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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Lionesse

  1. A nearly-narcotic blend of opiate-touched bark and blossom reflective of the bleakness and solitude of winter, the quietest point of the year : black opium poppy, bamboo pulp, ylang ylang, lavender, chamomile and white sandalwood.

    In the bottle, I smell lavender, a scent I associate with calm.

    On my skin, I smell warm, green herbs, and lavender, and indeed it is very calming. There is a sweetness too, but not overly so.

    I like it =)

  2. Got my hands on an imp of snake oil, and the verdict is.... LOVE it. Its nice on both me and hubby =)


    *edit* After about an hour, I started smelling baby powder around me. I was wondering why, then realized it was ME. Everywhere I put Snake Oil, smelled like baby powder!




    What a terrible thing =(



  3. I tried this one on a Saturday afternoon as we were leaving to meet my mother-in-law for coffee. Upon opening the bottle, I felt a "strength" in the scent. Once on my skin, ohmygoodness. It was heady. I felt strong and confident! True aromatherapy, yes?


    My husband just about fell over himself trying to inhale my neck. That is a definite plus! All day, he was pressing my wrist to his face, and smelling my hair.


    After reading a few reviews that said this was a masculine scent, we tried it out on him. It is just as awesome on him, and smells completely different.


    On me we cannot detect the leather much at all, on him the leather comes out to play and its VERY sexy.


    This is definitely one I must have a 5ml bottle of!



  4. I'm so sad this one didn't work out for me. From the list of included notes, I thought for sure I would love it. But nope. It smelled sweet in the bottle to me. On my skin it blossomed into a riot of very overpowering flowers. My husband made a face.


    About 15 minutes later it turned into a very strong soapy smell, that I could even taste on my tongue. And I had to go scrub it off =(


    I wish I knew which of the notes is responsible for this clash. I am going to guess its either the carnation or the iris.






    *EDIT* I think for now I am going to say it's the Iris note causeing trouble for me. Because my new fave Bow & Crown of Conquest has carnation, and it is beautiful on me.

  5. I very bravely tested this... on my husbands wrist. lol


    Started off chocolate, and very quickly morphed to leather, then patchouli. It smells pretty darned yummy on him. No more chocolate, which is fine with me.


    His first response to it, was to wrinkle up his nose EWWWW... when it morphed to leather, he liked it better.


    (right now its a combo of leather & patchouli)


    I like it! On him =)

  6. I was afraid I wasn't going to like this one. The bottle smelled soooo floral, and that is usually something I don't care for. But there was "something" hidden in there, so I had to try it on.


    Very pleasantly surprised! Throughout the day I oftentimes smelled peaches, then incense, then peaches again. I'm glad I tried it, its very nice.

  7. I received an imp of Lightning in a mystery imp pack. I love Thunderstorms and lightning, and the smell that accompanies them, so I had high hopes for this imp.


    First sniff from the bottle, I smelled rain, and ozone. On my skin, it didn't change. However, within 5 minutes after applying it, I was nauseated to the point that I had to go wash my wrists!


    Very weird. This is the first (and I hope, LAST) scent that has had this effect on me.


    Anyway, I will have to find it a new home =)

  8. I got an imp of this in a mystery grab bag, and I was instantly in LOVE. I'm not a big fan of food scents, or citrus for that matter. But the lemon against the incense (is that what I'm smelling?) and then something else... and I can't stop smelling my wrists!


    My husband took a sniff of my neck and said OMG LEMON DROPS and tackled me!


    I have no idea how a creamy, lemony, incensy concoction can be so damned sexy, but on me, it is!


    This is on my "big bottle" wishlist =)

  9. That is gorgeous! My (geek) husband is working on the same sort of thing for me. But his workload is pretty heavy these days, so for now I am using the excel sheet I nabbed from the forum.


    I have no skills when it comes to these things. I am super impressed with your page!





    I do not like excel, so until now I just kept track of my stuff in an LJ and with the use of tags.


    But I have a geeky boyfriend :D

    He is building me a super cool PHP / MySQL database to keep track of my collection and my notes/reviews. It is looking great so far :D I made the CSS and layout, which is what you mostly see, but what you cannot see is the shitload of work to make it... actually work. That's the sad part of being a programmer :P


    It is not finished yet, and for now we are working in his computer, when it is finished we will upload it to my webspace. So far it looks like this, although yesterday he added searches to it.

  10. Dorian.... ahhhh. I received a sniffie of this in a Mystery Imp Grab Bag, and there was just enough to test it out. OMG.... now I know what cats experience with catnip! I want to roll around in it, shake my tail and POUNCE!


    Its my first 5ML purchase, and I am anxiously awaiting the CNS for it =)



  11. Hi there Jo,


    Great minds think alike! The other day I ran across this thread, and found a link to a spreadsheet ---- http://www.nattiechan.com/BPAL_spreadsheet.shtml


    Seems to be exactly what I need, it even has sheets to keep track of orders you've placed and orders youve sent out (swapping, etc)





    Could I ask everyone's opinion of the best/easiest to use tracking system? Say, if you had it to do over again?


    I haven't chosen one yet, but I'm at the point where I need to, as I'm already forgetting which oils I've tried and I end up testing them again. So I can definitely see the value of a tool like this & I'd love some input from people who have used them.
