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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. I've been very interested in this one for a while and decided to finally try it tonight.


    It started off promising, and actually not as masculine as I expected, but dried down to just violets. I'm not a big fan of violet and was hoping that would be the one scent that wouldn't really come out. Oh well.


    So I had dh try it and it turned soapy on him. sigh


    Off to swaps, sadly.



    Surprisingly, very little snake oil. But what I do have is beautiful. I am not a floral person, so I'm having a hard time picking out the flower in this, but it is gorgeous. This is the scent of the south on lazy evening when it's hot and humid, minus the dirt. And it doesn't go soapy on me (so it's not a white flower)! :joy: It's lazy definitely sexy, in that hot and sweaty, let's do it outside kind of way. :lol:

    Whatever it is, I love it. It's just perfect for spring and summer and I will NOT be letting this one go. :wub2:



    ETA: I'm pretty sure one of the notes in this is chrysanthemum. :) And once it's dried down I do get brief hints of the SO. I think this will age extremely well.

  3. Initial Impression: old lady perfume....ew


    On Wet: tropical floral with a hint of green and just a touch of soap.


    On Dry: The same. The soapiness comes and goes. There is something about this that reminds me of of living in S. Fla. I've tried a couple other scents that remind me of Fla also, but with those it was the humidity or grass. Not with this. This reminds me of walking near some of the gardens in Palm Beach in the late afternoon. I'm not altogether sure why, but it's all I think of when smelling this.

    Dh says it smells exotic and "pretty".


    Final Impression: I will definitely keep my imps and enjoy the nostalgia.

  4. This is mostly vetiver, esp. at first. After a while the sandalwood comes out and tames the vetiver a bit. I'm not getting much of the neroli.

    It's very nice, though not exactly me. I might have hubby try it out since I have a feeling it might work better for him.

  5. Once on, this reminds me of a slightly boozy Lick It type scent. I like it soooo much more than I expected to. It is just a bit powdery at the end, but not overly so. I wish it lasted a little longer though. It's a bit faint on me, but that's ok. I'll just slather. :)

    I can definitely see wearing this a lot during the summer. I think I might have to get a bottle. Yum!

  6. I agree with the previous reviewer who said that this is surprisingly outdoorsy. It's very green, somewhat sweet and sharp. It's also a bit medicinal. I can't really pick out any individual notes and it doesn't smell at all like I expected. I don't really like it and will be sending it off to someone who might have more luck. :(

  7. I actually don't get much dirt from this, sadly, but I still like it. It's actually rather sweet and fresh smelling. After drying down a bit, some of the greenery comes out. It's clean smelling, but not soapy. I actually don't really get any rose from this, which is strange. hmm.


    I'll definitely be keeping my imp and I'll try layering it with some Graveyard Dirt. I think it would be great this summer. :)

  8. Oh my. Ohmyohmyohmy. (deep inhale)


    I put off trying this for a long time since it sounded too masculine, but since I was frimped some, I thought I would give it a shot.


    Oh my. This is GORGEOUS. It is definitely not a dainty feminine scent. This is an "I'll either kick your ass or screw your brains out...or maybe both" scent. It's earthy and sexy and strong all at once.

    I have to order a bottle. Like now. :wub2:


    Why oh why isn't hubby home? :twisted:

  9. hmmmm.....what an odd scent. At first I get a rush of apple, but then it sweetens and almost smells like a candied apple with....something else. Then the apple fades and out comes something like a berry wine with a hint of sweet flowers and just a bit of spice. Very fall smelling. But then it morphs again and the wine note fades and it's a beautiful blend of slightly spicy florals (but no soap! woohoo!) with a hint of fruit in the background. But once again it starts to change and takes an ever so slightly darker turn. mmmmm.....


    Now I am not a floral person at all, but this is just wonderful. I wouldn't consider this a straight floral scent, nor is it foody. It is definitely complex and a morpher. I like it. :wub2:

  10. This is a very classy, womanly scent with an edge to it. Like a business woman who wears super sexy, naughty underwear beneath her suit.


    It's a somewhat sharp floral with a hint of smokiness, though as it dries down it softens and becomes a bit powdery. I actually like the drydown more.

    It's very pretty, though not exactly me, so it'll be on it's way.

  11. I was hesitant to try this since I can't stand milk notes, but no need. On me there is absolutely no milk in this, i'ts just a straight up salty aquatic. It's actually very pretty so I'll keep the imp, but probably won't need a bottle.


  12. At first this just screams aquatic. No herbs, no fruits, no musk, nothing but bathroom air freshener. So sad.

    As it dries though it becomes greener smelling, though still a touch air freshener. Where is my lime I wanted so badly? Where are the berries other people are getting?

