ambrette is not too showy, there is a nice sweetness throughout and there is a similar grey vibe that Snow-C has. There is a cut of grass from the lilac. Label art is gorgeous.


    It's a keeper.



  8. Yep, nice peach laundry, similar to Fae somewhat, like the the laundry detergent version of it but without the other bits. I like it a lot, and its going to hang out with Boober often when I need a fresh laundry vibe without hitting the laundromat. 

  9. Ooo this is nice! Definitely a sweet and cute but not cloying, candied violet. Its youthful and playful but still sexy. Not much amber. I do like how it's not quite sugared like Hope and Faith, but distinctly hardshell candied, if that makes sense. I never tried Fleurette's Purple Snails, but it does share similarities with La Befana without the charcoal or other bits.

  10. Okay you know how black tea can be almost fruity? That was my initial impression, my mind distinctly went to hot 18th century dudes drinkin tea. It kinda puts me in that Old World/Master and Commander type headspace like Antikythera or No Man is An Island does.


    I mean, it's not masculine, it's really just fresh, pleasant, aromatic tea. Maybe the vanilla bean is smoothing things out, the incense smoke I agree there is maybe a hint of, giving a slight tobacco vibe, but this is all about that tea, completely gender neutral. Pretty light on me, too. 

  11. I visited the Kittelsen House in Kragero, Norway, so had to try this. Actually got one of my favorite vintage tins for perfumes at the open air market in the village there.


    There is this dark, dusty, spicy, woodsy, smoky unsettling feeling to this, like 'feelin cute, might burninate the peasants later' vibe. It's kinda sexy though. Very masculine, long haired metal dude.

  12. Okay I dig it, I dig it. Pretty much exactly what I was hoping, I think I like it better than Unarmed and Laughing, less sugared.


     It's a well balanced slightly spicy floral vanilla with a goodly pop of pop. This almost reads as a dewy vanilla white carnation with fizzy. The aldehyde is effervescent and more champagne-like than sharp/perfumey. Not fruity like Twinkle Twinkle or boozy like Bon Vivant, but just that bubbliness is definitely there. It is definitely glam though, so glam.


    Fans of Boober, Twinkle Twinkle, Bon Vivant, Alice Monaghan, Unarmed and Laughing.

  13. Pretty good! This is a good representation of cinnamon rolls w/o going Red Hot or craft store cinnamon, but also being a different gourmand/foody/bready note than many indies, which go weird and cloying on me nowadays. There is a buttery stage, but it fades. There's also no vegetal pumpkin notes, more the spice mixed in with the sticky buns, as stated. The cinnamon didn't burn, crux of elbow, but it is pretty cinnamony (no ceylon, more your usual spice in the grocery).


    Yum! Not my first pick on the gourmand dance floor but a lot better than most I've danced with. Worth looking out for.

  14. Yes I agree what has been shared above. Definitely a Moonshine and Mist or maybe Lady of Shalott vibe. Gentle, dewy white florals, and gossamer. There was a stage that was vaguely toilet cake or soap, but that does fade away and this stays pretty. Mine sits close to the skin too, but application on the crux of the elbow seemed to help with longevity. Would probably need a reapplication if going out, though. I will have to deathmatch with Leanan Sidhe but I think I like this more. Has less green bits than LofS and LS and more light floral.


    Very nice!

  15. This is mostly the Lab's fresh blackberry with darkly shaded dusky floral musks supporting with mostly rose leading the way, (I think, tends to morph a lot). I was hoping the blackberry would behave on me although it rarely does as the other notes are lovely, but it's doin its normal bit where it goes wonky and kinda sour.


     I will say this is a sister to Lady Una though, somewhat in scent but mostly in mood, like a sister who doesn't visit the honey or teapot but goes swimmin in a vivid blue faerie pool at dusk with unnaturally illuminated blue shaded florals and wild blackberries surrounding. I wish I could pull this off because the visual is fun!


    I agree not much discernable violet or blue musk. More of a sugary floral, musky bouquet with berries. There's a bit of Hope and Faith vibe with the sugared floral bit, so there's an almost Carnival Diabolique feel, but it doesn't read mostly one floral or the other. 


    I can screengrab (sorry I'm exhausted that's the verb thst came out lol) the opium now and then and would probably love it in this context otherwise, but I do feel you have to like/love blackberry or sugary florals to get going with this blend.


    I'll hold on to it for a while and see where it goes, it's going to be pretty on the right people.

  16. Anything that sounds even remotely Elven is going in the cart.


    OoohhhOoooohooooo...I'm an owl now apparently... 


