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Posts posted by wikkidraven

  1. i was excited to get this as a freebie with my lab order, and since i sit and sniff with my boyfriend he got a whiff of it. he immediately very politely said it seemed a bit too 'mature' a perfume, which in Brit means it smelled like old ladies and mothballs.


    still, i love violet, i just think that this one is too over the top of a violet for me. put it up for grabs in a swap, and hoping someone else can get some use out of it.

  2. spellbound was one that i was absolutely dying to like, but again one that just went off on me. it was entirely too overpowering with my body chemistry, instead of smelling alluring i smelled like i'd rolled in the stuff. the rose notes don't seem to agree with me, which puts me in the minority i'm sure. better luck next time, i'd better stick to vanilla, honey, cinnamon and clove :P

  3. i got this one for my boy, and i hate to say i'm disappointed because i thought for sure it would work. sniffing from the bottle, it was so sharp he almost thought it was mint, but the fir and leather definitely came through when he tried it on. unfortunately, i just wasn't feeling it when i came in to nuzzle him, i'm just not keen on my men smelling like a forest.


    ah well, i gave it a shot. i'm thinking i'll have more luck when i get him to try Dorian.

  4. although this smelled chilly and a bit powdery from the bottle, it instantly turned to soap on my skin, so badly that i had to wash it off after a while. wet, i thought i detected a bit of lemon peel, i'm chalking it up to my weird body chemistry just not agreeing with this one at all.

  5. i wasn't too sure about creepy at first, and since i dived right in for the 5ml my heart sank a bit when i smelled it from the bottle. i felt sure it wouldn't work with my body chemistry. wet on skin, still a bit iffy and wondering if it was the trade pile. but after a while the sharpness of it dies down in the dry, and the remaining caramelly apple goodness shines through. but it also has that tinge of halloween to it, definitely the perfect sweetly autumn scent.


    a keeper! yay! :P
