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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mooncityminx

  1. I used to love Demeter. I had a bottle of Angel Food Cake (maybe I still do) and one time I literally soaked one of my summer tops with it. That seemed to work in keeping me smelling like it for as long as I wore it. I like bpal much better though. Dana O'Shee is a great angel food cake smell and a much better bang for my buck.


    I've never tried their waffle perfume. If you want the syrup included you might like Pancake Breakfast. Is it still available through the trading post? If not you may be able to get one from someone on the forum.

  2. In the vial: Sweet, like some kind of syrup. My first impression is artificial cherry.


    Wet: This is reminding me of the scented pencils my teachers gave away to people when they made an A on a test. Whoa sweet.


    Dry: I still smell something like artificial chocolate and something fruity. It reminds me of Vice, but only a little bit. I don't think I like this very much because the sweetness is through the roof, but it doesn't really smell like much of anything that I can identify. I really like O, which a lot of people have been comparing this to, but O is a little more down to earth than this. O is warm and comforting. I do understand the comparison to Sugar Skull. I pulled out Sugar Skull 04 just now to compare. Sugar Skull has a strong fruit note, while Kill-Devil is more vague in its fruitiness.


    If you really love Sugar Skull, you should try Kill Devil.

  3. In the vial: aquatic and minty.


    Wet: peppermint and aquatic. It feels very slushy.


    Drydown: The early drydown is a very well blended mint, like the peppermintmint from Lick It Again, and the slush note which is aquatic but not soapy or overpowering. It's nice and cold, but there's a little something extra in there, something musky. Then the long drydown is very musky reminding me of Pisces 08. I love Pisces 08, I love peppermint, and I love Nuclear Winter. I tend to hoard my foodie scents most devotedly, but when something comes along this well-balanced and classy, and yet evokative of a certain mood, well I can't just let it pass by un-hoarded.


    I can imagine this getting heavy use in the summer, but I could wear it all year long.


    Edited to add: this is the '05 version that I have reviewed

  4. In the vial: Some sort of soap


    Wet: floral. A bit like lillies. A faint bit of citrus in the background.


    Drydown: White floral. Too clean for my tastes. I can see why people are calling it "yellow" though. It does evoke that color somehow.

  5. In the vial: a fresh pack of bubblegum


    Wet: Bubblegum, the kind in the yellow package sometimes called tooty fruity. Or Chicklets maybe


    Drydown: Wintergreen peeks out from underneath the other gum fragrances. But this time it is not making me sick. I have an aversion to wintergreen due to my uncle's disgusting Skoal habit when I was a child. In this case it is tempered by tooty fruity, so it doesn't remind me of Skoal, thank goodness. Gum! I think it's wonderful! It gets a bit spicier as it dries reminding me more of Teenage Cannibal than The Blockhead.


    Ooo, you know what this smells like when it's completely dry? The bubblegum flavored wax that the orthodontist used on me to make impressions of my teeth. LOL. I always loved that flavoring they used.

  6. In the vial: sour berries and green grass


    Wet: Apple and a very fresh wet flower, crushed stem, apple peel. Mmmmm! How fresh!


    Drydown: Now the green stem has taken center stage and a fresh berry is in the background. This remains a grassy scent, freshly mowed lawn and crushed flower stems. But with something tangy, fruity, and slightly sweet. I am reminded of One to Tie, Two to Win because of the grass. It's not the same perfume, but because that note is the star I think someone who likes one will like the other.

  7. In the vial: white floral


    Wet: floral, then lemony, but now I think I smell the tea. I was worried at first. My chemistry tends to amp white florals. This is very clean, but not soapy. It's getting sweeter. How refreshing! Lemon and sweet tea.


    Drydown: When this is dry it becomes very balanced and light. I could see wearing this in the summer a lot. It's clean and refreshing without being soapy or overwhelming. The drydown reminds me a little of Xanthe but less candyish, and a little of other green tea fragrances.

  8. In the bottle: butter and pepper. How odd.


    Wet: Very green, crushed plant stems, stems of flowers, grass, something overly toasted, maybe the pancakes cooked too long?


    Grasses and spices. It's almost as if my local indian food store spread out their goods on the grass for a day and threw a picnic. I think the pepper is very interesting. I think I smell curry! Curry and green grass. Hmmm. Dandelion!


