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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by maribouquet

  1. This is incredible (white musk! orchid! workable plum?) and then...omgwtfjaaasmine!






    ETA (20ish minutes later): The jasmine seems to be gone. Or sleeping, I don't know but shhhhhh! This is perhaps a miracle!

  2. Wet this is sweet like the palest bubblegum, with just a touch of lavender peeking through. As it dries I smell the grass a bit and the misty note and can detect a carpet of incense beneath everything.


    Very evocative, if a little too sweet on me...

  3. imp: honey and fruity wine

    wet: the myrrh emerges as well

    dry: smoky-sweet honey-wine scent


    Mm, this is much nicer that I'd expected. (Usually honey and wine are not good notes on me.) And the myrrh makes a beautifully smoky undertone.

  4. This starts out as a very strong gardenia/rose, and as it dries I start to think I might like it...but the jasmine does finally kick in on my skin and turn into yuck. :P Oh well, off to swaps it goes.

  5. wet: soapy earth, then the roses come out to play almost immediately

    drying: the moss is what is giving this that high, green scent that makes me think of floor cleaner

    dry: whoa, dirt city!


    The dried rose reminds me of nice potpourri, but it's very intense and paired with the dirt/moss notes...halp! cognitive dissonance!


    One of the most interesting BPALs I've tried, but ultimately not for me. I do think it's lovely and summery, though, and puts me in mind of gardening.

  6. Oooh, I really like the ozone in this! And it does smell metallic somehow, but not harsh thanks to the lightness of the bamboo. I can't quite detect the floral or the cherry blossom, but overall I like this.


    Not an immediate, deep love for me, but I am sorry to hear it's been discontinued. I can see why so many like it!

  7. On me this is straight up Amoxicillin. D:


    ADDED Nov. 18:


    Wet, I recognize the muguet that I know in Pele. The aquatic notes smell almost like citrus or green grass to me. This dries down to a pretty, gingered floral with aquatic undertones that then turns promptly to bubble bath. Swap!

  8. At first this smelled identical to Caswell-Massey almond cold cream soap, which I love love love. With a pale dusting of oat.


    But as she dried, Dana O'Shee turned to a chalky cherry scent, like Amoxicillin. Sad face! Not for me, I'm afraid.

  9. Very nice. Despite a strong floral start, this smells masculine to me when first applied. As it dries, it becomes feminine and softer somehow, reminding me of a perfume I have smelled before - something big label, like Amarige or Tresor...wish I could place it!


    Long drydown finds the orchid fading, and this becomes almost a little peppery...a touch masculine again, even with the lingering floral notes. Perhaps that is the juniper and/or the bergamot.


    I like this and think it would be great for a hot summer night with satiny air and bare skin. Very lush and soft.

  10. I want to love Hymn...the rose is clean and light, understated, and the drydown is resinous in a soft, polished pew in the sunlight sort of a way. But the lily is too strong on me and overwhelms the overall scent. So, it's just a like at this point. Very pretty.

  11. At first this is mostly honey on me, and surprise! a honey that does not go sickly ick sweet on my skin - woohoo! Also, yes, roses. Pretty, soft, feminine. Maybe a little too foody sweet for me...I'm not sure. It has nice staying power. I tested this from a friend's imp, and while I'm not feeling inclined to seek out another just now, I would def. try it again.


    11/3/07 - trying this again, without having looked at the notes, this smells like candied flowers. Sort of sour-sweet like sour candy. The drydown is just a honey smell - it's okay, but not great on me.
