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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by sofaking6

  1. sofaking6

    Temple Viper

    In the imp: Sweeet vanilla resin On: Incense! This smells like a rich kid's dorm room (it's nice incense) Dry: Incense...I can smell the Snake Oil but the champaca and frankincense are still very strong. I do like this but I probably shouldn't have worn it in to the office
  2. Maybe Kunstkammer from the old Carnivale Noir. Very bright orange and sharp pepper. I love it. I could decant some if you want. I love Sol Invictus, but it's a very bitter orange peel at first, not sweet. But it still smells great.
  3. sofaking6

    Follow Me Boy

    Well I'm going back and forth between lemony fresh and floral/powder. Very interesting blend. I think I smell honeysuckle, jasmine, magnolia and ylang-ylang. As it fades (several hours - this blend holds its own) some light musk comes out. I don't think this would be a bottle for me, but we'll see later on when I meet up with my honey.
  4. sofaking6

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    The perfect sceent for a mermaid. Very fresh and ocean-wet. I can't smell the jasmine but sadly, have gotten a bit of a headache from it. As well as a really bad craving for fried clams. Thalassa is a masterpiece of an ocean-aquatic scent. There isn't a single note out of place in this blend - it's intent is clear and absolutely accomplished.
  5. sofaking6

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    The Oblation. VERY strong honey...at least on me, it's very intense, with a little tart kick from the blackberry. Oddly, I get hardly any honey from Svadhinaopatika, when I wear it. Just the sweetness but not noticeable honey.
  6. sofaking6


    Oh I'm so pleased! I loved all the notes in this but was leery of the sandalwood as it can make me a little headachy, plus I don't like wearing incense as perfume. Luckily, I am getting strong honey and bark, with an exotic spicy bent from the amber. Mmmm. This is really lovely, it make me feel like a different kind of woman, you know? Someone who wears soft, flowy robes and exudes femininity.
  7. sofaking6


    WOW....that is all I can say. Perfectly sweet, perfect violets. The throw is odd..the scent doesn't travel far, but up close it is very strong and stays that way. This blend does not morph on me even one bit, and it lasts for several hours before fading enough for a re-slather. I'm so head over heels, I can't look my bottles of Darkling Thrush in the face right now. The description tells you everything you need to know about this blend...sugared violets. The floral is so strong and pure and the sweetness is so...SWEET! GOD THIS IS SO GOOD. *plotz*
  8. sofaking6

    Asp Viper (2006)

    At first, I get marzipan. A little too foody for me, but I can already smell the resins and spices gathering force. After a few minutes, I just fall in love. This is like a point midway between Bastet and Snake Oil. It's extremely luxurious, and layered. The incense is muted and sweet, the mandarin is not sharp at all but rather just gives a little shine to the blend. This is the only Snake Pit oil that I got a bottle of unsniffed, and I couldn't be more pleased. And now I can't WAIT for the other decants I have coming! I really wonder about aging it since it's so great already.
  9. sofaking6

    The Oblation

    I like The Oblation, at least because I can really smell the honey and it smells good on me, and this is my first honey BPAL that I've gotten so that's cool. It's very sweet...someone said like blackberry jelly...to me it smells a little bit like Pez. It's also smooth though, kind of creamy even, which blends very well with the sweetness. I'm still not sure whether it's a keeper for me or not.
  10. sofaking6


    Neutrogena used to (and might still) have a great sesame oil.
  11. sofaking6

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    Before Thrush, I was all Nocturne and Sybaris. Heh, I used up my first bottles of both, smearing them on my A/C filter every day in the morning and afternoon. I couldn't get enough. But..oh, Darkling Thrush!!! It's so perfect and sweet and vibrant. If I had only that and Bastet it would be enough forever. I'm excited about Hope/Faith, or I would have ordered still another backup bottle of DT. I still haven't tried Bearded Lady but I'm gonna.
  12. sofaking6

    Black Forest

    This is the captured scent of a cold, moonless night, lost deep within the darkest wood. Haunting and desolate, this scent evokes images of fairy tale tragedy and half-remembered nightmares. Thick, viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress. On me - too much vetiver, i really can't wear that at all. But...it had such a lovely sweet pine note that I really wanted to do something with my imp, so I put it in my terracota car diffuser, and it was an excellent choice. It's lasted longer than any other imp I've used in there so far, and it really smells like the most expensive car air freshener anyone's ever had. I would definitely consider buying more just for the car.
  13. sofaking6


    I got an imp of Shub just because it was such a sought-after scent. I'm not much for the sweet, foody scents so I didn't expect to love it. BUT...I think it's wonderful. It's sooo gingery! Someone above got it right on when they said it was like real old-time homemade gingerbread, with dark molasses. It's not sugary, but rather has some sweetness to it from the lemon. Mostly though it's spices, spiced with ginger. On me, it has really strong throw and staying power. Nice!!!
  14. sofaking6

