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Posts posted by fairy

  1. This one was LIGHT at first. To the point to where I had to really slather to smell anything. Once on it transformed and got quite heavy...so my advice...let it settle before thinking you need to put more on. It'll get there :P



    I had to add this to my "favorites' list because its LOVELY. I think I smell amber and violets. Its flowery and golden...perfect combo. Clean and sophisticated. A winner!

  2. I was dying to try this one. Who doesn't need peace and healing in their lives? I had to try this on and wear it a few times before I felt comfortable writing a review just because I wanted to make sure before I wrote anything.


    Unfortunately, Dove's Heart doesn't work on me. It's straight up Lavender, which is OK...but one me it sometimes times on a baby's diaper smell, which it has here.


    I think I smell rose in there too...which counters the lavender a tad.


    But overall this isn't the best for me. I'm still keeping the imp to wear for spiritual/healing purposes only. But as a scent, it's a no :P

  3. Glitter makes me sad :P <---me sad....because I only have an almost empty sniffie and NEED A BOTTLE. This is amazing!! Everything I could ever want in a fragrance, right down to the lovely name :D


    It's sweet, clean, and fun and flirty. Id tell you more if I was able to put some more on but I am hoarding the few drops I have remaining until I am able to get my hands on more....

  4. Along with Wilde, Old Scratch has been in my "to try" baggie since the beginning. I guess the name didn't appeal to me, and I think I opened the imp a few times to take a sniff and didn't care for it.


    Since I gave Wilde a try tonight and wound up liking him, I decided to try poor Old Scratch as well.


    He didn't do as well.


    I got a hot, bitter, sharp smell. Which is odd because judging from the ingredients listed I should like it...must be the patchouli (which is hit or miss with me)


    I don't get the "gender neutral" feeling from it either. It doesn't smell like it could be cologne, like Wilde, or even Casanova did. This still seemed like perfume to me.


    Overall I didn't like poor Old Scratch. Too bitter for my taste. It also made me a little bit nauseous :/ Off to the swaps...

  5. Wilde has been in my "to try" baggie since the very beginning but I kept tossing his aside because I could tell he was going to be more of a "guy's perfume". Tonight I decided to give him a try and am glad I did. Wow...sure it's more cologne than perfume but it's wonderful. Id definitely wear this.


    If you like clean, fresh, crisp scents...Wilde is for you. Gals, don't stay away...give him a try. Trust me!

  6. I had one bad "dragon" experience and just figured I probably wouldn't do well with any part of the creature. Then Dragon's Milk found me and became one of my favorite BPALs...so I was curious to give the hide a try. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be.


    It got very, well, soap-like. It also had an "off" smell I can't describe. So I'll be sticking with the milk and swapping the hide :P

  7. Well, I'm not sure how I feel about wearing something that is described as "negatively charged". But superstitions aside...


    Here is another one that went on smelling aquatic to me (third one I pulled tonight, oddly enough). But then it turned into spearmint gum.


    Because I'm superstitious I probably wont be keeping this one though

  8. This is one of the darkest oils I've seen so far. It's a very heavy and strong smell. I'm not sure what it is about it but I am drawn to it. I like it and yet I don't. So I'm keeping the imp, even though I don't see myself wearing this that much (I prefer the softer smells)

  9. This one smelled like sea air to me. Could be gender neutral in my opinion although it might have a somewhat flowery smell in the background that some men might not like. Very clean and fresh.


    Edited to add: LOL my nose must be way off tonight because I just read the description and it's supposed to be desert air...I smelled the sea :P And earlier I didn't smell the popcorn in Shill. I might need to give my nose a break :D

  10. For the first few minutes this scent is amazing. Has the amber I love. The warmth. But then a strange spice takes over and I don't do well with spiciness. It almost smells like cinnamon. I like it enough to keep the imp, but don't love it enough to want a bigger bottle.

  11. Wow. This one is amazing. The first real aquatic-smelling one I've come across. Back when I was little there was some air freshener or perfume, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was called "Sea Foam Green" and it smelled fantastic. That's what this reminds me of.

  12. Going by the description I wasn't sure I was going to like this one. I was pleasantly surprised :P It's a nice, pleasant, warm scent. I dont smell lavender but can smell the sandalwood. Mo tobacco smell either, which for me is a good thing. It's a deep, wintery scent.

  13. In the bottle it smelled very sharp. I thought it wouldn't be nice to me. Once applied it morphed into a very pleasant smelling ambery golden smell, with a slight spice thrown in. Nice

  14. I'm starting to become familiar with what scents work for me and amber is definitely one of them. This is one of the most incredible oils I've smelled so far. It's got a great uniqueness to it, has a perfect throw and the complexity of the blend is amazing. Teeny tiny amount of spice layered over wonderful golden amber.

  15. This one is quite lovely. The mention of Honey got me nervous as that note usually smells like sweat on me, but this doesn't have enough in it to turn "sweaty". I smell a combination of O (which I dont care for...that must be the honey part I smell), MB Underpants and something rosy. It's a creamy smell. I dont like it enough to try to find a bottle, but will definitely keep my imp

  16. The first 5 minutes of London had me shaking my head thinking it was a "off to the swap pile" imp. But then it transformed into a lovely rosy garden. I'm glad I gave London a chance and didn't wash it off. It needs time to settle.

  17. Wow. ANother amazing scent. I got this as a free sniffie and had to buy an imp from the lab. Might upgrade to a bottle when funds come in :P


    It's the sweetest rose...and it does smell "holy". Lovely, soft and sweet. What more can you ask for?