    This is guuuuuuud. This is basically a softer Solanine without the floral bits and I love it. Planty green, stemmy, dewy, fresh, clean, much chlorophyl. I think the bergamot is giving it an every so slight fruity citrus bent, but just a lift. Dang...


    Fantastic on it's own and this will also be great for layering. That's it. Little Ghost will be courting Silk Tiger Lily like, tomorrow. 


    Yeah boiii :wub2:

  17. I figured this would either smell like funeral, Middle Earth, or just weird atmospheric.


    Welp, mostly weird atmospheric, very Night of The Spirits, Poe, or Louisiana series. It's fougey green with a bright, clean, spicy cypress (? maybe the yew) with a bit of floral. I wouldn't say this is , I mean, kinda...hol'up...


    ...okay I got it. Lestat doing shady sh*t in the Bayou (another Lab blend gave me this impression) but he cleaned up with fancy Roger and Gallet Fougere/Fern Perfumed Soap afterwards. Clean, fougered, but not soapy. But like weed he can't seem to get the Spice de Bayou out his jacket, lol


    Despite the name, bottle color, and lily note honestly this is straight up unisex, like how Jareth with lilac smells great on people across the board.


    So if you like a good fouge I'd try it and see where it sits with you. Could sit better on me but it will get better with age.

  18. Ladies and gents, I think we might've hit peak BPAL. This is the most BPAL thing I've smelled in a while dude.


    This is like if you took BPAL, but layered it, with BPAL.


    Like when you look in two facing mirrors, and get a tunnel of BPAL.


    Fresh gothy black funeral BPAL rose, goth club BPAL amber (almost fruity or like O, Smut, etc), and o'course BPAL snek but the patch behaves (as it does in many flankers I've noticed, phew). If you don't like snek, as sometimes it goes weird, you might like it here (join my club party!).


    I don't know what you want from me, it's BPAL. So crank the Combichrist and hit the dance floor already. This BPAL will BPAL you up...


    More BPAL than BPAL, more BPAL than BPAL 

    Okay I'll stop lol. :whistle:

  19. I wasn't sure if this would have cotton candy, cotton candy variety peonies, or what. But it is definitely sweet, and floral, almost like a cross between A Spirit, Katie and Poinsettia Gown. Less sweet/cloying than Poinsettia, but more rosey creamy/less fresh than Katie, if that helps. There is booziness from the cognac. Something is going a tad sour on me, although not too bad thankfully compared to some blends. I'm sure a locket or applying to clothes will help, like Fiam says on a cuff or something.


    Although I am partial to To Lallie from this release just due to skin chemistry, this is goegeous otherwise and I think Lace fans will enjoy it! 

  20. Man this is great. In the bottle and directly applied, this is pretty earthy ginger, to the point where if I casually sniffed this at say will call I might've passed.


    The ginger fades quickly, and I swear each time I go to sniff it smells prettier, like a high-end yet realistic, dewy, tiger lily with sparkle and sweetness supporting. I don't get funeral lilies, this is more of an uplifting muguet, Pele type bloom. The ginger lets the florals shine for the remainder.


    I love it. For reference, on the other arm I'm wearing Pink Silk Peony, which I suspect will be popular, yet I can't stop going back to Tiger Lily. It's magnetic and unique, and makes me want to put on a pretty dress and cuddle a hot metal dude in a meadow. 


    Not that I need more Spring Fae Vibes, but yay Spring Fae Vibes! Glitter hearts of approval!:wub2:

  21. Super crisp, high octave, bright neroli on application, goes on yellow. Daffodils peak out later and pretties this up even more. Not much spice or amber, but I guess they're softening the edges.


    A nice, romantic, Spring fae scent, I like it a lot.

  22. Y'all, holy sh*t. Fresh from the Lab, so no guarantees it will smell like this tomorrow, a week, a month, or year from now, but...


    ...it's basically Katrina van Tassel goes on a date with one of the Lost Boys at the seaside carnival at Santa Carla and I adore it. :wub2:


    The sweet amber/rose combo in Tovenares was a huge 2022 hit for me, and you usually can't go wrong with the other notes here, although I was afraid the coconut milk would go plastic but it doesn't, also afraid the honey would smell of pee but it doesn't.


    It's basically that white rose and honey cream vibe from KvT, especially in the beginning. A bit of clean freshness from the frothy ambergris making a short appearance, but mostly KvT. On final drydown, a bit of woody, resinous benzoin/amber comes up underneath, somewhat envie Saphir/limestone-ish, with the salt from the ambergris and that teeny bit of coconut milk giving it this ever so popcorn/seaside carnival vibe and it's lit. 


    If this keeps up for the next month or two I'm getting backups. 
