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Posts posted by AirimirOfGondor

  1. This was the big hopeful for me this year. :)


    I'm not 100% sure if it will be a regular-use fragrance for me, but it is very nice! :D


    It's a lighter, fresher, warm-and-sunny feeling kind of fall fragrance - the kind that evokes picnics and hay rides and playing in leaves.


    It is brightly golden and sweet, the apricot and apple are tied for the strongest notes to my nose. The honey is a close second.


    As it dries down, the oak adds a subtle, dry grounded quality. I think the apricot and honey stand out a little more as well, which mayyyybe makes it a little too sweet for me (though I haven't decided!). It is a little syrupy, but still countered by the oak (and hay, I suppose).


    I can't really pinpoint the chrysasthemum and amber, but when it has fully dried on my skin it is a bright, sweet, lightly woody fragrance. The syrupy note does linger, and is wierdly bittersweet, but it does blend very nicey. :)


  2. I am a big fan of this Lace.  😊


    Wet, it is very green (like 95% green), a little bit cologne-y, and a little bit sweet, with a little bit of a bite.


    Dry, the green dies down a little, and the sweeter notes take a bolder stance. It continues to keep the sharp spicy-bite, which I think counterweighs the sweetness nicely.


    I was personally hoping for a little more of the patchouli and mushroom notes. I love The Grave-Pig, so I was hoping for WL to be a little like it, but I can barely place the patchouli, and I definitely can't pick out any mushroom notes.


    The cedar, tobacco, and woodsmoke are very nice in this; I think they are my favorite part.


    I really expect this to age well; I'm not super into the greener notes, and I have a feeling that they will fade out after a while, leaving the best bits! 👍


    After having used this a few times since I first posted my review, I can safely say that Witches' Lace is like Jolly Roger's swampier sister. 😊 WL has the same salty/spicy/crusty quality that JR does (which is my favorite part of JR 😆).

  3. Ugggghhhhh this is so good!


    It is so warm and rich - it has sweet vanilla and caramel notes, almost-fruity notes, and an underlying deep earthiness.

    I don't get any citrus or smoke notes personally, but I don't think that it is lacking anything for me because of it.


    It is chewy and complex, and very strong. A little definitely goes a long way, and lasts a long time - a single bottle could last someone a whole year!

  4. Children of the Cornucopia is EXACTLY what I was hoping it would be! 😀


    I have a bottle of Sordid and Unpleasant Activities; which I like, but it is a little too dark, too heavy, and too boozy for me to wear very often.


    To my nose, Children is in the same family as Sordid - a little sweet, a little spicy/woodsy, and kind of warm. Children has an absolutely gorgeous tobacco note, which is very warm and almost fruity; the patchouli is deep, rich, and earthy; and the hay is light and airy.


    It is an extremely well balanced fragrance, and light enough for everyday wear. It feels alternately masculine and feminine, so a nice choice for everyone!

  5. I love OG Sanguinem Menstruum aggresively. 🤣 That being said, Marshmallow Chick is also amazing!


    In the bottle, and on first application, it smells about 75% like OG SM to my nose, with this additional...warm/sweet/grainy/creamy note, which alternately reminds me of a quality I got from Creeper Dragon, and different quality I got from Antique Lace.


    Dry, the marshmallow builds up a bit of an artificial vanilla-like quality, unfortunately. I can still smell the red musk and honey underneath, but the sweetness its just a little too strong.


    It does wear off a bit; after it has faded for an hour or so, it blends a little better, which works much nicer for me. 😊 

  6. This smells like a lovely rice pudding to me! I'm quite surprised actually, most gourmand scents go way too heavy on me.


    But on my skin, it's a very thick rice fragrance at first; very rich and almost soft and fluffy. The unique basmati fragrance is exactly like I was expecting (I love to eat basmati rice 😄). The honey is very nice, it is warm, but not overpowering like some honeys.

    And the champaca adds a very nice extra layer; it's also sweet, and kind of floral, which blends really, really nicely with the honey.


    I particularly like it dried in a scent locket - it's a very soft, exotic scent; sweet, a bit chewy, and a bit buttery, and has turned out unexpectedly for me!

  7. This Lace was a surprise for me! I wasn't sure about it; I was worried that it would either be too sweet, or that the smoke note would be too strong.


    But, on my skin, this is a very nice happy medium for me!


    It is very leather heavy, and the incense/clove/tobacco are a very nice underlying layer. The smoke note itself is perfect - not too sharp, and just subtle enough to be noticeable, but not overpowering.

    I feel like this lace is pretty close to Lycan Lace, actually; it feels cool and wet, and slightly dangerous. The smoke really gives it an awesome quality.


    I am not 100% sure if this one is definitely a keeper or not yet (I only tested it once so far), but I do know I quite like it 😊.

  8. Crinoline is SO SWEET.

    To be honest I thought it would be too much for me, but I love it!


    Wet, it is all sugar and vanilla, with the coconut and rose blending together behind it. I know it's not there, but I could swear I smelled marshmallow.


