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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by jiggahava

  1. For the huge number of notes listed, this isn't a very complex smelling scent! I get lemongrass and lime STRONGLY at first, almost astringent smelling. Then after an hour I smell lilac and some watery floral, maybe the waterlily. Not a lot of throw, even after I slathered. I like it, especially after the lemongrass calmed down but I don't think a bottle is necessary.

  2. Not your typical fruity scent. Right away I get banana, apples, cocoanut and a dash of pepper, but I cant quite describe it. It smells dark and rich, kind of like a an expensive fruit/chocolate dessert you'd eat in a high class restaurant. It's making me so hungry right now. It has a lot of throw although the scent has faded a bit over the three hours I've worn it. No matter, this is delicious and definitley worth slathering. :P

  3. Why are the frimps always so delightfully suprising?! I would've never ordered Ochosi on my own. On my skin I get rich green herbs, it is truly evocative of a deep green forest somewhere in the mountains. Lots of woods and a touch of shea. This is fantastic! This is one of the best herbal scents I have tried so far, right after Black Forest and Incantation. I love this, and might get a bottle in the future. Very pleasantly suprising. The throw is excellent as well and three hours later I can still smell it wafting from my skin.

  4. I love this! I got this as a frimp with my order, and I would never have expected it to smell this good! I get bright green fig at first, then out of nowhere comes vanilla, so now I'm getting this fig/vanilla combo on my skin, and it is HEAVENLY. The throw is quite strong, and 3 and half hours later I can still smell it on my skin. I think a big bottle is in order! :P

  5. On my skin I get mostly sandalwood and orris with a hint of blondewood. A very dry and dusty scent, as others have described. While it is perfectly evocative what it's supposed to be, it's just not a scent that screams "me". I will keep the imp for some of my more moody times, but I don't need a big bottle of this.

  6. Wow, this scent is pretty spot on. On me I get dragon's blood, cinammon, clove and cherry. I can never tell what myrrh smells like, so I can't detect it. Something makes this scent smell metallic, like well, blood. I think it's the clove that's doing that. But the metallic smell is very slight, and it's even nice in this blend. It's a very warm spicy scent. I like it alot! One of the most cinammony blends I've tried. If you hate cinammon though, you'll want to stay away from this.

  7. Right away I get apricot and honey, with a hint of ylang lang. Mmmmm! This smells like a bright spring day. It is a warm and golden scent and it's quite complex, which I like. I get a lovely batch of fruit and florals swirled together. After an hour it's a little faint, but that's what slathering is for!

  8. Soooo good. I get warm vanilla, sandalwood, musk and a hint of sea moss, and could that be...ambergris? A perfect blend! I hate vanilla when it is too strong and domineering in a scent, but this is a light soft vanilla. Very slightly foody, but even non-food lovers will love this one. This is going on my big bottle purchase list. This is great for any ocassion. Mmmmm :P

  9. Interesting. This scent comes on pretty strong, but it's all but faded after 3 hours. Right away I get wisteria(FAVE!), Jasmine, violet, and not much else. Not super complex, but it's nice. I don't think I'll get a bottle because I like other scents with these notes better, but I'll keep my imp around.


    Edit: near the end I get just a touch of waterlilly. Whod've thunk?

  10. Hmmm. Very dark and haunting. The violet and iris combine together to make a dusky, slightly bitter floral. Or maybe it's the neroli that's making it bitter? Not sure. Either way I like it. It feels very refined and elegant, something that a woman from Victorian-era England would wear. It belongs in a Henry James novel, haha. After half an hour, the sandalwood joins in and adds a bit of woodsiness to the blend. Very nice. I can't stop sniffing my wrists.

  11. This, along with Wanda is the strongest oil I've tried yet. And I mean STRONG. got a tiny dab on my left wrist, and it was more than enough. Normally I love patchouli, but this is just wayyyy too strong on me. Guess my skin chemistry is just too delicate for this pungent blend. It must be the vetivert, because it's turning rather unpleasant on me, dark and bitter. I smell like a musty oakwood chest that's been left in the attic for years and years. I hate to dislike any scents, but I'm just not enjoying this one. This would smell much better on a man than on me. Definitley masculine, no questions about it. I think I'll try it as a room scent instead, and if that doesn't work, off to swaps it goes. :P

  12. Um yes. I :P Dragon's Musk. When I apply it, I get a whiff of Dragon's blood, and a whole lotta sexy deep musks. It's both spicey and sweet, and very close to Mme. Moriarty without the patchouli or plum. It's so delicious and warm on my skin, my friends started calling me "sexy musk lady" after sniffing it on my wrist. :D This is my favorite of all the dragon's blood scents I've tried. BIG BOTTLE TIME!

  13. Out of all the scents in BPAL's general catalogue, this was the one that intrigued me the most. Not because of the notes, but because of everyone else's reaction to the notes, and one note in particular. Civet.