    This reminds me strongly of One to Tie, Two to Win. I think that is the dandelion note. Nice! But with a little curry thrown in. Interesting. I'm not getting any coffee or pancakes but it is very nice.

  9. In the bottle: Buttery cake


    Wet: Buttery creamy orange cake, this is so making me want to taste it. But I won't. Mmmmmmm!


    Drydown: Unfortunately the cakey goodness disapears into a anise smell. The anise smell is nice, but not nearly as nice as the cake. I tried putting it on my sweater instead of my skin and it did seem to prolong the cake phase. But it still went anise within about twenty minutes.


    I am debating a second bottle of this so that I can apply and re-apply all day long. This is going to be one of those blends that the foodies like me will forever covet.

  10. In the vial: caramel and apple. This is the apple of Poisoned Apple, which is lovely. The caramel is rich and warm. Very true to a soft caramel candy.


    Wet: Woah apple! This is a juicy and tart green apple now. The caramel is just perfect, not too buttery, not too sweet. OMG, I had no idea this would be so good. Curses that I only have a sniffy! The apple is much brighter than it was in Creepy. But the caramel is similar.


    Drydown: Ohhhh, the apple is soooooo goooood... This one knocks all other apple and caramel blends out of the competition! It's just so much stronger and yummier than I was expecting! :P

  11. In the vial: buttery and a very strong crips mint. Peppermint victory!


    Wet: Similar to Lick it Again, but more buttery like those after dinner buttermints. Smells on my skin the way Tokyo Stomp smells in the bottle, but TS goes weird on my skin, whereas Snowblind doesn't. I am reminded a little bit of Dana O'Shee for some reason.


    Drydown: This goes very faint after it dries. I guess my skin absorbs it.

  12. Someone gifted me with a sniffie of the 05' version, and I'm just now getting around to trying it.


    In the vial: Buttery like shortbread. Reminds me of Eat Me and Mr. Nancy, but without the fruit from either of them.


    Wet: Vanilla candy corn. A simple vanilla sugar scent. Some people might consider this a bit candley, afterall this sniffy is about three years old, but ultimately it is difficult to find a vanilla this strong. As it dries I am detecting even more sweetness. It's less complex than Midway. And I think it's even more sugary, which I would not have thought possible.


    Dry: Not bad at all. This is still sweet vanilla. Simple and direct. I think I like Midway better, but this is still very nice. I would buy it if it were re-released.

  13. In the vial: A bowl of sweet fruits in syrup sitting next to a pile of spicy incense


    Wet: Fruity! I understand the bubblegum comparison. Kind of spicy too. This is wonderful! Just the right kind of spicy too. Yum!


    Dry down: Oh, this is so wearable. It has turned into a spicy "oriental" fragrance. It is just very slightly powdery, but not in a bad way, plus some exotic spices. It has the same mood as Samsara which I used to wear a lot before I discovered bpal. I hope to find more bpals like this one. The fruit is almost entirely gone now and it's only been a few minutes.

  14. OMG! How did I not know this existed? I am smelling cake, buttery baked goods, currant jam but not too sweet, spices and incense. Ooooo. This is more wearable than Crumpet Rebellion, but just as decadent. Obviously KoH is lacking the marmalade, etc. But the concept is similar.


    Eventually I do smell something cleaner, but not enough to go soap. It ends up being more spicy as it dries down. Yum!

  15. has anyone come across a bpal scent similar to the light woody patchouli scent in aromaco? i bought a six pack of patchouli-based imps based on the recs in the patchouli thread and they mostly turned too dark or 'red' for me.

    There are some patchouli bpals that have that note. I'm not a big patchouli collector, so I don't know of any but Goblin which mixes it with coconut. I think of that patchouli as a bpal dirt note.

  16. In the bottle: balsamic


    Wet: still vinegary, but mixed with sweet blueberry gum, not too much, just enough to turn into juicy blueberry tarts.


    Drydown: Almost vanillay or sugary like Hope, but with slightly tart blueberries mixed in. I still get the powdered-sugar-smell that I got from Beaver Moon, but this time it is subtle, offset by the tartness. Blueberry cakes :P I can still detect vinegar just a little bit.


    Different enough to be interesting, yummy enough to be something I will actually wear, and I absolutely love the concept. The label is gorgeous, pink and red crawdads against a green background. Forum only scents make me feel special.


    ETA: I totally get the comparison to those tinned candies. Only on me this is more vinegary. I wonder if that is my chemistry doing that? I like it.
