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Posts posted by midnight_aeval

  1. In the vial it's a fizzy, sweet forest. It reminds me somewhat of Bezoar, but not as dry. That must the be opobalsamum. I can't figure out what's causing the fizzy note - maybe the "burst of wild musk"?


    After about 10 minutes into the drydown it reminds me very much of a fizzy Lamia! I always thought the Lamia/Bezoar likeness was because of cardamom, but perhaps the common link is some type of balsam?

  2. Prototype, unreleased, no scent description.


    Just as the cocoa proto (PSX54) wowed me with it's cocoa goodness, this one wowed me with it's VANILLA charm. Seriously, the two of those scents, together, could bring world peace.


    From the bottle I thought I was sniffing straight up vanilla extract right from my baking cabinet. Ted even joked how did I know they didn't bottle vanilla extract :rofl: It's alcoholic without being boozy, there's no 'fizzy' alcohol here. When I tested it on my skin after the event I *knew* there was something so familiar about this scent, but it wasn't until scrappy mentioned it that I knew what it was - Antique Lace!!


    AL is not vanilla at all to me, but this is like Antique Lace amped up with vanilla extract. I wore it to work today and it is STRONG. I love that it doesn't loose that heavy vanilla note that jumped out at me when I opened the bottle.

  3. Prototype, unreleased, no scent description.


    In my mad rush to open and sniff every tester bottle this was the first one that made me go WHOA. From the bottle, cocoa, cocoa, and MORE cocoa.


    Since I didn't skin test any of these, I waited til I was driving home to give it a good run on my skin. After about 5 minutes there was a hint of mocha and a dash of spice. I thought it reminded me of El Dia de los Reyes, but that one only for a split second because it kept morphing into a more glorious cocoa powder scent.


    I'm a huge fan of foodie scents (obsiouly :lol: ) and this is by far the BEST cocoa scent I have smelled to date - hands down!


  4. In the vial and on my skin at first it was WOOD WOOD WOOD. As the scent dried down the rose started to come through and was actually very pleasant. I was sitting in the lobby on my computer and kept wondering what that beautiful scent I kept smelling was - oh yeah, me :blush:


    I was shocked that I didn't get the powder from the amber, but maybe the soapiness I usually get from rose cancelled out the powder I sometimes get from amber? There is a sense of dryness from this blend, but not as dry as Vasillisa.


    I'll need to use up the imp of it before I decide on a bottle, but I'm definitely leaning towards a bottle purchase.

  5. When I opened the vial, Vasilissa screams "PALE". It reminds my of another new scent in the BPAL catalogue - Liz. It's got this sweet, syrupy quality to it that makes me weary of wearing Liz. It is good in small doses, but I wasn't able to wear Liz all day because it's just soooo overpowering. Vasilissa is a total girly scent, no doubts about that!


    Not detecting Jasmine... it is a bit dry (sandalwood and myrrh?). Kinda on the fence about it.

  6. In the vial, this smells like crackers in a snow covered forrest with red berries scattered around. Once it hits my skin the BOOZE note starts to take hold. Not so much the wine, it's more of a fermented note, probably the kvass? There's something in it that reminds my of Gluhwein. I don't get any 'pot roast', but my skin amps any and all booze notes, so it's probably just masked by that.

  7. *This is the officially released version in the GC on 10/4/09*


    The first thing that stood out to me is how pungent I found the scent to be. At first it was soapy, then it became 'dirty'; all moss and pachouli in the drydown. Blends with patchouli that work on me are usually paired with a sweet note, so sadly this one didn't fit the bill. The imagery it brings to mind is very much "Baba Yaga", so while it isn't a scent I could wear, there is no scent-FAIL here!

  8. My favorite, favorite, favorite of the Who Killed Amanda Palmer series! I'd even go so far as to say it's one of my top scents and I wear it, A LOT.


    This is chocolate sex cake batter. :lol: what's sex cake?? I have no idea, but I bet it'd be awesome! I think Beth nailed the batter part of this scent, it is NOT baked goods in any way. I love that it is a lusciously deep cocoa scent, no fake chocolate here. Funny thing is I do get a slight plastic note, but I equate this to the 'filth' part of the scent, like it's cupcake batter all over the linoleum floor. However, the plastic note just makes it better in my opinion.


