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Everything posted by asciident

  1. asciident


    Wet: Strangely, it smells resinous. First on: Floral resin. Is that the narcissus at work? Dry: Faint and faded florals.
  2. asciident


    Wet: Sharp musk. First on: All I can smell is musk and wood. Dry: Unchanged on drydown. Too masculine for me.
  3. asciident

    Capricorn 2007

    Wet: PINE! Slap-you-in-the-face pine. First on: The pine mellows to blend in withthe rest of the scents for a more general outdoorsy scent. Dry: Nope, the pine is back and now it's just a faint Pinesol. Disappointing.
  4. asciident

    Dragon's Tears

    Wet: Watered down dragon's blood. First on: Like a dragon just dragged its ass out of the ocean. Eh. Dry: Unchanged. Not a huge fan. Something about the salt is making the dragon's blood smell off.
  5. asciident

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    Wet: Gardenia and vanilla are starting this off to make a creamy floral scent. First on: It doesn't change much on my skin, except that the musk is starting to make an appearance. Dry: No change dry. It's a decent scent, but I don't think it's something I'd wear much.
  6. asciident


    Wet: A faint floral musky scent. First on: Unchanged. Dry: Still unchanged while dry. Nothing is particularly stand-out.
  7. asciident

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    Wet: A very soft floral. None of the notes are particularly strong in this blend. First on: A fainter version of the in-the-bottle scent. I suspect this one will fade off me fast. Dry: As I predicted, it's completely gone.
  8. asciident


    Wet: Rose and jasmine. Super floral. I can already tell I'm not going to be a fan... First on: SOAP! Eugh. Dry: ...Completely gone. I can't say I'm sad about this.
  9. asciident


    Wet: Bright, in-your-face rosy scent. First on: Big creamy flower blooms. Dry: On drydown, it's sort of a nondescript floral scent. Not a big fan.
  10. asciident


    Wet: It's all wood to me. First on: Incense and wood. Like burning an incense holder. It IS very reminiscent of church, though. Dry: Unchanged. Just way too much wood for me; it's pretty overpowering.
  11. asciident


    Wet: Dry resin. Sandalwood and patchouli. First on: A bit sweeter; I think the cinnamon is peeking through. Still very dry. Dry: It's okay. It smells a bit too much like I rolled in plain incense, though.
  12. asciident

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    Wet: Musky, spicy chocolate, maybe I'm getting some cinnamon somehow? Manly. First on: The same, but it's gotten very faint. Can't say I'm disappointed, since I think it's too masculine for me to wear. Dry: Now it's just a very faint spicy chocolate. Alas.
  13. asciident


    (2008 version.) Wet: All I can smell is floral soap. Blech. First on: Smoky, floral soap. Ew. Dry: I smell like grandma's bathroom.
  14. asciident

    Shanghai Tunnel

    Wet: Mmm, it smells like rain and citrus. First on: Musky rain, like someone's skin has been rained on. Mossy stones, a citrus note in the air. Dry: Unchanged dry.
  15. asciident


    Wet: Sweet and spicy. Not really sure what's making the sugar and cream smell spicy... First on: Unchanged. Dry: Fainter sweet and spicy. I like it, but not enough to hunt down more of it or anything.
  16. asciident


    Wet: Smells like sweet, sharp booze. First on: Unchanged. I don't think I really want to walk around smelling like I've had a few though. Dry: Same, but faint.
  17. asciident


    Wet: Dominated by red sandalwood, black amber, and copal. It could be good if it stays here, but I'm wary of the musk and tobacco. First on: It became faintly spicy, but nothing else was noticeable in particular. Dry: Well, the scent disappeared entirely too quickly.
  18. asciident

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    Wet: Big, juicy blueberry! Also a hint of red currant and benzoin. First on: Almost pure single note blueberry at this point. Dry: The Hawaiian ginger, green tea, and squash blossom come out to make this blueberry almost flowery, and it's utterly gorgeous. Probably one of my favorite scents.
  19. asciident

    Pickled Imp

    Wet: Vanilla, clove, something green so likely the pine. It's definitely the resinous scent of sap, not bright like the needles themselves. First on: Strong, rich vanilla. The spiciness of cloves and cinnamon are there, but they're not predominant enough to stand out. Smells very much like Christmas, actually. Dry: This is like all the cookie and candy scents I wish I had loved, but had never worked on me because sugar notes tend to go plastic. This is like a big plate of spicy cookies with vanilla frosting sitting near a pine tree at Christmas, and it's absolutely gorgeous. Not a hint of fake/plastic scent.
  20. asciident

    Te Po

    Wet: Like someone took a limeade and splashed in some rum, cherry and almond -- though the later two are sometimes indistinguishable. First on: Sugary almonds and black cherry predominantly. A little hint of mint and citrusy booze. Dry: I think the almond has taken on an almost incense quality to it, but it's a fiesty sort of scent. I think that's the mint and citrus. It's a surprising drydown; I would have expected something fruitier and boozy, but this is actually a really lovely resin-reminiscent smell!
  21. asciident

    Beltane 2008

    Wet: Sharp: mint, woody, jasmine/iris, benzoin. First on: Lily of the Valley and rose are making an appearance, but it's still quite sharply floral, woody, minty. Evocative and springlike, but unfortunately also a little too much like floral soap. (I think iris often reminds me of soap ...) Dry: Well now, this is interesting. Dry, it's significantly less sharp. I think the iris and jasmine have mellowed and the rose has bloomed. It's still quite minty, but I can smell a resinous and woody undertone. On the whole, pleasant but not my thing.
  22. asciident

    Blue Fire

    Wet: Blueberry candy and alcohol. Fitting, I suppose. First on: Er...children's medicine? The lemongrass and gin are combining for a very medicinal tang here. Dry: Meh. Too much lemony gin and not nearly enough blueberry or papaya. I like lemon okay, but not really lemon liquor so much.
  23. asciident

    Rangoon Riptide

    Wet: Very sweet rum. Not really a harsh or particularly alcoholic scent, but definitely the boozy sugary scent of rum. Not really my sort of thing as a perfume, unfortunately. First on: Sick. And not in that nice way. Way too much sweetness and booze; it's cloying and overpowering. Dry: Barely there fake pineapple. Like the kind of fake scent of Strawberry Shortcake dolls, only pineapple. Eh. The first stage was terrible, and this stage is so not worth it. Kinda sad, I think I was looking forward to this scent the most.
  24. asciident


    Wet: Vanilla, gardenia. Pleasant and light. A definite vanilla flower, rather than a foody one. First on: Big flowers! Gardenia comes in strong, the vanilla orchid moves to the background. There's also a flowery scent with which I'm unfamiliar; I'm guessing it's the Monoi tiare. Dry: Dry, the flowers are a muted and incensey. This ends up being like a light, cheerful flower incense. Beautiful for springtime.
  25. asciident

    Hony Mone

    Wet: Honey honey honey! That's all I smell while it's wet. First on: Carnation, a bit of fruit, like a wild honey and a garden. Dry: A more flowery twist on Honey Moon (who knew that was possible!), and it's gorgeous. The only downside is that on longer wearing the jasmine seems to get a bit sharp. I think between the two, I probably like Honey Moon better simply for the gardenia over carnation, but this stands on its own.