    The Raven

    I'm a little bummed out by The Raven. I love violet and orris, and am really trying to muster up some affection for sandalwood. If anything could have done it, The Raven could have. In the imp, I get a very nice blended bright floral tempered with earthiness. On me, so sad, the sandalwood amps so much it all but block out the violet. I do like the strong musk, although I agree with other reviewers that it's a masculine blend, it's still nice and smooth. I wish I could smell the florals in this once I put it on! Argh chemistry!
  15. sofaking6

    The Coiled Serpent

    Frimp from the lab, thanks! Whoa, this is DIRT and PATCHOULI. Sometimes it's PATCHOULI Sometimes it's DIRT I like the DIRT better but it's much too dusty, not fresh or really earthy on me. The PATCHOULI is really overwhelming.
  16. sofaking6

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    I just got an imp set of rose blends. My favorites (besides Parlement of Foules) were 2,5 and 7, which is really rosy and green, and Moon Rose, which I found to be ethereal and beautiful. I also love Spellbound. Rose Cross was too incense-y for me, Harlot burned me also (fair-skinned ladies beware).
  17. sofaking6

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Sea of Glass is very green and salty. Undertow is a little fresher...kind of tide-pool-after-a-storm I only smelled Thalassa once at a will-call but it might be your best bet, I LOVED it. Very much what I think it smells like if you're hanging out on a rock in the middle of the ocean, singing. 6
  18. If you're looking for Bastet-worshippers, here's another one. I can wear it to make boys horny, or I can put it on to soothe me to sleep. It's complex all in good ways. I found The Lion to be kind of bland...it's warm but, that's about it. I really like Jacob's Ladder, and also Sol Invictus, which I find very unique..it's not sweetened, it's more...powerful, I guess. Here's the notes in Sol Invictus: A radiant blend of solar oils: golden amber, saffron, heliotrope, hibiscus, citron, frangipani, frankincense, tangerine, mock orange, and orange blossom. It sounds like it'd be fruity, but it's really not. It's glowing. I might have to layer Sol with Bastet just to see... What is fruity-sweet but also great is Khajuraho.
  19. sofaking6

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    I can second (or third) Tezcatipoca - I can barely detect the patchouli in it, it's a very warm scent and I like it a lot. Also Tweedledum, which is sweet, and Vixen which I really like. On me, The Caterpillar is mondo dirt-sweaty though, same with Ravenous. Sin also is patchouli-heavy although it's overwhelmed by the spice.
  20. sofaking6

    Wings of Azrael

    Yum! Thanks to the Lab for this frimp which I'm sure I would never have tried on my own. In the imp this is an airy but strong floral. On wet, it's still floral, lots of lily but also very fresh. I am starting to get close to admitting I really like the lab's juniper. Dry, it's all juniper and violet for me. The florals are subdued by the woodsy mint but all told it's a gorgeous balance. I get whiffs of one, then the other. Definitely a keeper and possibly a big bottle. And also....this is the first BPAL that my cats have shown an active liking for.
  21. sofaking6

    Moon Rose

    Wet, this is gorgeous - a fresh, wet rose that somehow does smell like nighttime. As it dries, the rose becomes mixed with other florals and mutes. I really prefer the wet phase! It goes soapy and faint quickly on my skin. But the intial phase is pure gold.
  22. To me, Ultraviolet is all eucalyptus and just a little mint. Undertow is minty and a little salty, too. You should give the Yule blend Snow-Flakes a try. Most reviewers have agreed it's a light, sweet mint. I love it.
  23. sofaking6


    Great call Elemcee - this has femme fatale written all over it. This is a dark rose, heavy-lidded and gliding. The musk and amber are strong on me even though the rose does remain to an extent. It's the lead player but not necessarily the star.
  24. sofaking6


    Sweet for a head shop . Anubis has a bit of the same flavor as Bastet, namely the warmth, honey and almond, but the overall blend is more incense than perfume. I would use this as a room or potpourri scent anytime.
  25. sofaking6

    Van Van

    Yep, this is NICE. I get big-time lemon bars on first application. A very sweet, bakery lemon scent. I feel like maybe there is some vetiver, maybe some light musk, but it's hard for my untrained nose to pick out much besides the brightness of the lemon. It stays very true on drydown, has good throw and staying power. I really can't tell what's in it but from a foot away or so the blend is more complex than just the lemon, but still very fresh and engaging. I would almost say there is lily or maybe lotus, some very light, dewy floral. I also have to say this is the first of the voodoo blends that has had an impact on me as far as its voodoo purpose goes. Right away when I put this on I felt focused and strong, and got a little "it's good to be me" feeling going.