    I notice I wear this on days that I need to feel loved, it's sort of a comfort scent for me. Maybe I had a lot of chocolate batter memories when I was little :)


    I have multiple bottles of this one and will likely hoard a few more since I seem to use it so much!

  9. Oh Liz... When I sniffed you at the Cobwebs III event and Convergence I couldn't wait to get my hands on you. I'm thinking I didn't skin test you because as I'm wearing you today I feel like you're trying to choke the life out of me with your floral notes. Ack! :cry2:


    I get little to no leather in this one which shocks me because my skin LOVES leather - loves as in amps it, not eats it away. All I smell is a cloying floral perfume that is very, VERY strong. This little girl is not subtle.


    May not swap away quite yet, but she is facing the chopping block soon if she doesn't straighten up.

  10. A freshly mowed teeing ground.

    In the bottle this is freshly mowed grass in the early morning of a summer day.

    On my skin, the scent stays pretty true to what it smelled like in the bottle. It's definitely reminiscent of walking a golf course on an early tee time. So early that the grass is still wet from the morning dew. It also invokes 'quietness', like you're the only person on the course.

    It's a mellow blend and another fun one to get to try.

  11. Dust, decaying fabric, dead leaves, and concrete.

    In the bottle this reminds me of an antique store - you know that old and musty smell? Like long forgotten books, furniture, toys and linens.

    On my skin the earthy, leaf scent comes out. It's amazing how accurate the blend is to a "Leaf-Strewn Couch". The couch is one that has been sitting outside, one off a river bank or something, weathered, old, and possibly not one you'd actually want to sit on.

    Needless to say, it's dead on and really a fun blend to be able to experience.

  12. I don't even think I can do a proper review on this scent... it's like it's unreviewable :P


    When it first arrived I opened up the bottle and got the scent of baby powder, soft, white florals, and possibly a touch of amber. The baby powder is like the generic, every-day use stuff - a la Johnson & Johnson - not the same baby powder note that's been used in other BPAL blends (Stinky, Gladdener of All Hearts).


    I put it on and it is the best 'clean/floral' scent I think I have come across. Being a fan of neither yet finding this blend to be absolutely wearable to me is definitely saying something. The floral is NOT soapy or cloying, and neither is the clean aspect. It's innocent, but with an edge of sophistication/class. It taunts you to come closer, but then shys away and leaves you wondering what that smirk is all about.


    I really love this scent and will use it sparingly for years to come!

  13. In the bottle, Hideous Heart is straight up Luden's Cherry Cough Drops - which are not medicinal in any way, I would eat them year long if I could find them heh


    After I tested some on my hand it kept the strong cherry scent for about 5 seconds before turning to almost-angry cinnamon. I think the licorice root keeps it from going Cinnamon-Red-Hots. In the drydown the cherry comes back, the licorice plays along, and the cinnamon is still front and center. Luckily the cinnamon dulls down as the time passes.


    After about 20 min it hits the magical peak. This is such a unique and beautifully blended scent, I mean, it's 'seamless', if that makes sense. The notes play together so well after about 20 min that you really don't know where one starts and another one ends. I think I like this one the best of the 4, and I know it gets my husband's vote as the favorite.

  14. I recall smelling this at Cobwebs III and thinking it was fantastic for a foody like me! I don't recall skin testing it, but when word got around that Beth said it was "melted ice cream" I knew I'd just have to buy a bottle, completely bypassing the 'testing' part of the experience.


    Yesterday at the Dark Delicacies event I did the whole "set it, and forget it!" thing. About an 45 min into being there I smelled it and the drydown was very similar to a prototype I have, PPGC92. Since I can now smell them side by side, in the bottle they aren't very similar with PPGC92 having a strong cake note. If DP is the melty ice cream, PPGC92 is one of those ice cream cakes you get from Baskin-Robbins, or a cake gone soggy BY the melty ice cream.


    In the bottle, DP smells of very generic vanilla and cream, reminds me of Love's Philosophy (ok, from what I remember of it... it didn't quite work on me). Now that I brought it home with me I can actually skin test it for real - wet it's sorta plasticy. Well, this is no good at all! As time goes by the plasticy vibe fades although it's a bit slow to completely disappear.