    After a while this turns a bit soapy, but very pleasant. It's very fresh and clean. I could see this being a good summer scent when I need something very light and crisp. I'm still sad about the fruit though. :( I'll keep my imps and try again, maybe my chemistry is off today. If nothing else, I could see it being great in a locket or bath.



  13. I never intended to try this. Milk? ew. It almost always smells spoiled on me. Plus, I'm usually not one for the girly, dainty scents.

    So I was so surprised to find that I like this. The rose is under control, as is the honey (which I normally amp to the point that it drowns everything else out), and the carnation adds a wonderful spice. It does start out very feminine and slightly tea like, but as it dries it matures a bit, though never to the point of "old lady".

    This is really so pretty. I'm shocked to say it might actually be bottle worthy. :wub2:




  14. This started out wonderfully. Beautiful slightly sweet berries with a hint of patchouli. After a while the red musk begins to come and go in waves. Not sure if I like that, but then that's how I am with red musk. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I really don't.

    And then it begins to fade quickly and it's mostly a very very faint dusty berry. So sad. I wish this stayed around a bit longer to see what else it would do since I got no cocoa, sandalwood, nicotiana, or amber.



    Wet: Wood, hazelnut, with a bit of patchouli and something slightly sweet. So far I do not like this.

    Starting to dry: The brown sugar starts to come out and sweetens it more. I really don't like this. There is something unpleasant about the way the notes are mixing.


    I can't review how it smelled fully dried down since I had to wash it off. :(

  16. I was generously frimped this and I am so happy I got to try it!


    At first I thought this would be too masculine, but once it's on it sweetens up a bit from the amber and the spices come out. There is a very slight, vaguely herbal note and the patchouli adds a bit of earthiness and richness, though it's definitely not the main note here.

    This reminds me of this eclectic world shop I used to go into (not a hippie one, no headshop smell here).


    I like this far more than I expected and I can't stop sniffing my arm. I'm going to have hubby try it since he seems to man up most of the unisex scents I try out on him.


    Definitely keeping the decant, might consider a bottle in the future, esp. this fall. :)

  17. mmmm.....starts of rich, just turned dirt with roses and a hint of green. As it dries the roses come out more and the dirt note is there to ground it (ha! get it? "ground" it....I crack me up).

    It is dark and sweet and perfectly fitting for its name. I love this and will have to get a bottle at some point. It doesn't have much of a throw, but it's definitely worth slathering. :)

  18. I am not a floral person, but I love this. The flowers and dirt are perfectly balanced. This really does remind me of a garden in the south. Not so much on a humid, hot day, but more in the evening or a spring day when it's not oppresively hot yet, but warm. Everything is growing and fresh and new.

    Very pretty! :)

  19. Wow. At first this is really strong and mostly ginger with a hint of brown sugar. I'm getting almost no chocolate. As it dries more it smells a lot like a gingered Sugar Skull on me (I guess my skin likes ginger and brown sugar LOL).

    After it's been fully dry for a while it calms down quite a bit and a nice herbal scent comes out to balance the sugar and ginger.


    I really like this, esp. on a cold day like today and I think it will age very well. I only wish I had listened to hubby and gotten 2 bottles.

  20. Khrsee (to me) doesn't smell at all woodsy, spicy, or resinous.


    Could be you got 2 Makhanitis and you are mainly picking up on the champaca. I swapped my Makhanitis and I don't remember what color it was. My Khrysee is a golden amber (though most of my decants are :lol: ). The 2 really smell nothing alike (imo) so I think you might have gotten a mislabeled one?


  21. This is a much brighter scent than I expected. I expected more of a dark, smoke filled aquatic, but this is actually much lighter and happier smelling than I expected. It's not so much the water itself, but the air and breeze coming off the water, mingling with flowers by the shore.

    After it's dried down for a while it becomes just a touch darker as though the clouds were rolling in. Not stormy, but a bit overcast and threatening to rain.


    It's very pretty and definitely reminds me of summer as opposed to a cold winter scent. It does go a touch soapy as most aquatics seem to do, but it's still very nice. :)

  22. The Seventh Daughter, Daughter of the Oath. She was King David’s lover, and the mother of King Solomon. Her scent is breathtakingly lovely, exotic and powerfully sensual in its innocence: carnation, sensual plum, and Arabian musk.

    mmmm.....this is wonderful! I can't believe I waited so long to try it.
    This is a wonderful slightly sweet, slightly spicy musk with just a hint of plum. It morphs gently back and forth between being sweeter or spicier, but it's definitely a musk scent, not a fruity one. And it's definitely exotic and flirty and sexy. I love it and might need a bottle. :)