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Posts posted by DangerInRed

  1. LXXI (71):


    Oil is clear in the vial. I just got a decant of this, and upon opening it, was blasted with a whiff of...nothing. I couldn't smell anything in the imp, so I had to try it on.


    Once applied, I still couldn't tell what it was for a good minute or so. It smelled kinda familiar, soft, and possibly florally only not strong, overpowering, or very identifiable (rose, violet, jasmine, gardenia). After a bit of thinking, I came to the conclusion that the floral note is probably lily (maybe of the stargazer variety), as my wrist now smells a lot like Haloes. I think there's a soft, powdery amber/vanilla tinge to this as well, and it's quite lovely. Not much Dorian, but I love it and am glad I tried it on!

  2. Ohhh, this is SO not for me. It was very green at first, and just proceeded to get EXTREMELY masculine. If you do not like masculine scents, this is probably not for you. After the initial green, the patchouli comes out (I really dislike patchouli) along with a smattering of other notes that give this a sharp/masculine edge. Maybe it would smell good on a real leprechaun, but not on me!

  3. When I first apply this, it smells similar to Snow White, only heavy of the coconut. It's almost suntan-lotiony, but not quite, more musky and feminine.



    However, when Dia dries down?






    It smells like Voodoo Queen on me!! I wonder if it's the amber + oakmoss + tobacco combo, but once it dried down I could've sworn it was Voodoo Queen I had dabbed on earlier, although it didn't exactly smell like it, it was close enough. So far it seems like maybe it's just me, but I'm quite happy with the blend, as Voodoo Queen is my favorite :)

  4. Ohhh man, this scent is AMAZING. It smells just like I hoped it would! Wet, it is deep, rich mocha-- cocoa and coffe, though heavier on the coffee. As it dries down, it gets creamier but still just as delicious. I don't get any whiskey from Bah, just the chocolate and coffee. I had left one of my Inquisitions up to chance, asking for either one of the Bah Humbug scents. I'm so glad that this was the one I ended up getting!

  5. Mmmm. Well, I got lucky enough to swap for a decant of this, as I am a big fan of Eggnog 2007! Eggnog Latte is pretty light and the coffee mostly disappears on the drydown, sadly. It strays into the "almost plasticky, depending on how you sniff it" realm on me. So, I like it, but thankfully, do not need to be hunting down a full bottle and will relish m y little decant of it!

  6. Yay, Chaos Theory reviews time!


    The two I ordered-


    DCCLXI (761): Starts off grassy and green. Hello freshly mowed lawn! It doesn't last that long though, because after a few minutes of the skin, the grass turns into spearmint with a slight herbally undertone maybe. It's sweet and delicious, but I don't know how often I'd wear it.


    DCCLXII (762): Uh.


    My reaction- What IS that smell? I couldn't figure it out until I begrudgingly tried it on my skin. "Where have I smelled it before?"


    Ohhhh, now I remember. AGNES NUTTER. I think it must be the charred wood/gunpowder note. Not my thing. Shame though, it smells like there's something good and sweet lurking in the background. But I just can't get past the overwhelmingly ick-ness of the gunpowder/charred wood/WHATEVER that terrible note is.



    One I swapped for, prior review here!


    431: In the bottle this smells...fizzy! On, I'm getting a sweet yet dominating citrus. I thought lemon at first, but I think grapefruit is more accurate. Unfortunately, citrus has a tendency to go cleaner-product on me and...yeah. The drydown is much better, but I wanted juicy goodness dammit! It did remind me of the Tiki Bar scents though!

  7. Ohhh boy, this review is just going to show everyone how bad I am at picking out notes, but here it goes.


    These are both decants I received in swaps.


    Chaos Theory XII (12):


    Mm, this is very light! It smells like a creamy and powdery vanilla. I bet something similar to this is used in a lot of popular scents. I think it might be a light amber vanilla musk or something of the sort. It almost reminds me of a note from Snow-flakes or Snow White.


    Previously reviewed by Heavenlyrabbit.


    Chaos Theory CLV (155):


    When I first applied this, I swore it smelled like some kind of creamy fruit. Bananas, I think I decided on first, but wasn't too positive. Now it smells kind of cherry, with an undertone of something plasticky. I can't decide if I like it or not.


    Previously reviewed by slave1.

  8. Mmmm...


    This blend reminds me of both Hungry Ghost Moon and Tamamo-no-Mae. A lot. I think it might be the rice wine/tea/tonka/sandalwood combo? Did HGM have tonka?


    Anyway, both in the bottle and upon application, it's HGM/Tamamo-ish, but still retains its own sense of identity. It isn't grapefruity citrus like HGM or peachy like Tamamo. It's subtle, soft and possibly a bit florally, although that could just be how my nose is interpreting it. It isn't sharp or sneeze-inducing at all! I think it's also the most unisex of the three. I'm glad that I got a bottle of this one!

  9. Hic habitat felicitas! The penis was a potent and popular symbol of good fortune, strength, power, and fertility in ancient Rome. Images of phalluses adorned Roman homes and shops, bringing the positive energy that the symbol represents into the lives of the inhabitants.

    Golden amber, golden musk, litsea cubeba, cedar, and saffron.

    At first sniff, my first thoughts were golden incense. I thought it might have been too incensey for me.

