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Posts posted by fairy

  1. Still on the fence with this one. Very floral. Almost too floral...and I like floral scents. It just seems like a lot of smells all jumbled together. Doesn't have an OOOMPH to it but I do like it a little. Probably will keep the imp but wont buy a bigger bottle.

  2. ... A chilly, tempestuous whirlwind of clear, airy notes, slashing rain, and a thin undercurrent of white flowers.

    This one is amazing. Another favorite of mine. It has a citrusy feel to it, not overpowering, and very airy and fresh. It does morph a little on the wrist and the citrus backs off and a floral smell steps forward. Still quite lovely though. A keeper!

  3. I put this one on before I went to bed last night and almost couldn't sleep because I kept wanting to smell my wrist. This one is AMAZING! Light, soft, feminine. I smell Rose...very soft rose. My only issue with this one is it's light and disappears quickly. But oh-my, it's lovely!!! May need a bigger bottle of this one.

  4. This one didn't agree with me in the bottle or on the skin. Sometimes what smells really bad in the bottle transforms into something wonderful on the skin. No magical transformation with her. All I smell is lemon kitchen cleaner. :/ Off to the swap pile :P

  5. Holy cow, this is AMAZING! It reminds me a lot of the perfume "Angel". It smells like chocolate goodness and after a while on my wrist I am catching whiffs of orange. Adding this one to the "must have a big bottle of" list :P

  6. I had high hopes for this one because I love me some rose and I love ylang ylang. Unfortunately this didn't work on me. It was straight, overpowering, perfume the whole way through. Most of the oils I've smelled so far have notes you can pick out and the overall smell is unique. This one smelled like department store perfume on me. I wish Eve loved me...

  7. Definitely trees. And almonds. And then there's pine. This one is OK. It transforms quickly. Just when you get used to one scent, the other shows up. I liked it up to pine.

  8. I'm not sure what it is but lately all the imps I've been trying have been wonderful in the bottle and bad on me. Maybe I'm having a bad skin-chemistry day :P


    In the bottle I loved this. Soft and femine. So much so that I slathered it on (something I don't normally do).


    Now I regret that decision because all I smell is plastic soap. I think its the jasmine. Jasmine must not like me. Or maybe the lily.


    Oh well...I tried :/

  9. I really wanted to like this one and thought I would. It has the scents I love.


    It didn't work.


    For some reason it got weird on my skin, smelled sort of like the litter box, and then faded almost immediately. Not a keeper for me.

  10. Wrigley's Spearmint gum. That's what it smells like in the bottle. You want to drink it up :P When applied, it has a cool, minty freshness. I really liked this one a lot. A good scent to were when you need a pick me up.

  11. My first 5ml and a purchase I definitely don't regret. Very crisp, cool, clean. In the bottle I smell a lot of pine, evergreen. wintergreen, pepperminty, and a hint of something floral. On my wrist it pretty much stays like that but some powdery freshness blasts through, making not as strong, which is welcoming.


    She's a very odd scent because it keeps changing. First I had the image of walking through a snowy forest, surrounded by beautiful pine trees, untouched, silent, cold and lovely. I put my wrist up to my husband, who was sleeping, and he woke right up "mmm, now that smells *good*" :P


    It's been a little while since I applied it and it has changed to a softer version, with some floral notes poking through. Carnation? Smells like the first snow of the year, in the early morning, before anyone's walked on it. Silence.


    What a beautiful journey this one is. Highly recommended if you can get her into your collection~

  12. This is a gorgeous scent, on and off. Very classic and sophisticated. It smells sweet mixed with powdery goodness. Might have to buy a big bottle of this one. There is no part of this fragrance that I don't like. From start to finish, it's lovely.

  13. ... Corrupted black plum, smoky opium and crumbling dead roses covered by a deceptive veil of Hungarian lilac, white gardenia and wild berry.


    This one is very sweet in the bottle and on the skin. I smell lots of cherries and berries. After a little while something spicy pokes his head through...which I don't care for. If it stayed all berries and cherries I would have loved her...
