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Posts posted by Mamacat

  1. I've been collecting Conjure Bag imps and I only need one more to complete my set! Well, I do have a bottle of ACJM instead of an imp.


    The ones that work the very best for me are:


    All Night Long. Okay, so things don't actually go all night long but they do sure last much longer when I use this oil with intent.


    Has No Hanna - I do find that this one makes me feel relaxed. It's like Xanax for the soul. It makes you feel like everything will be alright.


    I've used High John the Conqueror quite a few times but haven't noticed as much of an effect as with the other two. I've used a few of the other love oils, too but not enough to notice any effect. I'll have to try and pick out one a day to use and see what happens. I suppose I could report back here. :P

  2. I really want a bottle of this one!! It's all orange and cream cake with a vague undercurrent of mint (?). I think it's the anise making me think mint somehow. My husband said it smells like a party!! I love that!


    I think this is the best cake scent since Beaver Moon 05 - my favorite foody scent.

  3. Definitely a sweet floral and a spice that smells quite a bit like cinnamon. Maybe it's more than one floral? It kind of smells like rose or peony but also a touch like honeysuckle (?) . I actually really like it. I can always use a little more love in my life so we'll see how it works. :P

  4. My Favorite Snakes

    by Mamcat :D



    1. King Cobra. Love the frankincense in it. I find it calming and sexy at the same time

    2. Temple Viper. I can really smell the champaca in this one. It is so gorgeous and was my first Snake Pit love.

    3. Boomslang. Sexy brownies.

    4. Snake Oil - :P Sometimes I just crave it. It's such a magical blend for me. It took me a while to grow to love it but now I'll never be without it.

  5. I have to add Thanatopsis to my list of red musk favorites. I just tried it out today and I am madly in love. The notes say juniper, pine and musk but that musk sure smells red to me!! Wow, am I in love with this one. It have it in my next order.

  6. Wow!!! I almost didn't test this frimp! (thanks labbies!)


    Wowwwowowowow! evergreens and musk. It smells like red musk to me and I LIKE IT!!!! It's like a cross between Old Moon and Scherezade. :P On my 5ml list within 5 minutes of testing.

  7. I really like this!!!

    On my skin it smells like a really gritty, dirty relative of Snake Oil (minus the vanilla). I get a little bit of that cola type smell but it's not sweet on me at all. The musk doesn't take over but it lets the other resins shine.

  8. It is actually mentioned in the FAQ area of the lab site:


    I'm vegan. Do your perfumes contain any animal-based products?

    With the exception of our honey products, BPAL perfumes are vegan. Our 'civet' and 'ambergris' are bouquets, and thus, are composite scents created from plant-derived perfume oils combined to best aproximate the scent. Black Phoenix is entirely cruelty-free, as our four dogs, many fish, and resident cat will attest.





    When I mail international packages I either put "essential oil blends" or "fragrance oil".

  9. Now this is an evocative scent. It is all smokey leaves and sandalwood when I first put it on. Then I do get a touch of an appley scent, too. Is it the osmanthus and rose that makes me think of apple? When it dries down it gets both sweeter and the sandalwood blooms the way I love it to do on my skin. :P


    I find this blend to have quite a bit of throw and lasting power, too. A little goes a loooong way which makes me happy with my decant. When it runs low I might just seek out a bottle. Really gorgeous.

  10. Ashlultum!! I like it! Actually, I love it!! :P I can't usually wear coconut blends but I'm just raving about this one today. I think the combination of tobacco and musk make both the lilac and coconut darker and easier for me to wear. This is definately not a pure coconut scent at all but a really lovely blend with coconut more in the background.

  11. Snake Oil has gotten me both compliments and ... not compliments. :P My wicked(ly awesome) step mother loves the stuff and would compliment me on it whenever I wore it around her. I finally bought her a bottle for her birthday in August!


    Beaver Moon has gotten me the "OMG who smells like the best vanilla EVER???" compliment.


    TKO is well loved by my husband (who thinks it's sexy!) and my friends who think it's just lovely.

  12. I guess I'm not the only one whose chemistry turns dark musk into powder. I had such high hopes for this blend because I just love oakmoss and pimento and because I have such great memories of being a kid and going to the Heritage Museum in my home town where they had a two headed goat (stuffed).


    Anyway - at first when I put it on it smells like it's going to develop into something very interesting. I can smell the pimento, oakmoss and woods in the background. Then the dark musk starts to come out and it smells a little fuzzy at first and then WHAM! It's pure powder. Just not the good kind.


    I'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. Maybe it's just my hormonal cycle.

  13. Red musk, bergamot, black currant, mimosa, orchid, patchouli, and lotus root.

    :P I love this blend! It does have a similarity to Smut but Smut does not work on me. It also reminds me of Scherezade. It is a super duper sexy blend and my husband could not keep his hands off of me when he came home today and I had it on. (although the BPTP Yoga Pants probably didn't hurt either :D )

    I am so happy that I have a bottle of this blend.

  14. I have no idea what is in this blend! When I sniff it I think there might be vetiver, patchouli and a touch of sandalwood. I have been wearing it all morning and feel very good even though I've only been at home.


    I don't mind the scent at all. It might be nice layered with Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, too. I'll definately use it when I need help, health and wealth.

  15. A very fresh and peachy blend. I can tell the patchouli is grounding it just a little bit and as I wear it the cocoa comes out in a lovely nutty and dusty way so the peach doesn't get too sweet and syrupy. The scent smells very real to me and just beautiful. I think I'll be hunting down a bottle.

  16. One of my favorite ladies so far.


    On first sniff I get mostly orris, amber and sandalwood. It smells great so I put some on my skin. I do start getting some champaca. As it dries down I get more sandalwood and maybe just a hint of the vanilla. It dries down beautifully.


    On my skin it smells very similar to Florence from Wanderlust (which I also love).