    When dry, it goes a bit one-note on me - it is still incredibly sweet, and focuses mainly on the vanilla, but it is also airy and light, with a very few dry notes. The coconut and rose go very subtle, so much so, that I can barely smell them. But I don't even care, I love how it turns out! 


    Like others have noted, Crinoline feels like a younger sister to Antique Lace to me as well. Comparing the two - they are in the same family, and smell very similar to boot, but Antique feels like a more mature, stoic, dry scent. Crinoline, on the other hand, feels cheerful, friendly, and poofy-sweet.

    Kind of like comparing a sensible grey wool cardigan with an equally sensible pink cashmere cardigan. 😂

  9. Definitely banana runts. 😄 Generally, I actually hate gourmand scents, and citrus just goes sour on me, but I like this one. It fades realy nicely on me; it kind of reminds me of Fruity Pebbles, with a touch more lemon. There is a bit of a champagney note (champagne gives me massive headaches), so we'll see if it likes me. 😊

  10. I got a lovely fairy to snag a bottle of this for me. 😊 That being said, I have no idea what to make of this! 😅


    Wet, its almost citrusy for me, but also kind of fresh and green. Something about it is very familiar to me, though I can't quite place it, nor even begin to describe it.

    I'd say overall, is a pretty neutral scent; slightly fresh and cool, with touches of cologne-y and floral notes.


    I did test it cold, fresh out of the mail, and I thought I liked it, but I put some more on a bit later, and now I'm not sure. It turns really heady on me, which is unfortunate. I may test it again later in hopes that it's just my skin today, but so far it is giving me a headache, and making my stomach turn. 😟

  11. Nostalgia encapsulated. A soft, wistful blend of dry flowers, aged linens, and the faint breath of long-faded perfumes.


    Antique Lace 2017 was my first introduction to Laces. 😊 And I actually hate most vanilla scents - they are always so cloyingly artificial, and tootootoo sweet, and give me headaches.


    But, Antique Lace is incredibly sweet, and warm, almost cloudy-fluffy. I wasn't actually on board at first, because I was so distracted by the initial extreme sweetness. But as it dries, it's just lovely and warm and cuddly and sweet - the sweetness dries up and mellows out, so it isnt overwhelmingly strong.


    Which is excellent for me! 😊 I'm so glad I gave it a chance!

  12. Oooof I love this!


    I feel like it's like Antique Lace's way more badass sibling.


    Wet, and on early application, it's the Lace base, with oddly green (celery-like?? 😞) notes. But when it dries, hoooo boy, is it awesome!


    It's still very Lace-y, with a dark, dangerous quality. The tobacco is dry and warm, but is cooled down a bit by the dirt and pine notes. The rose is a nice 50/50 of fresh green rose and, y'know, ROSE-rose, so it blends with both the tobaco and pine very well.

    I think it's the musk and incense that give it the dangerous quality, and I love it all! 😄


    I may put this Lace in my top 3 or 4 faves~

  13. Ffffff this is my one that got away! 😢 I planned to buy a bottle when I got paid, but it was already sold out by the time I was ready.


    However, I got a freebie decant of this from a very generous person to test, and I. LOVE. IT. SO. MUCH.


    It's definitely my favorite Lace - it is that sweet vanilla Lace base, but the red musk and leather and honey give it this sexy quality; the pepper and tobacco give it a spicy, tough feel, and the sandalwood gives it a warm, comforting touch.

    I don't get the cognac specifically, but I don't really think I need to smell it that much. 😋


    I will always love this, and forever kick myself that I didn't just buy a bottle immediately and put it on my credit card. 😂😂

  14. My decant of Mourning Lace smells basically like the Lace base, but also maybe like old parchment paper, or candle wax?

    It could just be how old my decant is, but it fades quickly, and the other notes are really hard to pick out.


    I do quite like it, it is subtle, and something I would indeed consider wearing to a funeral, but probably not for everyday use.

  15. I only tested a decant of this, and I'm not sure what conditions it was kept in, but I really don't know what to make of this scent. 


    It is really sour. Like, annoyingly tart. When it's dry it isn't really that sour anymore, but I barely get the actual Lace notes. It's really just a kind of mishmash of something vaguely sweet and floral. I dont smell any specific rose, and I definitely don't smell any strawberry.


    I'd love to try from another source one day, just to see if my decant is just a fluke. 

  16. I sadly am not a fan of Vampire Lace. 😔 Which is a bummer, since I love clove, and all the other earthy/wood/resin notes it has.


    When wet, I just get a serious sour stank. That note does remind me of Hexennacht, which I love, but Hexennacht dries out to a beautiful smoky, foresty, herbal scent, and the sour stank dies off.

    For VL, the sour stank does die off. But it unfortunately dries out to just a bunch of lily on me. Like, a vaguely musky, lilylilylily for days. Now, if you like lily, or even floral notes in general, you would probably love it. But I don't really like many floral notes, so I can't really work with this one.


