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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Sealgair

  1. I got this as a free sniffie from eviltemptressdq - maybe a drop left in it, just enough to give it a try.


    in imp: spicy grass, clean air, rain on dust

    on wet: about the same; ozone, but fruity ozone, not metallic ozone.

    5 minutes: quite fruity, really, almost strawberry.

    15 minutes: on me this turns into strawberry farm: smell of strawberrys in the main, with hay and dust in the background. weird. I'm glad this UBER rare scent isn't me though.

    30 minutes: more hay now, but still strawberry. *shrug* Cool, now I know. Thunderbird isn't for me. *sigh of relief*


    I'm always afraid that the scent that is "THE ONE" to replace my TBS Wood Musk will be something like this - UBER rare and if you can find it, prohibitively expensive. I really should just avoid the LEs altogether. But what if the ONE SCENT is a LE - if I don't try 'em I won't ever find it! *laughs at self*

  2. Whoop, I've been putting reviews of imps on my LJ, but not here. Slaggard! Well, here's a start:


    in bottle: spicy greenness

    wet: irish spring soap? bleh.

    10 minutes: yup, irish spring soap. If this doesn't turn into something better & darker it's going straight to the swap pile.

    30 minutes: it's changing, getting darker, but now I can't get the idea of irish spring soap out of my head. WHAT are the notes supposed to be in this?

    blackest of ritual incenses, ozone.

    Um... what? Okay, Irish Spring=ozone, I get that. but black incense? Where is it? *pout* I'm going to wash.

  3. In the bottle:

    Oohh. The incense notes are right there, very lovely. There's also a metallic something but I don't recognise it as an individual note. Okay, and my brain is for some reason translating the combination of scents into 'cola'.


    on wet:

    woody incense, vanilla now, and the metallic 'cola' scent. Maybe the tiinyest hint of floral? I may have to try this again later, since my brain seems to be stuck on cola, but for now...


    10 minutes in:

    I think amber is the note that seems kinda vanilla-y to me. You know the smell when you step into a new-age shop? The scent of incense that just lingers? I'm getting that plus... still something a little metallic, but not cola any longer.


    20 minutes:

    woody incense floralish with a bite! The 'floral' might be lavender, which would put a bite in there... but I don't really think that. I like this. I sniff my wrist and go MMMmmm and my eye lids droop. Even with the metallic 'bite' this is a langourous scent.


    1 hour:

    the incense is sandalwood/amber/nag champa... or at least that's the best way I have to describe it. This oil doesn't seem to morph much like many of the others do; it's very "faded incense" with that metallic bite that also seems vaguely floral. I like it a lot!



    Also, the seller sent me a freebie goodie: Yogos! (Yogurt covered fruit jellies) Nifty keen! Thanks!

  4. In the bottle:

    Red wine with greens... and juuust a hint of musk/sandalwood


    On wet:

    OooOOo! Green wood, musk, a little bit of wine... nummy so far!


    10 minutes or so...

    amber & ivy combining into a leathery scent... with a background of a greeny sandalwood and wine.


    1 hr-ish:

    Ivy + ambergris = leather, add in a little something else sweetly musky/boozey.


    2 hrs or so:

    it's softening into moss-like greenness. Reminds me of Fort Worth, TX for some reason that has to do with vague memories of my grandfather and old books. I think I'll keep this one!



    2 days later, wearing again:

    mmmnnn! A sharp greenness wafting around a deep woody/leathery base, and yet not treelike. Think ivy and moss growing over a boiled-leather armor-covered skeleton. Sweet and musky and smoky. Less wine now, more ambergris/sandalwood/ivy. I think I need a bottle!

  5. 13 or so years ago (yes, I know!) The Body Shop made a scent called "Wood Musk". It is probably my favourite scent of all time. I'm running very low on the bottle I got in '93 (my 2nd year of college) and hold out hope that BPAL has a scent to match it. To me TBS Wood Musk smells like autumn itself: burning leaves, damp leaf mold & wood smoke.


    Any recommendations?



    I can't stand TBS White Musk.

    Rat King turned powdery on me.

    I have imps of Black Tower, Ulalume, Black Annis, & Nocnitsa (as well as Lightning & Debauchery) on order from the lab.

    I haven't tried BPAL's civet, but another brand of Civet oil smells nummy on me, so don't be afraid to recommend scents with it!

    I don't care for flowery scents, and especially can't stand jasmine.


    Do I need to add any more qualifiers? OH! - I'm willing to hear recommendations for LE scents, but would prefer GC so I don't have the problem I'm having now!

  6. My first review! Won Rat King on Ebay from seller dweebus-e.


    In the bottle:

    musky flower wood? maybe some spice? some chemical/perfumy scent, but of a kind that I like - the chemical/perfume scent of Aspen For Men for example.


    on wet:

    piney flower musk. It's like the musk itself is a floral musk, then there's a wood scent layered under it.



    5-10 minutes later - pencil shavings and dead roses. I like it!


    Dammit! 30 minutes into it, Rat King is turning into Gramma's scented powder!


    1 hour in - Okay, the woods in Rat King are definitely Aspen or Birch, not Pine. I think that's why it reminds me of Aspen For Men. It's morphed back into that scent, with dusty powder thrown in. It's a clean male scent, making me think of a fun-loving outdoorsy 19yo boy/man. Not any one in particualr, mind you, just the general image. It won't be a daily wear for me, that's for sure, but I dunno if I want to swap it either.



    On me this scent is Aspen For Men with a floral dusty powder layer. There's very little musk in this on my skin, unless it's a floral musk. That's dissapointing, but I like the scent anyway.


    On a scale of 1-5 I'd give it a 2.5: not often worn, but not ick enough to swap. :P