    Once on, Fascinum still smells like a rich golden incense, with a hint of sweetness. For a few minutes, something in it reminded me of Snow Angel (weird)! Also, there's one note that smells a bit out of place...kind of like...babies?

    Uh oh, I think my nose might be borked on that account. Maybe I should try this after a while of not having just washed my hands with Johnson's Baby Soap (don't ask).

    Will update with a second wearing, but for now, incense/resin lovers, this blend is for you!

  10. Honey Mone started off strong green and bitter in the vial. I didn't even want to try it on my skin, but I did.


    Once of, it wasn't quite so bitter, but it was strongly jasmine and honeysuckle (kind of gardenia-y too), with just a hint of honey. Only upon drydown about 2 hours later did the honey come out, and it is still mostly jasmine. I'm not crazy about it, I was hoping it would be more honey and less floral.

  11. In the vial, this smells like it will be a nice frosty berry scent.


    When it goes on my skin, however, the pine really comes out. It is sweetened a bit by the berries, but I do not like the pine.


    If you are a big fan of cold pine scents though, this would be the perfect scent for you!

  12. Mmmm. I wasn't planning on liking this as much as I do.


    It starts off as a sweet coffee, but the coffee mostly disappears on the drydown leaving a woody...tobacco (I think), with a hint of cinnamon. It smells similar to Black Lace almost, but less vanilla.



    I was gonna get rid of my imp, but now I'm having second thoughts...

  13. Black Lace is just on the border between being wonderful and making me sneeze. However, if you are fine with incense blends, then this shouldn't affect you!



    It is sweetened somewhat musky/incensey, with a cool, clean undertone. I liken it to blends like Snake Charmer, but more vanilla-y and less musky. No wonder this is such a hit!

  14. Mmm....I didn't really expect to like this (as I am not much of a woodsy fan) but this is quite nice!



    It's soft and powdery, reminds me of a big warm blanket. I can't really pick out any notes except for some kind of soft musk.



    I think this is definitely a need to try to experience blend, and don't be put off if it's not usually your thing :P

  15. Mmmm, cinnamony. I can definitely smell the almond undertones, which turn kind of sweet cherry on me. It itched a bit around where I applied a tiny, tiny amount, but was not noticibly red.


    This would be good for layering with other scents you want to spice up!

  16. Lady Una definitely reminds me of another oil on me at first, but I can't remember which one!


    When first applied, it's a honeyed vanilla, with just a hint of blackberry sweetness.


    After about 10 minutes, the blackberry is starting to come out a little more. I agree with evilmistressoftoast, it's not really foody per se, more just like sensually sweet. I was expecting it to be more foody, but I like it nonetheless.

  17. On first sniff, this is hazelnutty with a bit of smokiness.


    When first applied, for a few fleeting moments, there is gorgeous hazelnut with a sweet background.


    Alas, the hazelnut fades fairly quickly, and now the honey has come out (almost smells a bit floraly). Not bad, just not as good as it was. Regardless, I think I'll keep the decant and see how often I reach for it.

  18. Mmm, this is creamy white sugary play doh on me! I don't smell any fruitiness AT ALL, and nothing in this seems pink either. This was definitely play doh-y on me for a white, but as it dried down, it turned more sugary-sweet. It's fairly faint, so you may need a heavy hand in applying it if you want it to waft. I'm still unsure about it on me, so I might wear it again and see if it's worth the play doh stage for the drydown.

  19. This scent is oddly familiar. I like it, but it is hard to describe what it smells like. I can definitely smell the grapefruit, and I *think* I can smell the moss and lavender, with just a hint of peppermint. It seems to also have an unexplainable quality that makes me keep sniffing my wrist over and over. Huh.

  20. Ohhh man, this is everything I thought it would be and more! I was hoping it wouldn't smell so delicious on me so I wouldn't covet it, but no such luck.


    The Crumpet Rebellion is true to its name. It really does smell like a delicious crumpet with blackberry jam. I can smell the buttery pastry (no icky butter note, just freshly-baked goodness), the sweet, juicy blackberries and slightly tart currants (I think that's what it is. It almost had a tart citrus note to it). I keep sniffing my wrist, I will be sad when it wears off and I will only be left with the sweet delicious memory.

  21. Wow, this is not what I expected at all and I love it! On me, Shanghai Tunnels smells like a mix between watery, earthy and fresh. It gives me a bit of an Obatala vibe and I wear I smell coconut, although I don't know why. It kind of has a beachy feel, with saltiness and moss, damp earth and sunblock residue. Very nice, I definitely want some of this!

  22. At first whiff, in the bottle and wet, my first reaction was "Eew." There was some sharp note which smelled very bad. I think it was either the Dragon's Blood or one of the florals.


    I think this scent gets better the longer it's on. Thankfully, the horrid note disappeared very soon after application, and it continues to get better on my skin. I don't think the scent is wonderful, but it is nice. If it were easier to get, I'd say decant but not bottle. It has kind of a cinnamon frosting vibe, with definite floral-ness.

  23. Mmm, Lydia is a watery green jasmine. It smells very fresh, realistic and clean, but light (although this might be because I only put on the tiniest amount). I'm not usually fond of storng jasmine, but I wouldn't mind getting my own decant of this, this is nice! The more I sniff my wrist, the more I feel this scent is very classic, unisex but leaning towards feminine. If you're a jasmine or floral lover, you'll love this!


    ETA: It's turning slightly sweet on me as it dries down. Nice!