    As we were driving home last night we stopped at Wendy's where I had a vanilla frosty with M&M's. I tried to connect if the frosty tasted like DP smelled and I think my conclusion was it was pretty close. This scent is much more of the soft-serve variety than the homemade kind inundated with heavy cream.

  15. I can't believe I potentially [stole the bottle from my husband and] sold Count Dracula!


    Out of all the Order of the Dragon scents, this is the only one that was kept. It has sat on my husband's shelf since 2006 and I finally got him to use it this past Sunday in honor of Vampire-Con hehe (I, however, didn't have a vampire scent to wear, so I choose Red Rose which complemented this scent SO well; must have been the clove).


    As such, this is a review from what I smelled on my husband; firstly, the throw on this was HUGE. He is not a slatherer like me, but the minute he put this one on I could smell it all the way across the house. And it followed him wherever he went.. I think I was tailing him and drooling as a matter of fact :P


    The leather and cloves were most dominant and since those are his two favorite notes, I'm betting this will play a close second to Western Diamondback with the most wear time. This has only gotten better with age! I told him that if he thought Spanked was slightly too girly, that Count Dracula was a manned-up version of it. The black musk is not as present as, say, Haunted, but it really ties the leather, clove, and patchouli together nicely.


    Sadly, we have but this one bottle. :cry2:

  16. There is definitely a GV@RB vibe with Osiris v4. I'm wondering if it's the teak and cream accord combo working it's magic in this one. However, it is a tad 'darker' than GV@RB and I believe I detect some earthy patchouli a la Schwarzer Mond. It's almost like this is meant to be a slightly masculine version of GV@RB.

  17. I swapped for this one even though I was at the 2nd Cobwebs - it wasn't one that jumped out at me from the testers and from sniffing the bottle I remember why! It's very dry, a tad sweet, and a lot dusty. It reminds me of a bottled up parchment note complete with a bit of a beeswax candle drippings from some occult book. When it goes on my skin the sweetness vanishes and I get the same dusty tomes note I pick up from Misk U, and unfortunately that is exactly why Misk U and I don't get along much. It's beautifully blended, invokes strong imagery, but over all too dusty/dry/waxy for me. Not sweet enough for this crazed confectionary lover ;)

  18. For the record, the dog on the Stinky label is Brian's best buddy Granite. Ted and I were babysitting him one day, and when we came home, there was trash all over the house and a teenage German Shepherd sitting in the middle of it...


    ... with a face that was as innocent as could be...


    ... sporting a garbage can lid plopped over his neck.


    The label is the photo evidence. ;)


    :rofl: Too cute! (ok, but I'm sure at first it was really irritating)

  19. No scent description available.


    I saw 3 of the other scents with threads, but not this one yet..


    At DD on Friday Beth mentioned this blend was "milk and herbs", so I went into this knowing sort of what I'd be getting... I almost knew this would not be a scent I would keep because Milk/Custard Notes = BAD SOUR EW on me. Neither Milk Moons, Egg'd Mailbox, nor Nonae Caprotina work with my picky skin chemistry.


    From the bottle it's straight up fresh milk and sweetened herbs; reminds me of a farm you read about in a book like in Amish country or something. Since everyone knows farms and dairies don't really smell that great. :ack:


    As it dried down I was picking up something slightly salty, aquatic almost. Like sea-spray. The most shocking thing here is the milk did NOT go sour at all. It was actually pleasant.


    Now I'm completely confused because I actually like this one!


    Here's a link to a small story behind the phantom cow: http://www.weirdca.com/location.php?location=159


    ETA: Oh! I know what this is reminding me of: http://www.amazon.com/Kasugai-Japanese-Can...e/dp/B000EZURQS

    Kasugai Milk No Kuni. I got them in a swap package one time and liked them so much I bought a couple bags online.

  20. My decant only had a tiny, tiny bit of brown sludge at the bottom and I spent about 2 minutes shaking it around. I might have to break down and get a bottle so I can get a true test of this scent.


    Something in this reminds me of Christmas.. maybe I'm associating the corn smell with tamales and a faint cocoa smell with mole. It is pretty spicey, but there's a fermenting-fruit note to it as well when it dries down (obviously the agave wine). This wine note is really strong with my chemistry. Don't you hate it how your least favorite notes seem to come out in full force??


    After 30 min I'm left with really hot cinnamon and wine.