    I've heard this scent described as everything from fecal matter to dirty babies, so it was no wonder was was scared to try this. But it was because of this I felt I HAD to try it.


    When I open up the imp, I get a very feral smell. Wild, untamed, like pure pheremones. I also get a whiff the egyptian amber. Not bad, and very intriguing so far. Then I cautiously swipe it on my wrists. And I am suprisingly delighted. It's a VERY sexual scent to be sure. I defintiley wouldn't wear this for any other occasion. It's the smell of sleeping with 10 men in the same night. Not that I ever HAVE :D. It's ten different musks all layed on top of eachother. This is the pure, no holds barred sex. Nothing tender or romantic about this scent at all. I am so happy that my chemistry likes this. I don't think I would ever get a bottle, but my imp is not going to waste. :P

  14. Not too much Dragon's blood in this. Bah, who cares, when you've got APPLES and HYACINTHS?! OMFG, this is gorgeous. Shame it doesn't have more throw. I smell fresh crisp apple peels and apple blossoms, then after a while, glorious hyacinths. I've been looking for the perfect hyacinth scent, and it's so rarely in any blends, I feel so grateful to have stumbled upon it. It feels so refreshing on my skin. This is a beautiful blend, suitible for either fall or spring. After this little guy gets used up, I'm getting a bottle and then it's slather time. :P

  15. OMG. This is a scent for a night on the town. Smoky bars, restaraunts dimly lit by candlelight... This is my second favorite leather scent after Loviatar. I never dreamed leather and tobacco, of all things, could smell so good on my skin, but it does. I was in total euphoria once I rubbed it on my skin. DEFINITLEY not a work-safe scent. Some of the more "sexy" scents I can wear to work, like O or Morocco. Definitley not this one. It will inspire lustful thoughts in men within a 20 mile radius of you. This is a big bottle purchase for sure. It was love(lust) at first sniff. :D :P

  16. Roses to the max. I couldn't pick out all the individual roses, but I do detect the tea rose most strongly. This is such a love or hate scent. If you hate roses, you'll want this away from you as fast as possible, but if you love them, like me, you'll want to slather this on. These roses are so authentic and fresh, you'll feel like you picked them yourself. I love this, and I am considering a bottle.

  17. The Lab, sadly, has no control over CCNow, so emailing CCNow is probably your best option as far as having their security people look into it, but I'd definitely advocate switching to Paypal. Paypal is better overall, you can use it elsewhere too, and best of all, the Lab actually gets more of your money when you order with Paypal...they charge something like 2 or 3% in fees, where CCNow charges 9 or 10%!



    Thank you for your advice! I am definitley switching over to Paypal from now on.

  18. Has anyone ever experienced credit card theft through either Paypal or CCNow? I have good reason to believe that someone got into my checking account after I placed two orders through CCNow...because someone took 400 out of my account the same day! Im thinking of writing to the lab and alerting them of this problem, because I dont feel CCNow is safe anymore. Im thinking of switching to paypal, what do you guys think?

  19. Oh gosh, where do I start. Love love LOVE it. :P


    The perfect coffee scent....it makes me imagine myself indoors at a dusty library reading books while I'm drinking hot irish coffee. The books are of the dusty sort, but it's actually quite nice. A little bit of woods come out, then quickly fades and all that's left is the sweet coffee. Delicious, and a bottle will most definitely be in order. :D

  20. In the imp it's rather unremarkable, but on my skin, DELICOUS. And its got some throw too, yay! I can actually smell it on me without plastering my nose to my wrist. I smell cinammon, a little apple, and some sweet florals. This is bright and yellow-y feeling, wearing it is the equivalent of walking into a sunshiney field with a rainbow sparkling over your head. It's really bright and very lovely.


    The only sad part is that it fades to almost nothing after 4 hours. Awww, and I was really loving it too.

  21. This is definitley a masculine scent. As far as forest scents go, I think I prefer Black Forest over this one. At first the vetiver and sandlwood come out nice and sharp. So THIS is what vetiver smells like. I rather like it. Sharp, but sometimes I like sharp scents. I feel like I'm deep in the woods on a windy day...but after an hour it starts smelling like musky male sweat. Not exactly what I want to smell like. I'm going to give it another try, and I might keep the imp..but no bottle for me.

  22. I'm one of those freaks that actually LIKES the buttery smell, so I wasn't taken aback when I opened my imp and the smell of melted butter wafted out. Then I put it on my skin. The pumpkin appears, its very light, followed by clove and nutmeg, which my nose misreads as cinnamon. But then 20 minutes later, the pumpkin is gone. Poof. Not a trace left on my wrists. I'm still getting pumpkin on my inner elbow, but that's not where I want it to be. Boo. However, what's left of the scent smells really good, and I'll keep my imp but i may not get a full bottle. I have Bengal and Faustus for my cinammon/spicey kicks.