    It's probably my skin chemistry that's making it turn out like this, and I suppose it would probably age to better fit my tastes, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it around long enough for it to get there. 😅

  17. Absinthe and Lace is a kind of nondescript Lace for me. It's definitely dark and Lace-y, but most of the notes are pretty muted.


    Honestly it smells super close to the Black Lace (res) that I also had. That was sweet, dark, cologne-y, musky, and clean, but basically just kind of boring.


    Absinthe and Lace is basically all that, with a subtle hint of licorice. And that note fades pretty quickly when I'm wearing it, so it really seems like a different batch variant of BL to me.


    So, if you are totally in love with Black Lace, Absinthe might be a good substitute in a pinch! 😃

  18. I liked Black Lace (the resurrected version), but I didn't exactly get all the hype.

    It is very nice; the Lace note is a star - I get the kind of apple-y quality, but it isn't exactly true apple to me. The other notes are just knd of...there...


    It's sweet, and kind of dark, and a bit musky, and a little cologne-y, but clean, and sadly, just kind of boring. 😔


    It's possible it was just my skin, but I didn't love this one enough to keep it, and have since moved it on to a happy new home.

  19. 😊 I absolutely love wearing Solstice Lace in late summer/early autumn.


    When wet, it's all cheerful, golden, sweet apple wine, without being too gourmand.


    As it dries out, the sweetness melds with the Lace notes, and the tobacco and St. John's wort give it a bit of a fresh herbal edge. But the apple is still there, and the resins keep the bright golden notes going strong.


    Fully dried, it's a great blend; all of the notes are there, and none of them really overpowers the other. It has a pretty long wear time for me - it  usually fades by the end of a day, but even I can usually still catch the faintest whiff.

  20. I got this Lace, even though I knew lavender is one of my death notes. I should have known better, I actively dread wearing it. 😅

    It's nothing against the Lace blend, lavender in general just gives me bad headaches (which is bad for me, because I amp the heck out of it!).


    For me, the lavender overpowers the other notes, though the sweet vanilla is there. I think I get a bit of the smoke and tobacco, but it's not enough to counteract just HOW MUCH lavender I get.


    But hey, if you're like me and amp lavender, but also like lavender, you'd definitely like this!

  21. Autumn Lace is another Lace fragrance that seems very nondescript to me. It might just be my skin, or the bottle's age, but unfortunately on my skin, it's not a subtly complex blend, just a kind of a vaguely autumn-y Lace blend.


    It kind of reminds me a bit of some Weenie blends (like October, Hallowe'en1914, etc), with cool, dark notes, that remind me of petrichor. And they do blend nicely with the Lace, but I'm a big fan of lots of earthy autumn fragrances, and there are just so many others that I like better than this particular blend.

    It's definitely the most autumn-y of the Laces though! 😊

  22. I liked Tattered Lace, but it's overall a kind of nondescript Lace fragrance, with the sligtest note of coconut.


    It's still quite nice, but it didn't really wow me; it faded a little faster than other fragrances, and had a very low throw. I like my oils to last a long time, so I prefer things to be pretty strong, with a pretty high throw. That way I can just apply a few drops to be good all day. With TL, I'd always found myself reapplying halfway through the day, and really slathering it on. Which would have been fine, really, except it jusy seemed like a waste for me to use up that much, when it's not my biggest favorite.

  23. This is noice!!!


    For me, this is a bright, juicy, red fruits fragrance, with creamy, warm, sugary vanilla notes.


    My bottle is pretty aged by now, and I don't really get much in the way of the sandalwood, tobacco, patchouli, or frankincense, but I do get a bit of the musk, and I think it adds very nice depth.


    The only down side to this is, it doesn't last very long any more. I can get maybe 4-6 hours of wear time; after that it basically fades completely.

    Totally worth it though!

  24. Champagne Lace went straight champagne on me, with the rest of the notes being very subtle (enough so that I barely smelled them).


    I actively dread champagne (it is so dry and aggressive to me, it always gives me a massive headache, and makes me feel like I could get a nosebleed), so unfortunately this one didn't play nice with me. 😔


    If you like champagne though, and are a fan of Laces, you would definitely love this!

  25. Generally, I actively dislike cognac. (I'm pretty sure that's the note that turned me off of Amber, and Summer Lace)


    That being said, it must be lighter in Shadow Lace, because I love this!


    For me, it's dark and chewy (but not too dark), with touches of earthiness and woodsiness. The patchouli and tobacco are pretty subtle to me, as is the oudh, and the plum is definitely the star player. But it's not an annoyingly sweet fruity smell, it's more like a dark, rich, sweet-and-savory-plum-sauce-reduction thing. Or something; I just know it's clearly plum, just not the same kind of juicy dark fruit note I'm familiar with from other blends.


    Overall it's extremely well blended, and everything really melds together for me. 😊

    Definitely one of my faves~ I had been collecting Laces, but I've since been purging the collection of ones I didn't get excited about anymore - and Shadow was one of the ones I knew I had to keep! 😄
